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Conservative, Obviously


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im sure i'm not the only one who notices. there's often conservative hard cores who always think things are "clearly" this "obviously" that. and if you disagree, then you are "clearly" irrational. why do you think these people are that way? do they not understand nuance sometimes?
often they're right, but surely not all the time.

take scalia for example. he's one of my favorites but he's the epitome of this sort of person.

[quote]Scalia's outspoken advocacy has alienated and at times offended some of his colleagues. Once, after a long tirade concluding that affirmative action constituted the most evil fruit of a fundamentally bad seed, a slightly offended Sandra Day O'Connor expressed her displeasure with the comment: "But, Nino, if it weren't for affirmative action, I wouldn't be here." Scalia's habit of using rhetorical extremes--for example, labeling a colleague's refusal to agree with him as "perverse" and "irrational"--has also hurt his relations with fellow justices[/quote]

not sure of the specifics here. but, o'conner might have had all the requirements to rise up to justice. affirmative action then might not have been reverse discrimination, but instead helped her out given discrimination. it's not always reverse discrimination, but i wonder if scalia truly recognizes that. of if he does, if it's more than just a theory that he brushes off even if true.

so why do you think such mind sets exist? it's an interesting phenomenon.
i suppose for the same reasons that liberal obviouslys exist. and people like me who take the middle view too much exist. but their aggression and self confidence sure is a specticle.

i don't mind take shots at this character. but look at catholic fanatic. a conservative obviouslyist if there ever was one, obviously.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Fidei Defensor

I don't know about everyone else, but I make mistakes and I don't know everything. I wish some people would also admit this to themselves.

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Usually the older you get, and the more life you have experienced, the more moderate you become, or at the least, you stop using all or nothing language. There are exceptions. Curmudgeons have always been with us. Fundamentalism (of any kind), and people who only see the world in extremes of black and white with no room for gray (or purple), are the ones that are causing most of the strife on the planet right now. They will have the biggest surprise when the cross over.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1407421' date='Oct 22 2007, 07:31 PM']Usually the older you get, and the more life you have experienced, the more moderate you become, or at the least, you stop using all or nothing language. There are exceptions. Curmudgeons have always been with us. Fundamentalism (of any kind), and people who only see the world in extremes of black and white with no room for gray (or purple), are the ones that are causing most of the strife on the planet right now. They will have the biggest surprise when the cross over.[/quote]May I play the contrarian?

[url="http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/matthew/matthew12.htm#v30"]Matthew 12:30[/url]"[quote]Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.[/quote]Should we expect that an older Jesus would have moderated His language?

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this is a rhetorical thread by its nature, so i expect contrarians.
prob not too many obviously conservatives though... considering i just pointed them out and they'd be showing themselves when it's most clear.

the essense as always is that sometimes that attitude is correct and sometimes not. the problem is whether it's placed right or not. or if it's placed all the time it's prob not right.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1407415' date='Oct 22 2007, 05:22 PM']im sure i'm not the only one who notices. there's often conservative hard cores who always think things are "clearly" this "obviously" that. and if you disagree, then you are "clearly" irrational. why do you think these people are that way? do they not understand nuance sometimes?
often they're right, but surely not all the time.

take scalia for example. he's one of my favorites but he's the epitome of this sort of person.
not sure of the specifics here. but, o'conner might have had all the requirements to rise up to justice. affirmative action then might not have been reverse discrimination, but instead helped her out given discrimination. it's not always reverse discrimination, but i wonder if scalia truly recognizes that. of if he does, if it's more than just a theory that he brushes off even if true.

so why do you think such mind sets exist? it's an interesting phenomenon.
i suppose for the same reasons that liberal obviouslys exist. and people like me who take the middle view too much exist. but their aggression and self confidence sure is a specticle.

i don't mind take shots at this character. but look at catholic fanatic. a conservative obviouslyist if there ever was one, obviously.[/quote]
Justice Scalia's awesome.
Since the person you quote doesn't quote anything Scalia actually said, there's not much proven here.

And liberals tend to dismiss conservatives as "fascists" or "bigots" without actually engaging their arguments. I don't see anything unique to conservatism being discussed here.

But that rascal Catholic Fanatic - how do you tolerate him, Dairy??!!
I'd like to see him have a one-on-one debate with nogodbutallah. Perhaps you could arrange it?

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People shouldn't argue something unless they think they are right.

To argue something when we think we might be wrong is pure stupidity. This wastes the time of all parties involved.

We're on the Internet... everyone here can spend ten to fifteen minutes reading the main points of all sides of an arguement before posting an uneducated opinion... they can get educated on it... so there is no excuse for gross ignorance on a debate board. Granted, if some information is burried, it's understandable, but for some very popular topics, no excuse to be ignorant and try to argue.

People do have a responsibility to educate themselves and actually reason about a topic.

I've seen too many people on message boards going off half cocked with an empty gun.

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