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Another Irrelevent Update On My Discernment

Deus te Amat

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God bless you! I will pray for you! Have you talked to the vocations directress at Nashville? Don't forget it also depends on them whether you CAN enter out of high school. (I wouldn't have minded entering somewhere out of high school... and had a sort of desperate hope too of doing it between sophomore & junior year but it didn't work out that way so I will probably enter somewhere after graduation. BUT Don't let your parents or anyone discourage you from communicating with convents, if you do find somewhere that will accept you out of high school, and you visit and you think that is it, I would go. (Apparently the SMMEs also have a lot of girls out of high school, more than Nashville someone told me.) Good luck DtA!

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Hey Eda, all I can say is keep praying and be open to whatever God has for you. I'm basically in the same exact boat you're in right now when it comes to vocations (except I wouldn't become a nun, obviously), so other than be open to God, pray, and if you don't already perhaps try and get a spiritual director, I've got nothing. I'll be praying for your discernment, though!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors!

Your Brother in Christ,


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Good girl, DtA:

It does get confusing sometimes, doesn't it?I will continue to pray for your vocational discernment.

-your affectionate old fool of an older friend :)

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Alot has happened since i last posted in here... alot.

the main point is that i talked to my mom about a possible vocation to the religious life.

it didn't go as [i]bad[/i] as i expected..... i still have to explain some things to her. basically... i am requesting your prayers. Today's mass.... the second reading seemed to be spoken directly to my heart, and the songs we played "I have loved you" "Someone's knockin' at your door" (ick i know, but God is good anyway) "Be the Centre" "Pass me not"... It was as if God was standing right there next to me Calling me to Him. All i have to do is let Him in.....

2 Thesselonians...
"We always pray for you,
that our God may make you worthy of his calling
and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose
and every effort of faith,
that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you,
and you in him..."

I'm going to ask her to let me go to a Come and See weekend.... if i dont feel at peace in Nashville I will go to college and experience the "Total College Experience"

I have ten months and alot of growing up to do.

God bless and Mary protect

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Yes, you do have a lot of maturing still to do. Mind youyou are a mature 17 year old already. I think a "Come and See" weekend would be great for you. As always, you can talk with me on AIM whenever you see me online :)

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I know. I am comfortably ensconced in middle age. "affectionate middle-aged fool" doesn't roll off the tongue quite so well ;)

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Just for what it's worth worth, Mr. Old Man, I love the Benedictines. This non-Catholic knucklehead may eventually investigate becoming an oblate. Nous sommes voir.

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[quote name='Nadezhda' post='1414365' date='Nov 5 2007, 03:09 AM']Just for what it's worth worth, Mr. Old Man, I love the Benedictines. This non-Catholic knucklehead may eventually investigate becoming an oblate. Nous sommes voir.[/quote]

Hint: if you start participating in RCIA now you will be in good time for reception at next year's Easter Vigil. :whistle:

Reception into the Church, that is, not the Benedictines specifically. One thing at a time.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1414790' date='Nov 5 2007, 12:36 PM']Hint: if you start participating in RCIA now you will be in good time for reception at next year's Easter Vigil. :whistle:

Reception into the Church, that is, not the Benedictines specifically. One thing at a time.[/quote]

Or you could come to Devon, so Catholic Anonymous and I can throw you in the Exe, and baptise you as soon as you're in what can be considered mortal peril. Then we'll do a slow-motion Baywatch-run (in modest clothing, of course), get you out, and cart you right over to Buckfast Abbey! Whole process should take ten minutes, tops.

(Okay, and now I'm going to give up on sugar :) )

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:lol: I think I'd rather go to Cheshire, be plopped in the Dee, and then go to Curzon Park if it's all the same. Thanks for the info. But seriously, I don't want to hijack. Ready, set, back on topic!
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hey, this is my first time posting on this site. I was so excited when I found it! Thats so neat that u want to enter right after highschool! I was thinking about doing that to, but a Sister told me i should go to college first. My dad isnt catholic,so i know partly how u feel. My mom is pretty supportive though. When I visited some nuns for a week the one thing that helped my dad feel ok about it was that the sisters took care of neglected children, so my time thre was more like a volunteering thing that anyone might do. Well, I guess it must be a lot harder for u because you have two parents like that..........Well ttyl, God Bless!

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