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Another Irrelevent Update On My Discernment

Deus te Amat

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I attended a retreat this weekend. There were five sisters there, three nashville dominicans and two CFRs. it was just BEAUTIFUL. They were so full of joy and love and ahhhhhhh they just wanted to bring these young people closer to God. It was inspiring. They made me happy.

This weekened,,... i got the feeling that the retreat wasnt for me, but rather i had to sacrifice myself and time and prayers for the young people attending,... I did so , the best that i could, giving all my prayers up for them. The changes in their faces from the first day to the last... it was... WOW. Again, i was extremely inspired and thankful to God for allowing me to see those Graces at work and allowing me to pray for that to happen.

Anyway, I spent lots of time talking to all of the sisters.... I love them so dearly...

Making a long story short and confusing..... I think God is wanting me to enter directly after high school... which contradicts all of MY plans and hopes and..... yeah. Prayers PLEASE! idk how i'm going to bring this up to my mother.... i was thinking that a few years of college might change her heart and make her open up a little.... but this means i might just have 10 months to do EVERYTHING ....

so i think i'm going to finish my college applications, to show her that i'm serious about college, and then bring up the topic... it would be the first time we've ever directly talked about it... I'll see if she'll let me go on a vocations retreat or something out in Nashville.. as i feel God might be calling me there

I also asked my parents today if they would start going to mass again, they said they had been talking about it..... so i guess we'll see.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this topic, which probably doesnt even make much sense, but i just wanted to get this out there.. for prayers

oh, three of my mom's aunts entered the convent right after college, all three left. Mom says "How can you give up life when you've never experienced life" ... i thought she had a point... but she wants me to date, and i dont feel God wants me to date... long story. but she always brings up her aunts when she tells me that i have to "experience life" and "have some fun every once in awhile"

I most enjoy myself at church or leading others to Him... I dont think she understands that...

/ end rant

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[quote name='Deus_te_Amat' post='1406645' date='Oct 21 2007, 03:02 PM']"How can you give up life when you've never experienced life" ... i thought she had a point... but she wants me to date, and i dont feel God wants me to date... long story. but she always brings up her aunts when she tells me that i have to "experience life" and "have some fun every once in awhile"
I most enjoy myself at church or leading others to Him... I dont think she understands that...
/ end rant[/quote]

As a person who has lived the religious life, and was lead to the married vocation (everything was kosher), I'd like to make 2 little comments:

1. The "giving up life" thing is a little ridiculous. You're not going to be giving up anything that great, and you'll be getting something amazing. You WON'T miss out on any fun if you enter a convent, trust me.

2. Experiencing life is a different issue. I believe God sent me to live the religious life for a time, and to be healed and blessed and formed in a great way. That actually prepared me well for marriage, in many ways. So for you, don't be impatient with God. Perhaps He wants you to go to the convent very soon; but maybe He wants you to learn and live through some experiences He has lined up outside the convent first, in order to mold you and equip you. God is with you in or out of the convent, always forming you, always pouring down blessings for you in the present. Make sure you are open to learning from all the experiences.

That's all. Sorry to go on. Although I don't know you, I'm very excited for you. You are aware of God's will and His movement in your life at a very young age--you'll have many adventures with Him. God bless you!

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I don't think you are ranting, but trying to sort out things. You are going to have to understand your Mom and her reasons are very valid. I am not in favor of anyone entering a convent until they have life experience. There are certain things you need to experience and quite frankly to grow up. You will do a lot of growing between the ages of 17 ad 21. I know the trend today is for many to enter after high school, but I don't understand the hurry. A year or two of college would be invaluable.
You will get your answers over the next few months and years. My prayers will join yours.

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[quote name='theophane' post='1406732' date='Oct 21 2007, 06:19 PM']As a person who has lived the religious life, and was lead to the married vocation (everything was kosher), I'd like to make 2 little comments:

1. The "giving up life" thing is a little ridiculous. You're not going to be giving up anything that great, and you'll be getting something amazing. You WON'T miss out on any fun if you enter a convent, trust me.

2. Experiencing life is a different issue. I believe God sent me to live the religious life for a time, and to be healed and blessed and formed in a great way. That actually prepared me well for marriage, in many ways. So for you, don't be impatient with God. Perhaps He wants you to go to the convent very soon; but maybe He wants you to learn and live through some experiences He has lined up outside the convent first, in order to mold you and equip you. God is with you in or out of the convent, always forming you, always pouring down blessings for you in the present. Make sure you are open to learning from all the experiences.

That's all. Sorry to go on. Although I don't know you, I'm very excited for you. You are aware of God's will and His movement in your life at a very young age--you'll have many adventures with Him. God bless you![/quote]

1. I know!!! I cant imagine anything more wonderful than giving my EVERYTHING to God!! Material things are pointless... God gives us way more than anything else can,.. more than we can ever imagine.

2. That is one of my fears right now.... that this desire to be Holy within me truly isn't God's will. I'm afraid that if i do enter, but then leave, mom will say "I told you so" and i'll never hear the end of it. But then i remember that He has a plan, and if that is what He means for me, then so be it.

Thank you so much for your experience and openness...

[quote name='alicemary' post='1406734' date='Oct 21 2007, 06:21 PM']I don't think you are ranting, but trying to sort out things. You are going to have to understand your Mom and her reasons are very valid. I am not in favor of anyone entering a convent until they have life experience. There are certain things you need to experience and quite frankly to grow up. You will do a lot of growing between the ages of 17 ad 21. I know the trend today is for many to enter after high school, but I don't understand the hurry. A year or two of college would be invaluable.
You will get your answers over the next few months and years. My prayers will join yours.

Thank you AliceMary, for your reply and prayers

Before yesterday, i was looking forward immensly to college, thinking it His will for me to go, knowing that would need the time of growth in maturity before entering. All of my life i have been preparing FOR college. It would be the ultimate sacrifice for me at this point... to give up my ACT score, my hard work for my GPA over the years, etc. Its not a waste, never a waste... but......

Anyway, i'm going to keep praying about this. There is just that certainty... but there is also great fear of closing the chapter of my life that i've always looked forward to , and opening a new one at such a young age

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1406735' date='Oct 21 2007, 06:21 PM']God bless you and keep you as you discern. :)[/quote]

Thank you! :))

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My dear friend DtA, I am still going to be praying for your discernment, as I have been doing for weeks now. Keep in mind that if you do join the Nashville Dominicans they will probably want to send you off to get a teaching degree eventually anyway. So good marks now and a good SAT score will stand youin good stead then.

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I was wondering when i was going to get your reply :)

All Nashville Dominicans get their teaching degree... oftentimes the get a Masters in Theology and another secular subject as well. So yes, i would get schooling, and the AP testing wouldnt go entirely to waste.

i'm just confused at the moment, and in need of prayers.... Thank you my friend

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DtA, though I'm not discerning my vocation right now (I have enough on my plate trying to keep both feet in Rome's doorway!), I empathise with your wanting to live totally for God. I'm there, too. I also know how parents can have a lot of misunderstandings that cause some heartache. I'm there, too. :hugs:

I'll be praying for you; would you do the same for me?

(And as a random note--gosh, you're a year younger than I am, but your faith is a lot more mature. :) I admire that. Good luck to you!)

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[i]Almost [/i]the same thing is happening with me, but a little different. I'm not sure what order I'm called to but I have a strong desire to enter religous life. My parents hate the idea, even though I've never directly talked about it. Anyway, I'll keep you in my prayers.

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Sister Rose Therese

I think you have to go where God call's you when God calls you. If after examening yourself carefully, and getting good direction from the superior and your spiritual director you still think He wants you to enter after High School, do it. We have to have faith in God to take care of other matters.
I wouldn't want to let fears of what your mother might say or think if you left prevent you. And while there may be things in life you may miss if you enter now, there also may be things in life you may miss if you don't.
God bless you and guide you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay.... so uh... Now i dont feel my call at all.... and keep thinking of Marriage :blink: God is soooo funny sometimes..... My faith is being tested

and i know what you're thinking. Dont worry, the call will come back, it always has, i just have to keep praying and not let my doubt get the best of me.

Edited by Deus_te_Amat
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Be gentle with yourself. You are still very young, stop putting so much pressure on you. If you are truly called, Jesus will guide you. It is normal and natural to think about marriage, your heart is full of love to give. So don't fret. Pray, but keep exploring all lifestyles.

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