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Hey Steubie Barons


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How do you reconcile paying $25,000 a year in tution alone to attend FUS when there is a ghetto at the bottom of the hill?

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[quote name='S][N' post='1405394' date='Oct 19 2007, 12:14 PM']
Feline Urologic Syndrome = FUS?[/quote]

No, it's actually Franciscan University of Stuebenville, (Ohio)

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1. I think you should re-phrase the question "Why spend 25K/year when there is a ghetto anywhere?"
Who cares if it is at the bottom of the hill or the top of my butt-crack?

2. Financial aid helps a lot. From what I've heard, the costlier the school the more the help. I'm not saying that is always the case, but an old friend got accepted to 4 colleges and his tuition would have been the same at each of them thanks to the miracle of financial aid.

3. People see FUS as useful towards salvation.

4. Also for benefits in this lifetime that other schools couldn't provide.

5. It's their money and they can do whatever they want with it.

6. It does not mean that they are not generous in giving. If they go to FUS, they are probably more generous in giving than the average person.

7. Some of those ghetto-dwellers are there for their own mistakes.

8. Some of those ghetto-dwellers like where they live.

9. Some of those ghetto-dwellers are going to make it on their own.

10. Spending always has benefits passed-on in the economy. School employees get money with which they buy food. The construction company gets paid a lot. Food and books are bought from companies that pay their employees money with which they buy food. On and on.

Personally, I wouldn't pay that much to go anywhere. I even regret going to college period. That's just me.

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If that's the price that I have to pay for good Catholic education, living with Franciscan friars, and a campus with perpetual adoration and mass celebrated in the same building that I live in, and security for perpetual adoration because someone tried to break the tabernacle over the summer while students weren't here, then that's what I'll pay.

what would you suggest?

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P.S. The school didn't cause the ghetto, it was caused by the rise and fall of the steel industry here. And the fact that Steubenville basicly has the lowest cost-of-living in the United States, so I'm told.

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I'm going there in january and i'm offended by this question. I'm going to be receiving a lot of financial aid, but even if i wasnt, my family and i donate a ton of money to charities and i spend all the time i can serving the poor. I'm majoring in social work so that i can help those "in the ghetto" as you like to say it. The school has many ministries to help those who are in unfortunate situations. If i have to pay that much to be in an incredible catholic environment with everything hashbrowns pointed out, then i will.

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And also why the school charging so much when the rest of the town is basicly a slum? Rather then spending 25K on Education, 'useful towards Salvation'- why would you help those less fortunate in Steubenville?

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[quote name='XIX' post='1405505' date='Oct 19 2007, 02:35 PM']The school needs the money to keep itself running.[/quote]

It is supposed to be staff by religious correct? They take a vow of proverty

[quote]The tuition pays for itself if you graduate and get a good job.[/quote]

State school, which is about half the cost, does the same.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1405498' date='Oct 19 2007, 12:22 PM']And also why the school charging so much when the rest of the town is basicly a slum? Rather then spending 25K on Education, 'useful towards Salvation'- why would you help those less fortunate in Steubenville?[/quote]
do you think they are going to provide an education for free?

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Thy Geekdom Come

Because it allows us to get training so we can preach to those in the ghetto.

You think we like the tuition? Go ask the administration how they can justify charging us that much.

By the way, I lived in the ghetto at the bottom of the hill.

Anyway, to clear up a few misconceptions:

1. The school is run by religious, not staffed by them. Most of the employees are lay men and women.

2. Those who pay those prices often become poor doing so. I have $20,000 in student loans to pay off and I make only $24,000 per year. I'm also paying for a wedding. Somewhere in judging all that out, I decided that doing the work of catechesis is worth being poor. I would love for it to have been free, but there really wasn't another school of the same quality in that field this side of the Atlantic Ocean (the nearest other one is the Maryvale Institute in the UK).

Please don't take this out on us.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1405508' date='Oct 19 2007, 03:40 PM']It is supposed to be staff by religious correct? They take a vow of proverty
State school, which is about half the cost, does the same.[/quote]
Actually, much of the administration (from what I know) is composed of lay people. But that is besides the point. The 25,000 is put back into the school to cover expenses that they have to incur in order to keep the school running. It's not like it's all being put into an account for the nuns to buy lots of bling bling. You need money to run a school, or a business, or even a non-profit.

State schools are just as expensive as other schools. It's just that we pay in taxes, not just tuition. But they require just as much money as private schools.

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