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Birth Control


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[i]"Rock was profoundly disappointed by the 1968 release of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which categorized oral contraceptives as immoral along with all other artificial methods of birth control"[/i]

Man, I would be disappointed too. Kind of ironic, really, all the stuff he was involved in even though he was a regular Sunday Catholic. It just goes to show that even regular mass goers can be influenced by the devil.

I wonder if he would have fed those pills to his 11 year old daughter.

Edited by EstoVir_TheWay_4
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i'm so mad about this for several reasons.

1. so, okay, we're sterilizing our children at younger and younger of ages. yay! <_<

2. do we really think that kids that young are going to follow all the medical advice while taking the pill: i.e. no smoking, etc.? especially if they are not under the care of a responsible adult? smoking while on the pill can lead to blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, etc.

3. so a school can't give children aspirin or other medication without written or oral parental consent, but we can give them doses of hormonal drugs? same thing with abortion - a minor cannot undergo surgery without parental consent except for abortion. yay choice! <_<

4. contraception wasn't invented to prevent pregnancy - it was invented to indulge our desires without consequences (i.e. children). it was invented so that we would not have to control ourselves. so we are teaching our children that you do not need self-control. no wonder we have such a high obesity factor in children nowadays. :rolleyes: if it's okay to have sex whenever you want however you want. and it's okay to stuff your face all the dang time!

there's more, but i'm mad!

Edited by Lil Red
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another thing, do we really think that having young girls starting the pill at such a young age won't have an effect on them? especially if they continue on the pill for 8, 9, 10 or more years? we really don't think the hormones will have an effect, especially when the girls are still developing? :rolleyes: gimme a break.

if this trend continues, i foresee a definite spike in fertility troubles and breast cancer troubles in about 20-30 years.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1404834' date='Oct 18 2007, 01:11 PM']i'm so mad about this for several reasons.

1. so, okay, we're sterilizing our children at younger and younger of ages. yay! <_<

2. do we really think that kids that young are going to follow all the medical advice while taking the pill: i.e. no smoking, etc.? especially if they are not under the care of a responsible adult? smoking while on the pill can lead to blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, etc.

3. so a school can't give children aspirin or other medication without written or oral parental consent, but we can give them doses of hormonal drugs? same thing with abortion - a minor cannot undergo surgery without parental consent except for abortion. yay choice! <_<

4. contraception wasn't invented to prevent pregnancy - it was invented to indulge our desires without consequences (i.e. children). it was invented so that we would not have to control ourselves. so we are teaching our children that you do not need self-control. no wonder we have such a high obesity factor in children nowadays. :rolleyes: if it's okay to have sex whenever you want however you want, then it's okay to stuff your face all the dang time!

there's more, but i'm mad![/quote]


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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Lil Red' post='1404847' date='Oct 18 2007, 06:34 PM']another thing, do we really think that having young girls starting the pill at such a young age won't have an effect on them? especially if they continue on the pill for 8, 9, 10 or more years? we really don't think the hormones will have an effect, especially when the girls are still developing? :rolleyes: gimme a break.

if this trend continues, i foresee a definite spike in fertility troubles and breast cancer troubles in about 20-30 years.[/quote]

Exactly. I can't even begin to say how angry I am when I think about how my doctor put me on the pill at 16, and I was on it for 8 years. At 16 I didn't know enough to question the doctor, so of course an 11-yr-old won't. Coming off the pill was horrendous, because my body no longer knew what to do with its own hormones (thankfully it didn't have a long-time effect on my fertility, as being 33 weeks pregnant proves :) ), but there were enough unpleasant effects on my body. And that's a good point about them still developing; girls that age are just hitting puberty, so I don't see how it [i]wouldn[/i]'t have an effect on them, even more than using the pill a bit later, perhaps.

And Red, I second your list of things in the previous post, too.

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hyperdulia again

Well it's syill true. Imagine, a young girl with no contraceptives. What will happen to her? She will go through life uncontracepted and stuff.

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1404246' date='Oct 17 2007, 01:35 PM']<sarcasm>But all girls should be on birth control pills when they're adolescents. It helps fight acne, so it's bound to boost their self-esteem!</sarcasm>[/quote]

Here's a thought.

And I'm sorry, in advance, if this offends anyone. Just musing...

What if God gave pre-teens and teenagers acne so we'd be self-conscious and NOT have sex? I mean, if everyone had big-ole zits on they're faces, perhaps we wouldn't be so close and hot and heavy and what not.

Could be, right?

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Me mum brought up a good point about this earlier, which some one else already brought up, but I'll mention it again.

If a teacher is caught giving a student, even if that student has a migraine headache, even one Tylenol, they can lose their job. It is highly illegal. But, for some reason, birth control pills don't apply to this? That makes no sense.

side note - it was cool for everyone in my geometry class, cuz my mom was the teacher. If someone had a headache, they'd ask for Tylenol, she'd say no, and I'd get up and go boost it from her desk. :)

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Farsight one' post='1405231' date='Oct 19 2007, 07:15 AM']Me mum brought up a good point about this earlier, which some one else already brought up, but I'll mention it again.

If a teacher is caught giving a student, even if that student has a migraine headache, even one Tylenol, they can lose their job. It is highly illegal. But, for some reason, birth control pills don't apply to this? That makes no sense.

side note - it was cool for everyone in my geometry class, cuz my mom was the teacher. If someone had a headache, they'd ask for Tylenol, she'd say no, and I'd get up and go boost it from her desk. :)[/quote]

It's true. When I was teaching I'd have students asking me for a tylenol or something, and couldn't give them anything. I couldn't let them have their own meds in the room, but had to make them check it in with the school nurse.

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I'm sick and tired of kids being a football kicked around between parents and kids in some type of power game. The lack of respect by the schools of parental authority is sickening. It's like they are trying to "push the envelope" in seeing how far they can intrude on parental authority. How long before the schools are going to be setting up Hitler-youth type programs where the kids will be turning the parents in to the Gestapo thought police for not toeing the PC line? How long before "the kids belong to the state"?

One example: recently in Chicago, a school decided that "Chocolate Wars" would be required reading for either sixth or seventh graders in a SW side school (for those who don't know Chicago demographics, this is a traditionally staunchly Catholic part of the city). Now, I never read the book, but it supposedly has some vulgar sexual references in it, and parents did not like the idea of younger kids overhearing the older kids talk about it. The principal's reaction was that if the parents prevented their kids from reading the book, the kids would be penalized grade-wise.

Additionally, with all the effort given to birth control pills, how much more serious problems are being ignored, like reporting TRUE instances of child abuse to DCFS or stopping schoolyard bullying?

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It will be when parents start acting like parents. There are few good, ideal homes hat kids come from anymore. Most parents expect the school to raise their kids, they don't dicipline, they don't care. There are more abused kids than ever, but parents are hiding it better. There are more below the povety line, more single parent households, more domestic violence. Can you really blame the school for trying to prevent things as they see best?

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