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Are You Ready For God's Judgement On All Religions And Governments


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[quote name='GodChaser' post='1402627' date='Oct 14 2007, 11:34 PM']So, unless the newspaper is misquoting him, where do you get off saying I am lying. . .[/quote]Unlike you, I actually use quotes. Here is where I get off saying you are lying:[quote name='Mateo el Feo']You've attempted to characterize the current pope as someone who is out to condemn people to hell, yet you can't quote him directly.[/quote]I want you to support this accusation of yours that the pope is condemning people to hell.

[quote name='GodChaser' post='1402627' date='Oct 14 2007, 11:34 PM']These are people who are saying, you need to safeguard the creation by fighting global warming. Or am I wrong? If the Pope is saying it, doesn't that make you obligated in doing that?[/quote]Obliging me to do what exactly?

[quote name='GodChaser' post='1402627' date='Oct 14 2007, 11:34 PM']If you can't see the writting on the wall, I shall weep for you. I shall weep and lament the lies that have taken hold in your mind.[/quote]In the hope of an averted weeping, I'll ask, "What lies have I taken hold of?"

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[quote name='Deo Iuvente' post='1402653' date='Oct 14 2007, 09:54 PM']No, if the pope is saying it it DOES NOT mean that we are obligated to obey, or believe, hence [url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05677a.htm"]Ex Cathedra.[/url] I've said it before, not every teaching of the pope fall under papal infallibility.[/quote]
I didn't know that. Thanks for that info. That means it will be easier to work with you than I thought. I am glad that is doctrine in your church. It gives you some breathing room. I really should read up on Catholicism though, even to understand what you believe, even if I don't.

Okay, I will appologize. The Catholic Doctrine gives you enough room to fight the evil of the world, the real evil in the world. The continuance of people who will lie to make you do what they want. Remember, the bible says those who loveth and belieth a lie shall be put into the burning lake of fire. If you can see the lies of global warming, and say, no, then you can be one of those who say, I don't believe you you piece of filithy scum. The people who advocate the one-child policy, which would only lead to millions of abortions and deaths of children, are filithy scum, and I love nothing more than showing their evil.

I will be making a video, which documents all the attacks on Christianity, including Catholicism, why they aren't true, and couldn't possibly be true, and to generally become more responsible for your life. I will only live a life where the only authority is God directing my instincts on what is right and wrong. Do you want to know where he talks to my instincts, in my belly.

Out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water. If you hear something like, it's a good idea to put up survailience camera's and your first response in your stomach is disgust, and the first thought in your mind is, what are these people thinking you can bet it is God talking to you.

You are a new convert to catholicism, and it is good to see you give your life and heart to God. I have been serving God for about 9 years now. If I could give you one piece of advice it is, stay soft, and take responsibility for your walk with God. Don't just listen to a priest, but search out the scriptures, and pray to God on your own, because the Bible says to study the scriptures to show yourself approved before God. Take it seriously.

You will find that God will move in your heart, and you will take stands you didn't even know you could take. Like the video I am going to create as a full length documentary.

Stay in touch.


Edited by GodChaser
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[quote name='GodChaser' post='1402554' date='Oct 14 2007, 10:36 PM'][url="http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/pluto_warming_021009.html"]http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/plut...ing_021009.html[/url]

Wow, 6 articles showing that global warming is a solar system wide, and you believe that global warming is man-made! LOL! Are you that dense. Wake up. These are not conspiracy sites, but actual science websites.

And the Pope is telling Catholics you need to be good stewards in the fight of global warming. LOL! Yeah, I'll be a good steward of God's Creation by saying, more CO2 can produce more crops.


Why are so many people producing bad science when the evidence shows a solar system wide global warming trend? Why is the Pope going to make such a big deal out of this?[/quote]

The Pope is NOT saying that "global warming is man made". You are either very ignorant of the subject or cannot comprehend what you read.

The Church has always taught that we must take care of what God has given us... this is NOTHING new. The Pope IS saying that since so many people are crying global warming, it should NOT be a political issue and should be studied carefully and scientific facts should govern people's opinions.

Also, you know very little about what God says. Go read the bible a few times then come back to play.

1 Tim. 3:15
1 Peter 3:15
St. Matt 18:17-19
St. John 14
St. John 21

End of Story.

One faith, built on the Apostles and Prophets.

God Bless.

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[quote name='GodChaser' post='1402565' date='Oct 14 2007, 07:44 PM']With all the saints, and martyrs, and jesus himself.[/quote]

You know Jesus says in Mark 16:21 (PHV) that all who fail to capitalize the name of the Lord shall be judged with eternal fire. Be ready, my friend. :devil:

[size=1]*PHV is a registered trademark of PapaHilarious Translating Services Inc.

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[quote name='PapaHilarious' post='1402760' date='Oct 14 2007, 10:52 PM']You know Jesus says in Mark 16:21 (PHV) that all who fail to capitalize the name of the Lord shall be judged with eternal fire. Be ready, my friend. :devil:
[size=1]*PHV is a registered trademark of PapaHilarious Translating Services Inc.
I can see why you are called PapHilarious.

Thanks for the laugh.

I know God is not going to send me to hell for such a small mistake.

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The pope uses Orange Crest toothpaste. He's suggested this to the masses becuase it dosn't burn like peppermint but dosn't leave a nasty aftertaste like cinnamon.

I went out and bought three tubes, two for myself and one for my roommate, she's not Catholic but I want to assure her salvation.

I'm going to the bank tomorrow to take out stock on Orange Crest, if even just the traditional catholics and their blogger fans take this word for word I've used my intermediate macroecominoics class to determine that the stock will rise over 300%

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GodChaser is a lot like budge. maybe only the crazy christian types are the only ones who have the gumption to stay here and not learn anything, instead of leaving and not learning anything like most prots do.
why do we get only the crazy prots?
excluding dairy, of course..........

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1402984' date='Oct 15 2007, 09:11 AM']why do we get only the crazy prots?
excluding dairy, of course..........[/quote]


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Hey, hey, hey.......I am not a crazy Protestant. I'm a Protestant who just so happens to be crazy. One has nothing to do with the other. :crazy: :lol_pound:

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i haven't seen you in enough debates to even realize you were a prot, and all your recent posts are not debate so much. i will withhold my crazy diagnosis on you till i see more.

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