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rather than starting a new thread, i just wanna give a quick update:

yesterday i spoke to Sr. John Mary on the phone for abotu 45 minutes. She wants me to come visit by the end of the year, and I'm all for it! Please pray for my parents to be receptive to this vocation. There is nothing but joy.

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From what I've been able to gather, longer aspirancies would be more for people that the community wasn't so sure of or maybe someone who was really ancient like in their 40's. usually its a month or two

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Speaking as a dinosaur, you are dead wrong. Aspirancies vary from community to community. It is more sensible to spend a month to six weeks in a community as an aspirant to test the life, then enter after only visiting a short time. The second group often make an emotional not a common sense decision. And yes, us old people over the age of 40 may take a longer aspirancy, since we have more to settle(like a home/more possessions/a career and retirement savings) then a 20 year old.
And what is so wrong about a 6-8 week aspirancy? Is it not better to get a really good idea of what the day to day life is, then enter and after 2 weeks want to return home to parents because the life is just plain too hard.

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Sister Rose Therese

[quote name='chelsea' post='1412683' date='Nov 1 2007, 11:41 AM']rather than starting a new thread, i just wanna give a quick update:

yesterday i spoke to Sr. John Mary on the phone for abotu 45 minutes. She wants me to come visit by the end of the year, and I'm all for it! Please pray for my parents to be receptive to this vocation. There is nothing but joy.[/quote]

Oh that is wonderful! I'll pray for you and your parents. Yes, it can be rather scary for parents. If they really have difficulty with it, you might want to see if there is a younger Sister there who has been there for a while, and see if her parents could speak with your parents, just to reassure them. It might make them feel better about it.

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[quote name='Sister Rose Therese' post='1412816' date='Nov 1 2007, 06:06 PM']Oh that is wonderful! I'll pray for you and your parents. Yes, it can be rather scary for parents. If they really have difficulty with it, you might want to see if there is a younger Sister there who has been there for a while, and see if her parents could speak with your parents, just to reassure them. It might make them feel better about it.[/quote]

i know they have another girl interested in entering, and she just left college b/c she knows that God wants her to enter now. They do have a lot of young vocations, from what I understand.

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I think its really great and encouraging that they are being so welcoming to you. I have found by experience both in seeking a monastic home and in ohter ways that sometimes the "cold shoulder" is a sign that God does not want you there.

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Hi Chelsea, I am glad it all seems to be working out for you, it's an exciting time, you are in my prayers. It doesn't really matter how long or short the aspirancy is it's what happens in the time that does - after all in a way surely it is God who sets the agenda. Aspirancies vary greatly - i had an extremely short one here. I wrote several emails, had one or two phone calls, a long weekend visit then entered two weeks later. The whole process took about 6 weeks. I was very open and honest all through and very shocked when mother abbess said (after i had said i wanted to take things further) 'so how would you like to come - for 1,2,3 weeks, or just come to stay.?' I was flabbergasted and thought i had heard wrong but she said it always used to happen that way so why not?. I said yes - i took a leap of faith, had a crazy 2 weekS and here i am, it was the best decision i ever made. Go with what is right for you -it's God who is leading and your choice or not to follow, Pax and prayers.

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Hi Chelsea, I am glad it all seems to be working out for you, it's an exciting time, you are in my prayers. It doesn't really matter how long or short the aspirancy is it's what happens in the time that does - after all in a way surely it is God who sets the agenda. Aspirancies vary greatly - i had an extremely short one here. I wrote several emails, had one or two phone calls, a long weekend visit then entered two weeks later. The whole process took about 6 weeks. I was very open and honest all through and very shocked when mother abbess said (after i had said i wanted to take things further) 'so how would you like to come - for 1,2,3 weeks, or just come to stay.?' I was flabbergasted and thought i had heard wrong but she said it always used to happen that way so why not?. I said yes - i took a leap of faith, had a crazy 2 weekS and here i am, it was the best decision i ever made. Go with what is right for you -it's God who is leading and your choice or not to follow, Pax and prayers.

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Hi Chelsea, I am glad it all seems to be working out for you, it's an exciting time, you are in my prayers. It doesn't really matter how long or short the aspirancy is it's what happens in the time that does - after all in a way surely it is God who sets the agenda. Aspirancies vary greatly - i had an extremely short one here. I wrote several emails, had one or two phone calls, a long weekend visit then entered two weeks later. The whole process took about 6 weeks. I was very open and honest all through and very shocked when mother abbess said (after i had said i wanted to take things further) 'so how would you like to come - for 1,2,3 weeks, or just come to stay.?' I was flabbergasted and thought i had heard wrong but she said it always used to happen that way so why not?. I said yes - i took a leap of faith, had a crazy 2 weekS and here i am, it was the best decision i ever made. Go with what is right for you -it's God who is leading and your choice or not to follow, Pax and prayers.

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Hi Chelsea, I am glad it all seems to be working out for you, it's an exciting time, you are in my prayers. It doesn't really matter how long or short the aspirancy is it's what happens in the time that does - after all in a way surely it is God who sets the agenda. Aspirancies vary greatly - i had an extremely short one here. I wrote several emails, had one or two phone calls, a long weekend visit then entered two weeks later. The whole process took about 6 weeks. I was very open and honest all through and very shocked when mother abbess said (after i had said i wanted to take things further) 'so how would you like to come - for 1,2,3 weeks, or just come to stay.?' I was flabbergasted and thought i had heard wrong but she said it always used to happen that way so why not?. I said yes - i took a leap of faith, had a crazy 2 weekS and here i am, it was the best decision i ever made. Go with what is right for you -it's God who is leading and your choice or not to follow, Pax and prayers.

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Hi Chelsea, I am glad it all seems to be working out for you, it's an exciting time, you are in my prayers. It doesn't really matter how long or short the aspirancy is it's what happens in the time that does - after all in a way surely it is God who sets the agenda. Aspirancies vary greatly - i had an extremely short one here. I wrote several emails, had one or two phone calls, a long weekend visit then entered two weeks later. The whole process took about 6 weeks. I was very open and honest all through and very shocked when mother abbess said (after i had said i wanted to take things further) 'so how would you like to come - for 1,2,3 weeks, or just come to stay.?' I was flabbergasted and thought i had heard wrong but she said it always used to happen that way so why not?. I said yes - i took a leap of faith, had a crazy 2 weekS and here i am, it was the best decision i ever made. Go with what is right for you -it's God who is leading and your choice or not to follow, Pax and prayers. For the record i am 41!

Edited by Stacey
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