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I Wrote An Email!


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Lol that title is lame.

I just wrote a really long email to the Passionist nuns in KY...

I think God wants me to check them out.
I dont know if I have a vocation with them necessarily, but I know I'm supposed to talk to them.

Prayers please!

And for my friend who is becoming a postulant in Jan. with the Servants of the Lord.

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='chelsea' post='1402355' date='Oct 14 2007, 03:49 PM']Lol that title is lame.

I just wrote a really long email to the Passionist nuns in KY...

I think God wants me to check them out.
I dont know if I have a vocation with them necessarily, but I know I'm supposed to talk to them.

Prayers please!

And for my friend who is becoming a postulant in Jan. with the Servants of the Lord.[/quote]

Your post brings back memories of the FIRST time I wrote to a religious order when I was 15. I had terrible handwriting despite the fact that the sisters in school STILL used the Palmer Method which I nearly flunked! So, my sister, who had beautiful handwriting was coerced into writing my letter. Then I agonized for 2 weeks until I got the information.

It was so different before computers. First, you had to find communities which is what the catholic paper was good for then you wrote, then you WAITED! Several times I never heard from communities. What I really didn't like was when I got a letter with no other information or a black and white brochure or one without pictures!

I also remember driving to work eagerly reading the letter I had just received in the mail, placing it on the wheel so that I could steer and read at the same time! Don't worry; I lived in the country I could drive these roads with my eyes closed.

Is this beginning to sound like the, "When I was a kid we WALKED to school in THREE FEET of snow!"?

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1402935' date='Oct 15 2007, 07:29 AM']Is this beginning to sound like the, "When I was a kid we WALKED to school in THREE FEET of snow!"?[/quote]

:lol_roll: Hehe! NO! It's just funny!

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I recall those "old days" too. You would write to a community, shaking all the way to the mailbox and then woud wait and wait for weeks. Sometimes you hit paydirt and got a big envelope full of pamphlets and photos. Sometimes you got a just a letter with very little info. I poured over Catholic magazines looking for addresses.
Thank heavens for the internet, it has made the whole process easier!
Will be praying you get a wonderul reply!
And three feet of snow, we had five feet....and had to walk 2 miles to school.

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Hey guys!

So they replied to my email, and i really LOVE what the sister told me. Their spirituality is so beautiful and is what my heart strives for. I'm waiting for a package from them... I think I'm going to try to visit them sometime, maybe over spring break.

Please continue to pray for me! The prayers will be returned!

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the lords sheep

[quote name='alicemary' post='1402978' date='Oct 15 2007, 11:03 AM']And three feet of snow, we had five feet....and had to walk 2 miles to school.[/quote]

a little :offtopic: but :biglol: :hehehe: :sweat: :rolling: :lol_roll: :lol_sign:

anyway... :whistle: We'll be praying for you!

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I wrote another email last night to ask them if i could come visit. Much to my surprise, i had an email when i woke up this morning! They sent me the questionnaire that i have to fill out, and i need to get 4 letters of rec. Apparently, yesterday was the feast of their founder. (coincidence? i think not.) God is tugging at my heartstrings, and pulling me in their direction.

Please continue praying for me, and for the sister who entered yesterday.

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I wonder why you woud need to fill out a form and also need letters of reference? This is only an initial visit and it seems rather early for such things. Just wondering!

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The same thing happened to me with the CFR's. Its like a questionnaire, not like an application. Just so they can get to know you. I assumed that the letters of rec were just because they're a cloister and if i'm doing a week or two week live-in, they dont want to let some crazy person in.


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Thanks! I just thought you were merely visiting, did not understand that you would be staying for a couple weeks! That does explain it.

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So God is really moving me forward with this.

I think I'm going to visit them sometime before New Year's, then go for my semester at franciscan, and maybe (hopefully) begin my aspirancy this summer, depending on how my live-in goes.

My aspirancy would be 2-3 months (it seems to be a long one... is this typical?) and then i could ask to become a postulant.

I'm kind of scared but at the same time SO excited about this. I'm worried about talking to my parents (not really supportive of me leaving school to become a nun), but i'm praying for the graces to talk to them when it is time.

totus tuus- I wrote you a PM... did you get it?

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At the Carmel I am looking at, three months is the maximum amount of time that any candidate is allowed to have for her aspirancy. It's more usual to have one month. One woman I know only took ten days, and she is preparing to enter as a postulant soon. It must vary from community to community.

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