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Street Preacher Preaches In Catholic Church Youtube Video


Is this effective?  

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[quote name='slushpuppy' post='1402569' date='Oct 14 2007, 09:47 PM']Well if you read the comments on Youtube, for many people the answer is yes.[/quote]
Well then I'll debate. :) I read every single comment made. In one of them, he claims that he has successfully converted one person, and gotten two others interested. Out of ALL of his preachings made throughout his lifetime(I seem to remember somewhere that he was 60ish), he has succesfully converted 3 people tops? That doesn't constitute successful to me. I've only been a real Christian for the last four-ish years, and I've got more conversions under my belt than him. Heck, I've got more atheist conversions than he does total. One cannot call what he does successful.

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1402496' date='Oct 14 2007, 09:13 PM']I find it odd that Reformed Baptists would be targeted by this kind of tactic...then again, maybe my ignorance is showing. Is there a particular belief/practice (e.g. infant baptism, etc) that was being attacked?[/quote]

The person wandered into our church a few weeks earlier, and started some discussion with the pastor after the service... The pastor, upon seeing her this last time got very flustered, and she started making a scene, saying that we were "preaching ourselves to hell, with a gospel that none could live up to" she also yelled something about our whole church being nothing but a scam to make money.

Not exactly the same thing I guess, but a disruptive outburst of ones feelings none-the-less.

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Mmmm I think that yelling at others is a very convincing way of getting them to belive you. Hey it works with little kids, bound to work with adults who have the attention span and maturity of one. Good for him.

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1402612' date='Oct 14 2007, 11:21 PM']Well then I'll debate. :) I read every single comment made. In one of them, he claims that he has successfully converted one person, and gotten two others interested. Out of ALL of his preachings made throughout his lifetime(I seem to remember somewhere that he was 60ish), he has succesfully converted 3 people tops? That doesn't constitute successful to me. I've only been a real Christian for the last four-ish years, and I've got more conversions under my belt than him. Heck, I've got more atheist conversions than he does total. One cannot call what he does successful.[/quote]
It's very hard for me to read about your conversions and not feel inadequate. That may be your fault or it may be mine, I dunno. But quite honestly, if somebody were to tell me that I would convert one person to Catholicism in my lifetime and get two others interested, I would totally sign up for that.

Maybe I am doing something wrong.

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Awww, don't feel that way. It's my belief that not all of us are meant for "converting". Some of us just plant the seed. That doesn't mean that our role in their conversion is any less though. It's ultimately God who does the converting. So, just make sure you are planting seeds any chance you get.

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Horrific. I grew up in the midst of that kind of fundy-anti-catholic atmosphere.

I agree with St. Olaf (may his beard double in size), the response of the parish was awesome; THAT seemed more of a Holy Spirit thing than the Protestant's explosive behavior.

...now I just have to fight the urge to seek revenge by charging into a Baptist "church" and shout out Catholic apologetics...grr.... :club:

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I would like that guy to come onto a military base chapel and spew that stuff during a Mass with a bunch of Marines present. heh,heh.

Edited by Justin86
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I was an usher at the last church I attended. During training we were told that one of our main functions (besides helping the congregation) was to protect the pastor if anybody got violent or disruptive. This would have been one of the scenarios to quietly lead the disruptor away. However, I do applaud the congregation's pious reaction.

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Sure, saying the following would get a priest in big trouble with the bishop, but I suspect the "street preacher" would react interestingly, had the priest said this instead:

[quote]I cast you out, unclean spirit, along with every Satanic power of the enemy, every spectre from hell, and all your fell companions; in the name of our Lord Jesus +Christ. Begone and stay far from this creature of God.+ For it is He who commands you, He who flung you headlong from the heights of heaven into the depths of hell. It is He who commands you, He who once stilled the sea and the wind and the storm. Hearken, therefore, and tremble in fear, Satan, you enemy of the faith, you foe of the human race, you begetter of death, you robber of life, you corrupter of justice, you root of all evil and vice; seducer of men, betrayer of the nations, instigator of envy, font of avarice, fomentor of discord, author of pain and sorrow. Why, then, do you stand and resist, knowing as you must that Christ the Lord brings your plans to nothing? Fear Him, who in Isaac was offered in sacrifice, in Joseph sold into bondage, slain as the paschal lamb, crucified as man, yet triumphed over the powers of hell.[/quote]

Edited by Dismas
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I remember a preacher who came to Grand Valley State Univ when I went there for a semester. He would scream at people on the sidewalks, call girls who wore shorts "silly sallies" and "whores" and insisted that only he and his family were saved. He drove the Baptists crazy (myself included) in the number of people he turned off to hearing the Gospel. No, this is not effective preaching.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1403491' date='Oct 16 2007, 07:45 AM']I remember a preacher who came to Grand Valley State Univ when I went there for a semester. He would scream at people on the sidewalks, call girls who wore shorts "silly sallies" and "whores" and insisted that only he and his family were saved. He drove the Baptists crazy (myself included) in the number of people he turned off to hearing the Gospel. No, this is not effective preaching.[/quote]
Ooh ohh... We had a group like that come to our campus-- Brother Jim and Sister Pat. They attracted quite a crowd. They would X out (in the air) anyone who was saying something they disagreed with (kinda like my four year old does when he doesn't like something)... Pretty soon, everyone caught on and we were all X in the air simultainiously (with added sound effects). They referred to the girls as "whores" and the guys as "whoremongers" regardless of what they were wearing or how they behaved. My friend Brad was actually quite good at "dialoguing" with them (until he was Xed out).... what a fun afternoon. This group (there was another woman, too... but I can't remember her name) also claimed that they never sinned anymore now that they were saved. Ah college-- the freeflowing exchange of ideas. :hehehe:

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[quote]cast you out, unclean spirit, along with every Satanic power of the enemy, every spectre from hell, and all your fell companions; in the name of our Lord Jesus +Christ. Begone and stay far from this creature of God.+ For it is He who commands you, He who flung you headlong from the heights of heaven into the depths of hell. It is He who commands you, He who once stilled the sea and the wind and the storm. Hearken, therefore, and tremble in fear, Satan, you enemy of the faith, you foe of the human race, you begetter of death, you robber of life, you corrupter of justice, you root of all evil and vice; seducer of men, betrayer of the nations, instigator of envy, font of avarice, fomentor of discord, author of pain and sorrow. Why, then, do you stand and resist, knowing as you must that Christ the Lord brings your plans to nothing? Fear Him, who in Isaac was offered in sacrifice, in Joseph sold into bondage, slain as the paschal lamb, crucified as man, yet triumphed over the powers of hell.[/quote]

Ouch...He would act differently. On the other spectrum, he also may think that the priest stating this exorcism was on his side.

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