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No Donation = Personal Gain

Autumn Dusk

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I find myself in a situation.
Someone I know has done horrible, terrible, things and remains unrepentant. They also continue, in lesser ways, to harm others. They are also near death with <disease>. <disease> happens to be unfortunately common and people often ask for money to support the people who have innocently been struck with <disease>. <disease> is thought to have many things that increase its likely hood of happening but nothing guaranteed.

My question is I donate money on some occasions to organizations. However, I refuse to donate to this one until the person I know dies. My logic is that I refuse to pay a cent that could go towards helping said person live longer and hurt others. I know that this is the case for all diseases, there's always someone who needs to die, but I feel personally responsible towards <disease> because I know the circumstances.

My friends say that my actions are petty, selfish and cruel. They point out that this disease slowed down said person so they can't do too much damage now, and therefore I shouldn't be so stupid.

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I guess the question is,

This someone you know may need more time to repent, if you can affect that, and God's spirit can move them, should you?

Not that I think donating money to a big organization could immediately extend someone's life.

But, hypothetically, if it could, and you could extend their life, and they repented, what grace!! God is happier over one repentant sinner than a thousand faithful (or something like that).

Pray pray pray. Sounds like you need to feel forgiveness for this person.

I will keep you in my prayers.

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prose made some good points.

we should never wish ill on someone, regardless of who they are. we may certainly wish a reform (ie a changing of the heart) but never physical harm. Jesus, after all, forgave the very men who drove nails into his hands and feet.

as for supporting charitable causes, we are to be informed of ethics of the particular group. for example, if they help promote abortion or other cases of immorality that oppose Church teaching, then we should not help them. but if we're talking about a cause that simply alleviates suffering and respects life in all ways, then there is no problem.

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I understand your logic, but think of it this way, your money might instead be helping someone else instead of this person.

However if its an organization such as the Komen Foundation for breast cancer, they won't get a penny from me ever, since they are support abortionists. They also suppress the fact the abortions contribute to breast cancer that they claim to fight.

I donate to make-a-wish that helps terminal patients.

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