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Is God Liberal Or Conservative?


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this is the kind of thead that if a staunch conservative were to acknowledge the semantics, instead of insisting God is conservative, my opinion would increase a hundred fold of them. many of the staunch ones i've lost hope for. but, say socretes, if he were to acknowledge this, and not just sit back and watch, if he agrees as i could possibly see him agreeing and having hope for him, that would be awesome.

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but in fairness, the title of the tread is misleading. it talks about whether he's one or the other but then the first post talks about mercy or not. i'd tend to agree that liberal is merciful, but i don't think it'd necessarily that way, depending on your semantics.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1395443' date='Sep 30 2007, 07:01 AM']Conservative and liberal are interpretations of the truth[/quote]

i dont know, they way politics are these days that may be giving them both too much credit.
and about conservatism being automatically right because it upholds current traditions/values? doesnt make any sense. how do traditions get started? by a change that someone liked. if things had not changed at all in the world, some of us would still be making animal sacrifices, US would still be a british colony, etc. neither can pure liberalism exist. the process of changing what is, to make it better only works until you have found the best solution, then a little bit of conservatism steps in to keep that part the same.

and reading the bible, God sure seemed to be a force of change in how the world works, agreed? that fact that it was so long ago that what he changed has become traditions, etc does not change that. God seems to be neither conservative nor liberal but an all powerful, omniscient force that knows when to resist motion, start something or redirect change.

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however no one seems to think of the possibiblity that he might belong to a different party, such as; the green party, the rhino party, NDP, marijuana party, communist party, etc


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even if we are not bound by jewish laws as christians. i can see conservatives back in those days saying, "you had your period, so you should release a dove as per jewish law, even if it's required of us with the new covenant." and those who thought not bound anymore were brushed off as crazy liberals.

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[quote name='Saint_Gemma_Galgani' post='1395313' date='Sep 29 2007, 08:47 PM']Neither. God is a RadTrad. :punk:[/quote]

Ummmm...no. :)

I'm no good at debating, but I tend to agree with what Paladin and Knight of Christ said. :)

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[quote name='XIX' post='1395414' date='Sep 30 2007, 03:22 AM']:facepalm:
Ironically, the definition of the words "conservative" and "liberal" have changed over time. Conservative used to mean anti-female voting rights. Liberal used to mean you were like JFK, if I'm not mistaken. The mere notion that God can be defined by such limited political terms is, with all due respect, a ridiculous joke.[/quote]

You're mistaken bro.

"Conservative" and "Liberal" are not exclusively political terms.

The ignorance of the mere meaning of the words astonds me and shows that too many people assume what they mean.

Conservative = stay the same.
Liberal = change

Those terms are used in various ways with various topics.

When used with "morals", as the question states in the first post has NOTHING to do with politics.

It's a shame that many people on this board only see a few words when posting on something.

[quote]Is God Liberal Or Conservative?, [size=5][b]when it comes to morallity [/b][/size][/quote]

Please pay attention.

God Bless,

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[quote name='infinitelord1' post='1395058' date='Sep 29 2007, 09:43 AM']We all know that there are issues of morallity when it comes to good and evil....how does God look at people when they sin? We believe in Moral sins however we also believe in God's mercy....when does god show mercy and when does he draw the line?[/quote]
As everyone knows, God is a die-hard right-wing conservative when it comes to moral issues. He is firmly against adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, blasphemy, abortion, and all those other things liberals love so much.

All our sins deserve justice, yet God always forgives the repentent sinner in sacrament of penance.

God's Justice and Mercy are infinite, yet that really has nothing to do with conservative and liberal.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1395793' date='Sep 30 2007, 10:41 PM']You're mistaken bro.

"Conservative" and "Liberal" are not exclusively political terms.

The ignorance of the mere meaning of the words astonds me and shows that too many people assume what they mean.

Conservative = stay the same.
Liberal = change

Those terms are used in various ways with various topics.

When used with "morals", as the question states in the first post has NOTHING to do with politics.

It's a shame that many people on this board only see a few words when posting on something.
Please pay attention.
God Bless,
Speaking of people who only see a few words...


Apparently conservative and liberal mean more than what you just stated. If you are going to call other out for being ignorant of the definition of words, you might want to acknowledge that liberal and conservative mean more than the 4 words you have given us.

Depending on what definition of L or C you are using, you could say that God is liberal for allowing NFP, or for asking us to help the poor, or for not saying everything literally. You could call Him conservative for reasons already mentioned. Bottom line, it's silly to try to put the Lord in one of those boxes.

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1395793' date='Sep 30 2007, 10:41 PM']Conservative = stay the same.
Liberal = change[/quote]
Actually, you're flat wrong. Politically liberal-minded people nowadays are for sweeping changes, but that does not define the word. Liberal means permissive, generous -- from the Latin libre, or freedom. Conservative does imply resisting change, or conservation. But by this definition, an environmentalist is a conservative, and a gun-rights lobbyist is a liberal.

One could argue that God is both, as he is unchanging, favors tradition, and offers us freedom and more mercy than we deserve. Alas, it's a silly question to begin with.

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people who are called "conservative" have believed tons of immoral things in the past. that doesn't mean God is conservative.
you can't focus only the political terms, but you can't ignore it either.
to say that conservative is not changing and liberal is changing ignites the policos.
plus, even without the politicos, ie right and left politics, people have differeing dogmas. God is not conservative when they are wrong. relative to them, he's liberal.
relative to himself arguably is all that matters though.
but still, you can't igonre morality in the politicos.
i think it reflects more on the person claiming he's one or the other, than on whether God is conservative or not.
you can claim he's coverfavite, but at least disclaim yourself.
it makes one wonder if people who don't disclaim even understand what they are saying or being presented.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Child please... lol... I am completely aware of the multiple meanings of the words.

Wow... not only do some people here need to learn to pay attention, they need to learn a small caveat of writing called [i][b]Context[/b][/i].

Here is a clue.... the question has NOTHING to do with politics.

Edited by ironmonk
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I am fully aware of the context of this post. Morally speaking, the definition of "liberal" and "conservative" do not have a lot to do with changing or unchanging. Those definitions, if anything, are purely political definitions.

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1396859' date='Oct 2 2007, 10:21 PM']Child please... lol... I am completely aware of the multiple meanings of the words.

Wow... not only do some people here need to learn to pay attention, they need to learn a small caveat of writing called [i][b]Context[/b][/i].

Here is a clue.... the question has NOTHING to do with politics.[/quote]
If this has nothing to do with politics, as you posit, then why are you using the definitions of the terms "conservative" and "liberal" that only have meaning within MODERN politics?

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