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Is God Liberal Or Conservative?


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We all know that there are issues of morallity when it comes to good and evil....how does God look at people when they sin? We believe in Moral sins however we also believe in God's mercy....when does god show mercy and when does he draw the line?

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God is not "liberal" or "conservative" when it comes to morality or anything else. God's justice is not exclusive of His mercy... It is not like He has to make a choice of which to treat a sinner with. When something is wrong, it is wrong. But God will always be happy to forgive. That's where the mercy is.

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i would say neither. i ofcourse would say that as i tend to be neither. the truth is not what status quo liberal or conservative agendas of modern day say. so, to call one or the other would close God in a box made by man. if you are speaking relatively to our understandings, he's conservative on some issues and liberal on others.

some conservatives would have you think that what the conservtive agenda is is by definition the truth. or that to be conservative is only to be conservative to the trtuh. but this is not the case. liberals would ahve you beleive that conservativem is evil and God tends away from that. that's not completely true either.
my bias is exposed in the way i just described that. but also the way society describes things. i could have also said that liberals think truth. and that conservatievs are only in response to evil liberals.

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God is 100% conservative... God does not change, therefore He is 100% conservative.

Liberal means to change, conservative means to keep the status quo.

Mercy has nothing to do with conservative or liberal.

God Bless,

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again, if you define the truth as conservative and liberal as changing from that, then you can't argue with it. but, if you define the words as relative to what man's ideas of the words are and what God is, then God is neither.

whether to stay in iraq is a moral issue. hypothetically if we were clearly losing with no hope of winning, or if staying would surely lead to our demise, to stay would be idiotic, if it were clear. and if conseratives insisted we stayed theyd would be wrong. that does not mean God is conservative. but, if you insist that God would leave at that time, and that would be the conserative position, then sure whatever.
remember the semantics involved.

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or who conservatives oftne resisted womens rights and black rights. leave it to the states, they'd say. that was wrong. but that doesn't mean God was.
God isn't conservative, by this understanding.

people who insist God is conseravie or liberal, without making these disclaimers, or understanding them are and misguided, and often are the people who are blinded.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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God is neither, if you're using the [b]political[/b] definitions of conservative and liberal.

However, "liberal" (in the practical sense) does not equal "evil". It simply implies change, which isn't wrong, though it depends on what is being changed. You have neo-trad Catholics who think Vatican II was evil because it brought about liturgical change, therefore being liberal.

I try to stay away from the terms "liberal" and "conservative" when labelling Catholics, since it degrades them simply as political identities. While "orthodox" and "heterodox" are the more appropiate definitions, in which you compare their views with the teachings of the Church, not of a political affiliation (both political views are not 100% in line with Catholic teaching, if you're going by the U.S.' political standard).

PS: I'm politically conservative (mostly), but most importantly I'm an orthodox Catholic.

Edited by Paladin D
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Given the whole "free will" thing, I guessing God is a bit of a libertarian. Though, I doubt He'd vote for any of the Libertarian Party's candidates. LOL

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1395312' date='Sep 29 2007, 10:39 PM']God is 100% conservative... God does not change, therefore He is 100% conservative.

Liberal means to change, conservative means to keep the status quo.

Mercy has nothing to do with conservative or liberal.

God Bless,

Ironically, the definition of the words "conservative" and "liberal" have changed over time. Conservative used to mean anti-female voting rights. Liberal used to mean you were like JFK, if I'm not mistaken. The mere notion that God can be defined by such limited political terms is, with all due respect, a ridiculous joke.

Edited by XIX
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If God ran for office, He wouldn't be ethier of the Political Parties that we know of because all of them are screwed up. I'd say God would be in the Divine Party cheesy I know, but Hey Anything He would do it would get done and done right.

God Bless.

Edited by White Knight
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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1395443' date='Sep 30 2007, 03:01 PM']God is Truth

Conservative and liberal are interpretations of the truth[/quote]


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Using the dictionary as a guide of of con and lib. God is conservative, and the devil is liberal. God makes the law favors traditional views and values opposes change and rebellion from those laws. While the devil defies tradition, orthodox view, and the authority of God.

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notice how this thread evolved as i predicted. most people, the reasonable ones, said that god is truth and the politics is views of the truth, aspirations to it. the reasonable ones also acknowledged that if you call conservative truth and liberal as separation then sure whatever. notice how i predicted there wold be those who insisted God is conservative, and didn't acknowlege the semantics going on, and stuck their heads in the sand like ostrichs, or blinders like horses, in order to make their world stable, preventing them from joining the postal service and shooting up a small town in idaho.

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