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"i Sold My Soul On Ebay"


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I found [url="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/224/story_22426_1.html"]THIS[/url] on Beliefnet. It's an interesting article on an athiest who went to a bunch of different churches after he bid himself on Ebay. Basically, anyone could bid on him, and whowever won, he would go to church or mosque, etc. He ended up writing a book about his experience. Anyway....it's interesting and I figured I'd share it with you guys.

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It's an interesting idea. I'm a bit unsure about it, though. :unsure: Perhaps it's the term 'selling your soul' that makes me wince. In reality, it seems that he just hired his presence out to a particular group of people. At first I was expecting something occultic.

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I've reread the article and I'm a bit puzzled by something. He says he was raised to be religious and was encouraged to pray for people. It also says that he was Jain. Jainism is an atheistic religion to start with, so as far as I understand it the Jains are atheists who follow a particular karma-based philosophy. I've heard of Jains meditating, but never of Jains praying. Does anybody know anything more about Jainism?

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I just emailed him this:


I just read your interview for beliefnet. I found it very interesting. There was one thing that bothered me a bit though and I thought I would share it with you.

I think that you may misunderstand "believers" in a way. (I am nure you have never heard that before ;) ) But in particular, I was struck by something you had said about ritual. :

"But when you go to some of the other churches, it's just ritual after ritual and I'm falling asleep and I could see everyone else falling asleep listening to their pastor. I don’t know why they come back--and even worse, why they bring their kids."

The thing with ritual is not that it is something that is there to entertain or amuse parishioners. It is deeper than that. I parallel it to brushing your teeth "ritual" as a child. When you are a child you don't understand why you do it, you want to take short cuts, etc. When you grow up, you understand more fully the importance of it. This is the same with my Faith (Roman Catholic). Ritual is something that brings a person more fully into Christ. For those that are not spiritually "mature" it is difficult to understand, and often boring.

The Church is not made to win over people with flashy words and popularity contests. It is there to bring the Truth to people.

I just wanted to comment to you about this.

I would be interested in dialogue with you about Catholicism also if you would like. Maybe have a "question a Roman Catholic" page next month?? ;)

Thanks for your time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, no reply.

The entry to the fundamentalist is near the bottom of this page: [url="http://friendlyatheist.com/page/3/"]http://friendlyatheist.com/page/3/[/url]

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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1390582' date='Sep 22 2007, 09:33 AM']I'd sell my soul on eBay for money.

Unfortunately, it's the legal property of Jesus.[/quote]

Unfortunately, I don't get your humor.

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1396974' date='Oct 3 2007, 01:34 AM']Wait wait...that guy's got a public e-mail? I don't see it...[/quote]

You have to send it through his "contact me" page.

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