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Hilary To Require Health Insurance To Get Job?


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bottomline. most people even most poor tending can afford to go to the doctor every onece in awhile. they should pay for it themselves to prevent people abusing a free syustem. insurance is high because peple abuse it, and really it's usually not needed anyway. the only thing that the government might do, is if you are poor, give you emergency subsidies. not insurance as that only lines insurance companies pockets. in my ideal system, the poor would have to pay a certain amount based on their standards, and the government would pick up the tab on teh exess for the emergency situations where things cost a lot.
if people dont' go to the doctor for everyday stuff, that's usually their own fault. we don't want people taking care of themselves only cause they want to abuse the system.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1394935' date='Sep 28 2007, 07:18 PM']insurance is high because peple abuse it, and really it's usually not needed anyway.[/quote]
Insurance is high because the skilled/smart people in the health care system want to get rich. Abuse has very little to do with it. If it were abuse, then doctors and the upper echelon in the insurance industry would be driving modest cars and living in normal houses. It's like a doctor driving about in his new Jag (Jaguar is a crappy car, BTW) all the while stating he must charge high fees to cover his malpractice insurance. Horse hockey.

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Why would I want to be forced to pay taxes on a socialized healthcare system, if I was an individual who rarely got sick compared to most people? I don't fully agree with the current system, but switching to another system that claims to be "free" by forcing the populace to pay taxes on it, is not only deceiving but puts us in even more bondage to the government. At least under the current system, we can choose our own plans or decide not to get health insurance.

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[quote]Insurance is high because the skilled/smart people in the health care system want to get rich. Abuse has very little to do with it. If it were abuse, then doctors and the upper echelon in the insurance industry would be driving modest cars and living in normal houses. It's like a doctor driving about in his new Jag (Jaguar is a crappy car, BTW) all the while stating he must charge high fees to cover his malpractice insurance. Horse hockey.[/quote]

you're prob right. i've heard docs don't pay that much on malpractice insurance etc relatively. so, docs and insurance say they have to charge more, not because people abuse or docs need to cover, but because people are willing to pay it. especially for insurance.
for docs it might be more a matter of supply and demand.
which makes me think they should allow more docs in school, as there are so many that can't make the cut but are qualified. some say docs would just run more tests etc, but i digress.

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Fidei Defensor

Side note, i take issue with people who complain about taxes, and then complain when the government doesnt provide [insert service here] for them. You cant have it both ways. If you want services, you pay taxes. If you want low taxes, you dont get services.

Anyway. i believe we have a duty to provide at least basic care to those who need it but cant afford. And since you dont see any hospitals offering any free care, the government should provide, even if it costs the rest of us. Again, whats more important? Money or health?

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