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Hilary To Require Health Insurance To Get Job?


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i can safely say that hilary clinton is my least favorite of all the presidential candidates. probably thompson would be next as a matter of policy, but i don't know enough about his policies, and at least i like him as a person.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1388594' date='Sep 19 2007, 12:11 PM']i can safely say that hilary clinton is my least favorite of all the presidential candidates. probably thompson would be next as a matter of policy, but i don't know enough about his policies, and at least i like him as a person.[/quote]
Hillary is bad, but the other Democratic candidates are worse.

- Edwards is a shameless, slimy, evil shyster. He's an ambulance-chasing personal injury attorney, and a whiny girly-man. Hillary at least has some testosterone.

- Obama has no experience, is more liberal than sin, and has absolutely no substance.

Hillary is evil, no doubt. But she, like her husband, follows the polls. Some of the things that the democratic party wants are way, WAY too liberal for the American public, and she knows it. She craves power and popularity, and because of this, she'll do less damage than any of the other far-left candidates.

Plus, I don't think she's capable of winning; there's too many people on the right that are apathetic about the republican candidates that would otherwise stay home on election day, but will turn out to vote against Hillary.

Bah... the whole of politics is broken down into game theory. Democracy is a sham.

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From what I've read of her plan, I don't think you need to show proof of insurance to get a job, since employer-based plans would be an option. However, two things:

1) Didn't Mitt Romney enacted similar legislation in Massachusetts? (paging Era Might, paging Era Might..)
2) What will the cost be to taxpayers?

I will say this: much of the insurance reform is "barking up the wrong tree". What is needed is finding out why underlying health care costs are rising in the first place, as well as addressing the point that there is so much mandated coverage for "luxury" health care items (for example, in Illinois over ten years ago in vitro fertilization coverage was mandated on health insurance plans). Additionally, politicians like complaining about red tape and waste in insurance companies but the reality is that much of that is to comply with government regulation in the first place (like Sarbannes-Oxley)!

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

So if I can't afford health insurance, then I can't get a job. And if I don't have a job, then I can't afford health insurance. Guess we're going to need the government to step in to break the cycle for 'some' people.

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[quote name='1337 k4th0l1x0r' post='1388822' date='Sep 19 2007, 05:28 PM']So if I can't afford health insurance, then I can't get a job. And if I don't have a job, then I can't afford health insurance. Guess we're going to need the government to step in to break the cycle for 'some' people.[/quote]


I [i]cannot[/i] afford health insurance. It is cost prohibitive for someone with pre-existing conditions. Guess if she's elected I'm going on welfare. :woot:

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[quote name='adt6247' post='1388671' date='Sep 19 2007, 01:09 PM']- Edwards is a shameless, slimy, evil shyster. He's an ambulance-chasing personal injury attorney, and a whiny girly-man. Hillary at least has some testosterone.[/quote]

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[quote name='adt6247' post='1388671' date='Sep 19 2007, 03:09 PM']Hillary is bad, but the other Democratic candidates are worse.

- Edwards is a shameless, slimy, evil shyster. He's an ambulance-chasing personal injury attorney, and a whiny girly-man. Hillary at least has some testosterone.

- Obama has no experience, is more liberal than sin, and has absolutely no substance.

Hillary is evil, no doubt. But she, like her husband, follows the polls. Some of the things that the democratic party wants are way, WAY too liberal for the American public, and she knows it. She craves power and popularity, and because of this, she'll do less damage than any of the other far-left candidates.

Plus, I don't think she's capable of winning; there's too many people on the right that are apathetic about the republican candidates that would otherwise stay home on election day, but will turn out to vote against Hillary.

Bah... the whole of politics is broken down into game theory. Democracy is a sham.[/quote]
I feel like Hilary is an anti-Chuck Norris. Like, she opens up a Baskin Robbins and it only has 7 flavors. Or instead of checking under the bed for the boogey man, she hides in the closet from little babies. Or she'd shy away from a task because of the daunting proposition that it is "just as easy as stealing candy from a baby."

But I digress...kind of...

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[quote name='SarahB' post='1388856' date='Sep 19 2007, 10:11 PM']Which is what they want. They can control people on Welfare, so they want as many people on it as possible.[/quote]
Ha! There is very little control over people on welfare. THe system is so over-burdened and over-regulated and under-enforced you can get away with literally ANYTHING.

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They are overburdened, that's for sure. But in the case of my sister, where she got pregnant at 15, had her daughter at 16....trust me. They are all up in her grill, everything she does. And, she gets treated like carp everytime she has an appointment, either with the welfare people, or at my niece's doctor's office.

The point is, people like Hilary want the masses to have to depend on the government. The more people that end up depending on the government, and not on theirselves, the more control they are ultimately going to have.

I'm not saying that some kind of welfare doesn't have it's place in our society. Things happen that we can't control, and we need help. But I'd rather not accept it from the government. It's not the governments responsibility to help those in need. That should be left up to the churches, families, charaties, etc. But that's a whole other discussion.

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[quote name='SarahB' post='1389835' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:07 PM']The point is, people like Hilary want the masses to have to depend on the government. The more people that end up depending on the government, and not on theirselves, the more control they are ultimately going to have.[/quote]

I don't think this is a fair depiction of Hillary or any other Democratic candidate. I am about as Republican as you can be, but I don't find it necessary to demonize the opposition. Truthfully, I believe that people like Hillary and Edwards and Obama and Cindy Sheehan and Nancy Pelosi all honestly believe that what they have to offer is what's best for the American people. By and large, I don't think that these people are money-hungry megabots who gobble up power like Hungry-Hungry Hippos; rather, I think that (in their warped mind) dependence on the government is a good thing. Now, they are wrong as you could be. But that doesn't make them evil.


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[quote name='kujo' post='1389848' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:33 PM']I don't think this is a fair depiction of Hillary or any other Democratic candidate. I am about as Republican as you can be, but I don't find it necessary to demonize the opposition. Truthfully, I believe that people like Hillary and Edwards and Obama and Cindy Sheehan and Nancy Pelosi all honestly believe that what they have to offer is what's best for the American people. By and large, I don't think that these people are money-hungry megabots who gobble up power like Hungry-Hungry Hippos; rather, I think that (in their warped mind) dependence on the government is a good thing. Now, they are wrong as you could be. But that doesn't make them evil.[/quote]
Don't fool yourselves. The republicans and the democrats both care about one thing above any other: power. Everything from our voting systems, to the McCain's campaign finance reform, to tolerance of illegal immigration, to welfare, to the fact that Roe v. Wade hasn't been overturned yet, is calculated political strategy to keep both parties in power.

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[quote name='XIX' post='1388925' date='Sep 19 2007, 11:46 PM']Or instead of checking under the bed for the boogey man, she hides in the closet from little babies.[/quote]

Well, I guess the babies have it in for her:

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1390381' date='Sep 21 2007, 10:50 PM']Well, I guess the babies have it in for her:[/quote]
They do....

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