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Is Cautious Dating A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing When It Comes To Vocati

White Knight

Cautious dating is it good or bad to determine a possible vocation to a Religious Life, Single, or Married??  

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[quote name='kateri05' post='1381330' date='Sep 9 2007, 01:35 AM']:lol: i love when priests do things like this, especially to youth. it reminds them, and us, that these men are real people and have experienced things that lay people have experienced.

sorry, back to dating.[/quote]

Our priest has a similar story. He gives it during conferences on vocation:

"When I told my family that I was going to become a priest, they burst out laughing. (Come to think of it, they're probably still laughing now.) I was the total opposite of my best friend, whom everybody agreed was perfectly suited to the life of a priest...until the most beautiful girl either of us had ever seen walked into our lives. I'm pleased to say that they recently celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary," pause for appreciative applause, "athough I like to think it could easily have gone the other way."

He's very honest and direct in the way he talks to us. :) We're lucky to have a priest like that.

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I greatly appreciate all of the people who have posted and kept on topic according to the thread, it makes it much more helpful to find out some answers, I'm frankly suprised though that there hasn't been more discussion on the matter.

Ive taken some great advise from great minded people and plan to stick to the route, with everyone's advise posted on this thread, I can come to a better conclusion. Thank You I also hope everyone here can do the samething if your in the same shoes. God Bless, Peace of Christ be with You.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Domine ut Videam

I too believe that dating can be a good thing for your vocation. However, not what i would call "casual dating." When i date someone it is going to be with the intention of helping to lead them to holiness and to heaven. The purpose of dating in my mind (at least one on one serious dating) is to determine if this ind. is compatible w/you. If you are not, than group dating is prob, the safest bet.

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Seminarians, who are still discerning technically, are required NOT to date. From personal experience, it really is not worth it. If you are a good person you will find women to fall in love you quickly, and if you haven't dated that attention will effect your pride and self-image. It is in your best interest to avoid it, and the practice of the Church today.

Your main love should be God no matter what the vocation, and he will lead you according to His Will. If that happens to be a woman, then so be it; but being open to dating is essentially a wrong stance to take. Be open to God's call and make sure it's where he is leading you; women are nothing more than distractions if they aren't the goal.

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For the girl's sake, do not date while seriously dicerning! You will drive her nuts and cause much heartache! :sweat: I know, I dated a guy who was dicerning and it was an emotional rollar coaster!

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I think that if you feel like you are being stronbly pulled to the religious life, then kinda sorta no. I think that if you are at the point where you have almost made a descision to become a religious, but still have a few doubts and want to try dating to see how it is then I would say no. It would just give the person you are dating false hope. Am I making any sense? :)

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[quote name='goldbug16' post='1395781' date='Sep 30 2007, 08:12 PM']I think that if you feel like you are being stronbly pulled to the religious life, then kinda sorta no. I think that if you are at the point where you have almost made a descision to become a religious, but still have a few doubts and want to try dating to see how it is then I would say no. It would just give the person you are dating false hope. Am I making any sense? :)[/quote]

YES!!! :D

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