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Most high energy protos come here trying to save us then they burn out and leave. I hope you stick around for a while.

I actually was reading some 4th century gnostic and semitic text lately for a project I was working on (Gospel of Hebrews and Acts of Thomas) the writing is so beautiful. The problem is to make sure you do not consider them an authority on doctrine but rather as a witness to early Christian belief, a belief that in this case of my project, is verified by other legitimate sources.

people do this with old writings, but also with things from CS lewis or even Dante's inferno or Miltons trilogy. It is normal human nature in our seeking for the Divine to attribute something to the christian metaphysic when it was not intended to provide that truth.

Kind of embarissing but I did this in high school with the book "memnoch the devil" which had an interesting universalist angle for salvation.

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  • 6 months later...

[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1389215' date='Sep 20 2007, 02:38 PM']Most high energy protos come here trying to save us then they burn out and leave. I hope you stick around for a while.

I actually was reading some 4th century gnostic and semitic text lately for a project I was working on (Gospel of Hebrews and Acts of Thomas) the writing is so beautiful. The problem is to make sure you do not consider them an authority on doctrine but rather as a witness to early Christian belief, a belief that in this case of my project, is verified by other legitimate sources.

people do this with old writings, but also with things from CS lewis or even Dante's inferno or Miltons trilogy. It is normal human nature in our seeking for the Divine to attribute something to the christian metaphysic when it was not intended to provide that truth.

Kind of embarissing but I did this in high school with the book "memnoch the devil" which had an interesting universalist angle for salvation.[/quote]

I truly thank you for the encouragement.

I hope to find a way to introduce anti-abortion legislation in the riding of Central Nova in the upcoming Canadian federal election. You can help out by sending these links to anybody who you know will be interested in the pro-life issue:


[quote]Dennis Tate
E-mail: tate4pictouicentre@yahoo.ca
Website: [url="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Tate4CentralNova/messages/1?l=1"]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Tate4Central.../messages/1?l=1[/url]
March 27, 2008

[size=5]A ban on intracardiac potassium
chloride injections on singletons will be an important
part of my probable 2008 Canadian federal level
election platform.[/size]

Dennis Tate

[b]Exact wording needed for Pro-Life legislation.[/b]

Since I plan to run in the upcoming federal election I need exact wording for legislation to protect the unborn for the Third Trimester.

I also would greatly appreciate the exact wording for legislation that would give greater protection to the unborn at a much earlier date. I plan to e-mail Ms. Faytene Kryskow soon to see what she may have available of this nature.

Personally, I would love to see Canada protect the unborn as well as is being done in Poland since the early 1990's.

This e-mail to Minister of Defense Mr. Peter Mackay has an interesting link giving powerful evidence that the unborn experience pain as early as seven weeks.


Thank you.

Dennis Tate


Epiphany wrote:

Campaign Life Coalition does not like protection by trimesters or weeks.

Campaign Life Coalition prefers restrictions according to techniques, e.g. "partial birth abortion".

The reason for this is that once you have protection by trimester, it is exceedingly difficult to progress beyond that. You're shooting yourself in the foot, politically. That is what their research suggests to them.

I would like to strongly encourage you to consider promoting a ban on intracardiac potassium chloride injections on singletons.

I think this is the most politically viable restriction in Canada that could potentially save a few lives.

When abortions are performed past 20 weeks, the abortionist will often (though not always) inject potassium chloride into the heart of the fetus.

This is because after 20 weeks, abortions are done through prostaglandin induction, which creates powerful, lethal contractions, but which sometimes produces a living child-- which of course is what the pro-aborts want to avoid.

To avoid this "dreaded complication" the abortionist will inject potassium chloride to the fetus' heart.

If we eliminated this especially cruel practice, we could save maybe a few babies a year. Possibly in the dozens.

The beauty of this restriction is that it's not a ban on abortion. Because it's not considered an abortion. An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. Killing a fetus is not, per se, an abortion. This procedure is actually called "feticide" and sounds a lot more ominous than "abortion".

It would be a good first step.

I stress that it should be banned for singletons only because it is also used for fetal reductions where multiple fetuses are involved. If we do not allow for that exception, it'll never pass. With that exception, I am certain it would pass.

Can you picture the feminists trying to defend a potassium chloride injection to the heart? Get me the popcorn.

But in case you want to do some research, Paul Steckle had a bill to ban some abortions after 20 weeks. It was introduced in 2006, I believe.

Good Luck.

Shalom Epiphany:

(Sir, I think that you were divinely led to choose your log in name, because I think you just inspired me to have something of an epiphany, if I remember the meaning of epiphany correctly).

Yes, as of today, Dennis Tate supports a: Code:
ban on intracardiac potassium chloride injections on singletons.

That is exactly my position for the moment unless perhaps Pastor David Herzog or Pastor Benny Hinn are given a divine message for Dennis Tate to support somewhat stronger legislation than this.

Muchas muchas gracias Senor!!!


Dennis Tate[/quote]

Correction..Epiphany is actually a Senora!

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1389215' date='Sep 20 2007, 02:38 PM']Most high energy protos come here trying to save us then they burn out and leave. I hope you stick around for a while.

I actually was reading some 4th century gnostic and semitic text lately for a project I was working on (Gospel of Hebrews and Acts of Thomas) the writing is so beautiful. The problem is to make sure you do not consider them an authority on doctrine but rather as a witness to early Christian belief, a belief that in this case of my project, is verified by other legitimate sources.

people do this with old writings, but also with things from CS lewis or even Dante's inferno or Miltons trilogy. It is normal human nature in our seeking for the Divine to attribute something to the christian metaphysic when it was not intended to provide that truth.

Kind of embarissing but I did this in high school with the book "memnoch the devil" which had an interesting universalist angle for salvation.[/quote]

Personally, I am actually most impressed with writings that are surprisingly new.

I believe that the near death experience material is the Heavenly Father and/or Jesus/Yahushua speaking directly to us in a way that we can understand far more clearly than any ancient text, including the Bible.

This one is so encouraging:


[quote]Howard's light being friends told him more about the new world to come. [size=4]According to them, God wished to usher in the kingdom within the next two hundred years. In order to do so, God had rescinded some of the free will given to creatures, in favor of more divine control over human events. This new world order, according to Howard, will resemble some near-death descriptions of heaven.[/size] People will live in such peace and harmony and love that communication will be telepathic, travel instantaneous and the need for clothing and shelter eliminated. The lion will indeed lie down with the lamb.][/quote]

Jeremiah 23:20:
The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart:[size=5] in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly[/size].

Jesus/Yahushua could not speak much of what he wanted to tell his disciples for many reasons. For one they were not ready to receive deep spiritual information. They had trouble enough dealing with info on essentially physical level topics. I believe that a powerful case can be presented that the near death experience material is the most readily comprehensible material available to those of us who live here on this earth in 2008. If this is true, then these near death experiences are just about the ultimate source of authoritative information on doctrine that can be found anywhere.

Could the thoughts of YHWH be understood perfectly 1500 years previous to the latter days?


500 years previous?


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I read through his web site and he appears to be just another dork looking to make a buck and start his own following. There will be many like him in the future.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1497270' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:01 PM']I read through his web site and he appears to be just another dork looking to make a buck and start his own following. There will be many like him in the future.[/quote]

Thanks for reading the site and thank you for this correction. Paul said that he could not even judge himself so certainly there are elements of greed and a desire for fame in all of us, and certainly in myself. I will definitely pray about this because the only Being in the Universe who can deliver us from this body of death, is our Heavenly Father!

I know that I definitely want to accomplish something significant with this life and to whatever degree these selfish motives drive me, they act as a fly in the ointment and I will be unable to benefit anybody very much.

Jesus/Yahushua stated that "if you being evil" will do good for your children...then the Heavenly Father will certainly give us His Holy Spirit. I agree that Jesus was correct that I am inherently evil and without Jesus living in me through the Holy Spirit I will become more and more like the god of this age, the Devil.

I prayed and asked for some truly big gifts especially beginning in 1990 and I do feel a responsibility to share what I've been taught since then.

Here is an explanation for hell that may make sense to some people that would not accept another approach:
[b]Scientific explanation for hell, from Dennis Tate. Re: Update from Sid Roth[/b].

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[quote name='Budge' post='1381101' date='Sep 8 2007, 04:16 PM']Hasnt anyone here warned you yet that NDE's are of the occult?

Even some Catholics are aware of this.

I hate (don't hate, appreciate) to see you stay in this error.

While pagan UU, I believed they were something good too, they are NOT.

I have a relative who could be in hell right now to my horror because they had an NDE, and they told me they had no worries about whether they would be going to heaven or not and what people believed didnt matter.

[url=""]PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE![/url][/quote]
Are you citing this on fact or faith?

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  • 2 months later...

[quote name='Deb' post='1497270' date='Apr 11 2008, 03:01 PM']I read through his web site and he appears to be just another dork looking to make a buck and start his own following. There will be many like him in the future.[/quote]

Hi Deb:

OK, you could perhaps be correct. I admit that materialism is pretty much as much a part of my psychology as it is with the other 98% of Canadians.

I may end up being the representative for the Christian Heritage Party here in NS at the federal level of politics and with the Family Coalition Party at the provincial level. I admire that you did your research and took a look at my website and I challenge to dig up unwise statements by me and post your comments into the official Christian Heritage Party message board.

Am I TOO PRO-ISRAEL to represent CHP in Nova Scotia?

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  • 3 years later...

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1189213668' post='1380732']
The so-called "book of adam and eve " is a series of fables written about 100 years BC. They are in no way scripture.

But they certainly are interesting and give us some good theories on how Cain found a wife! He had a twin sister named Luluwa who was more beautiful than her mother whereas Abel had a twin sister named Aklia who was rather plain in comparison. Luluwa was supposed to marry Abel and this played a significant role in Cain's motives for murder. This theory makes sense to me!

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1328449229' post='2381428']
Keep this up, and we're taking away your TARDIS.

What is my TARDIS?

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[quote name='Dennis Tate' timestamp='1328449129' post='2381427']
But they certainly are interesting and give us some good theories on how Cain found a wife! He had a twin sister named Luluwa who was more beautiful than her mother whereas Abel had a twin sister named Aklia who was rather plain in comparison. Luluwa was supposed to marry Abel and this played a significant role in Cain's motives for murder. This theory makes sense to me!

As someone said above, that completely changes what Scripture already gives us as motive for the murder. No need to retcon Scripture.

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[quote name='Dennis Tate' timestamp='1328449129' post='2381427']
But they certainly are interesting and give us some good theories on how Cain found a wife! He had a twin sister named Luluwa who was more beautiful than her mother whereas Abel had a twin sister named Aklia who was rather plain in comparison. Luluwa was supposed to marry Abel and this played a significant role in Cain's motives for murder. This theory makes sense to me!

please discontinue your use of the word "theory" in this manner... lol

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[quote name='Marie-Therese' timestamp='1328464135' post='2381531']


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