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The Creators Ultimate Plan/mystery For Gays!


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Again, I would love to have a pukey smilie....


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1380732' date='Sep 7 2007, 08:07 PM']The so-called "book of adam and eve " is a series of fables written about 100 years BC. They are in no way scripture.[/quote]

Greetings CMotherOfPirl:

You could be correct...The Book of Adam and Eve might not be scripture....maybe it was not inspired by the Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit...but it is an ancient writing that probably fitted quite well with at least some of the many oral traditions that were passed down to that time period. This book is at the least a glimpse of what some theologians may have been thinking about in the century previous to the birth of Yahushua/Jesus.

At the absolute minimum this book is fascinating and if we are serious about discovering the mysteries of YHWH that are predicted to be revealed in our time period then this book should be far higher up on our To Read List than the most recent....or any of the Harry Potter series!

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[url="http://www.drbo.org/chapter/30006.htm"]http://www.drbo.org/chapter/30006.htm[/url][quote name='Budge' post='1381101' date='Sep 8 2007, 03:16 PM']Hasnt anyone here warned you yet that NDE's are of the occult?

Even some Catholics are aware of this.

I hate to see you stay in this error.

While pagan UU, I believed they were something good too, they are NOT.

I have a relative who could be in hell right now to my horror because they had an NDE, and they told me they had no worries about whether they would be going to heaven or not and what people believed didnt matter.

[url=""]PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE![/url][/quote]

Shalom Budge:

The link doesn't seem to work right now.

I admit that it is possible to make a convincing argument that the Being of Light that appears to people in the near death experience may sometimes be the Adversary who is said to be able to appear as an angel of light.
Personally, i am convinced that Yahushua/Jesus who was revealed to be none other than the Logos/Word is the person who often/usually meets people in their out of the body state. The Apostle Paul certainly does leave the door wide open to the possibility of having an out of the body experience...and visiting the Third Heaven...and hearing things not lawful to be uttered.


[quote]I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, [b](whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)[/b] such an one caught up to the third heaven.
And I knew such a man, ([b]whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth[/b];)
How that[b] he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter[/b].[/quote]

This verse in the Catholic Bible certainly indicates that in most cases it is The Creator who visits with people and asks them "What did you do with your life that you can show me?" Or something to that effect.

6 [quote]For my angel is with you: [b]And I myself will demand an account of your souls. [/b][/quote]

On the other hand I certainly cannot rule out the possibility of somebody meeting a fallen angel or Satan in the out of body state as well. When Yahushua/Jesus had fasted for forty days....he met Satan...and his description of seeing all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time certainly sound like something that could happen when out of the body.

Sir...keep an open mind....because in many of these near death experiences I do believe that it quite possible that aspects of the character and mentality of the Heavenly Father and Yahushua/Jesus are being revealed...perhaps for the first time ever.

Budge...what do you think about this visionary dream that was given to Mr. Rick Joyner back in 1995?
The Hordes of Hell are Marching:

[quote][size=3]Grace and Truth

I turned away from the door and retreated fast. There was a beautiful red stone nearby, which I almost lunged at to lay my hands on it. Immediately I was in the Garden of Gethsemane beholding the Lord in prayer. The agony I beheld was even more terrible than the door I had just seen. Shocked, I jerked my hand away from the stone and fell to the floor in exhaustion. I badly wanted to return to the blue or green stones, but I had to regather my energy and sense of direction. The angels were quickly all around me serving me. I was given a drink that began to revive me. Soon I was feeling well enough to stand and begin walking back to the other stones. However, the recurring vision of the Lord praying compelled me to stop.

"What was that back there?" I asked.

"When you touch the stones we are able to see a little of what you see, and feel a little of what you feel," said the angel. "We know that all of these stones are great treasures, and all of the revelations they contain are priceless. We beheld for a moment the agony of the Lord before His crucifixion, and we felt briefly what He felt that terrible night. It is hard for us to understand how are God could ever suffer like that. It makes us appreciate much more what an honor it is to serve you whom He did it for[/size]."[/quote]

Budge...do you believe that it is possible that in heaven we may be able to hold a stone that allows us to see, hear and feel...all that Yahushua/Jesus felt, heard and saw...as he was at Gethsemanie?

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[quote name='prose' post='1382559' date='Sep 10 2007, 11:38 AM']Just so that it is clear, the NDE experience that is being advertised (:spam:) here is directly against Church's teachings.[/quote]

[quote]In Heaven, I undeniably saw that I had lived an innumerable amount of lives.[/quote]

Thank you for having an open mind and obviously reading this NDE.

On the other hand Yahushua/Jesus stated that John the Baptist was somehow Elijah!

[quote]The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: [b]in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. [/b][/quote](jeremiah 23:20)

I take this verse to mean that many many mysteries of plan of YHWH for humanity absolutely could not be understood clearly until the latter days.

Can one DVD contain episodes from five different situation comedies where completely and utterly different actors are acting?

Yes it certainly can.

Can we duplicate one specific half hour/22 minute segement from that DVD that is only "Everybody Loves RAymond?"

Again yes we can.

The fascinating Dr. Helen Wambach study of past life regression under hypnosis done on 1088 people where she regressed them in time 4000 years strongly indicates one of two major things.

Either there is an incredibly powerful fallen angel or group of angels or perhaps departed spirits who can give people powerful past life visions that stand up to statistical analysis.


The human spirit/soul can be used to record the identity, memories, personality of more than one person/individual from more than one time period....and if so...then the past life visions may actually turn out to be replicatable/verifiable evidence that strongly indicates nothing less than THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD!!!!

If evidence exists to strongly indicate that the personality/memories and identity of EVERYBODY has been recorded...then this recording must exist for a reason!

The Jurassic Park series has postulated a method by which the physical body of a long dead creature could perhaps be recreated in the not too distant future....What can be done for T-Rex can theoretically be done for humans as well.

But how in the world could the memories..the personality...or some person dead for decades or centuries be brought back?

I have read that as high as thirty percent of Catholic Cardinals believe in or at least have an open mind to the possibility of some form of reincarnation. Their argument was...What happens after purgatory??

In my opinion...if you find replicatable/verifiable evidence...even in pseudo science that may well offer a plausible explanation for the resurrection of the dead...don't casually throw this whole thing out without having a second...or third...or fourth look.

[quote]The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you.[/quote](Zechariah 4:9)

Antiochus fulfilled this verse in the days of the Machabees...but does this prophecy in Daniel indicate that evil people can also be sent back to play a similar role at a later time period?

[quote]And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.[/quote]

What kind of strange ideas did the average Jew of the time of Jesus/Yahushua believe?

[quote]When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
[b]And they said, Some [say that thou art] John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets[/b].[/quote]

[quote][size=4]And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind[/size]?[/quote] (John 9:2)

[b]Think about that one for a moment!!!!!!!!![/b]

What kind of strange ideas did the disciples of Yahushua/Jesus have after being with him and taught by him for so long?

[quote]And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:[/quote]

Exactly...Elijah died once...and in the resurrection he will be totally unique and separate from John the Baptist..John the Baptist died once....and probably had an experience somewhat like the typical NDE...except probably better.....and in the resurrection John the Baptist will be a totally unique and separate individual from Elijah...but for the moment...it is not impossible that YHWH could have came up with a plan to somehow RECORD the identity/personality/memories of more than one person/individual....on ONE human spirit/soul!

If we can put more than one TV program on one DVD...YHWH could theoretically do a lot more with the human spirit.

Now perhaps you are beginning how Paul or his friend may have heard things in the Third Heaven..not lawful to utter?!

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1382170' date='Sep 9 2007, 09:12 PM']Near death experiences could be nothing more than a dream... God has a plan for everyone... some maybe to show His mercy... some maybe for destruction... we do not and cannot know what God's plans are... all we can do is do what God wants and worship Him the way He wants and instructs us to through His Church, the Church of the Living God... aka the Catholic Church (1 Tim 3:15). To know better what God wants, study the Holy writings of the Saints of the Catholic Church. The Catechism, and the most well know Catholic book: The Holy Bible.

God Bless,

Shalom IronMonk:

I believe that The Apostle Paul in this verse is inspired by the Holy Spirit/Ruach ha Kodesh to define the church as every single person who has been given..and is being led by the Holy Spirit:

[quote]But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. [b]Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his[/b].[/quote](Romans 8:9)

Pope John Paul II was also inspired by the same Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit to state that the historical Roman Catholic Church was a ring leader in two millennia of anti-Semitic activity. This admission of guilt paves the way for some powerful developments in the near future.

In the First Century Peter was sent to the Jews.....and Paul was sent to the Gentiles...sorry must go...

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[quote]Pope John Paul II was also inspired by the same Ruach ha Kodesh/Holy Spirit to state that the historical Roman Catholic Church was a ring leader in two millennia of anti-Semitic activity. This admission of guilt paves the way for some powerful developments in the near future.[/quote]

Woah!!! Proof?

He NEVER "admitted" that the Catholic Church was the ring leader of anything. Why? Because it wasn't.

What did he ACTUALLY say?

[quote]God of our fathers, you chose Abraham and his descendants to bring your name to the nations.

We are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer.

And asking your forgiveness, we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the covenant.
Pope John Paul II's prayer at the Western Wall"[/quote]

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[quote name='prose' post='1388741' date='Sep 19 2007, 03:29 PM']Woah!!! Proof?

He NEVER "admitted" that the Catholic Church was the ring leader of anything. Why? Because it wasn't.

What did he ACTUALLY say?[/quote]

I am truly relieved to find out that the Catholic Church was never a ring leader in anti-Semitism.

Martin Luther certainly was:


[quote]What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews? Since they live among us, we dare not tolerate their conduct, now that we are aware of their lying and reviling and blaspheming. If we do, we become sharers in their lies, cursing and blasphemy. Thus we cannot extinguish the unquenchable fire of divine wrath, of which the prophets speak, nor can we convert the Jews. With prayer and the fear of God we must practice a sharp mercy to see whether we might save at least a few from the glowing flames. We dare not avenge ourselves. Vengeance a thousand times worse than we could wish them already has them by the throat. I shall give you my sincere advice:

[b]First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians[/b].[/quote]

We Canadians are also vastly more guilty in the holocaust that took place on the First Nations people here in Canada than we would like to imagine.

When the Portugese first came to Newfoundland they found many villages of natives people. They took about forty home as slaves but thankfully for them...they died of European diseases on the trip back to Europe.

In Newfoundland genocide was pursued on the native people by my English ancestors and distant cousins.

There are essentially ZERO surviving native people in Newfoundland. (I cannot absolutely rule out that a few metis might have made it through the Newfoundland holocaust).

A friend of mine once postulated that were it not for the presence of the French here in Nova Scotia that the same policy might have been pursued by the English here in my province. He said that the French settlers had already intermarried with the native tribes here...the English regarded the native people as phenomenal soldiers when given modern equipment...so the English decided to ally themselves with other tribal groups themselves so that they would not be overcame by a combined French and First Nations army.

The prophet Esdras stated that truth was the strongest power and that it would eventually conquer all in its path.

Are you seriously saying that the Roman Catholic Church was not extremely anti-Semitic?

I have read where some Messianic Jews stated that the Spanish Inquisition itself was began mostly because many Catholics of that time period were beginning to observe the Jewish Sabbaths somewhat. For about three centuries essentially all Catholics kept the Jewish Sabbaths and Holy Days. It is certainly obvious that the Apostle Peter, Paul and the other disciples of Yahushua/Jesus observed the Sabbath at least to a great degree...but not necessarily with the same extreme strictness of many Orthodox Jews.

[quote]And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; [b]and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment[/b].[/quote](Luke 23:56)

...personally...if I am incorrect and if Pope John Paul II did not admit that the Catholic Church was a leader in anti-Semitism...then I certainly do hope that Pope Benedict will do so...and make a far more powerful statement than the one you quote...

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[quote name='tate4242' post='1389117' date='Sep 20 2007, 02:21 PM']I am truly relieved to find out that the Catholic Church was never a ring leader in anti-Semitism.

Martin Luther certainly was:

We Canadians are also vastly more guilty in the holocaust that took place on the First Nations people here in Canada than we would like to imagine.

When the Portugese first came to Newfoundland they found many villages of natives people. They took about forty home as slaves but thankfully for them...they died of European diseases on the trip back to Europe.

In Newfoundland genocide was pursued on the native people by my English ancestors and distant cousins.

There are essentially ZERO surviving native people in Newfoundland. (I cannot absolutely rule out that a few metis might have made it through the Newfoundland holocaust).

A friend of mine once postulated that were it not for the presence of the French here in Nova Scotia that the same policy might have been pursued by the English here in my province. He said that the French settlers had already intermarried with the native tribes here...the English regarded the native people as phenomenal soldiers when given modern equipment...so the English decided to ally themselves with other tribal groups themselves so that they would not be overcame by a combined French and First Nations army.

The prophet Esdras stated that truth was the strongest power and that it would eventually conquer all in its path.

Are you seriously saying that the Roman Catholic Church was not extremely anti-Semitic?

I have read where some Messianic Jews stated that the Spanish Inquisition itself was began mostly because many Catholics of that time period were beginning to observe the Jewish Sabbaths somewhat. For about three centuries essentially all Catholics kept the Jewish Sabbaths and Holy Days. It is certainly obvious that the Apostle Peter, Paul and the other disciples of Yahushua/Jesus observed the Sabbath at least to a great degree...but not necessarily with the same extreme strictness of many Orthodox Jews.

(Luke 23:56)

...personally...if I am incorrect and if Pope John Paul II did not admit that the Catholic Church was a leader in anti-Semitism...then I certainly do hope that Pope Benedict will do so...and make a far more powerful statement than the one you quote...[/quote]

The Church has never been a leader in anti-semitism. However some members of the church have committed this sin.What does this have to do with the topic?

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1381941' date='Sep 9 2007, 03:59 PM']i agree it was a pretty gay post.

but with that said. as a supporter of the NDE experience i have to defend it. i think the bible can be interpreted in many ways. it's not clearly unbiblical, the experiences, overall. and i challenge anyone to show otherwise. so, if there's room for interpretation, it seems you should err towards making the bible reconciled with the NDE experiences. people who say it's unbiblical etc, are just fundamentalists (not to the bible but to status quo christiaity) who would rather not face reality. these are real experiences. these people would rather let fear and their prejudices continue to suppress themselves, other people, and the truth.[/quote]

Sorry for the gayness of the post! If I actually were gay I would be praying for deliverance and healing because I firmly believe that just like all other sins being gay is a thought pattern that can be repented of and many cases exist of gays being healed and given heterosexual thought patterns.

I am not saying that being gay is not a form of sin in this post...I am agreeing that there is a profound purpose being worked out here on the earth that gays a playing a role in.

Here are some of the verses from the Book of Adam and Eve that I believe may help to make this unusual NDE understandable:


[quote]Chapter LXXII

Adam's heart is set on fire. [size=4]Satan appears as beautiful maidens. [/size]

1 [b]Then Satan, and ten from his hosts, transformed themselves into maidens, unlike any others in the whole world for grace.[/b]

2 They came up out of the river in presence of Adam and Eve, and they said among themselves, "Come, we will look at the faces of Adam and Eve, who are of the men on earth. How beautiful they are, and how different is their look from our own faces." Then they came to Adam and Eve, and greeted them; and stood wondering at them.

3 Adam and Eve looked at them also, and wondered at their beauty, and said, "Is there, then, under us, another world, with such beautiful creatures as these in it?"

4 And those maidens said to Adam and Eve, "Yes, indeed, we are an abundant creation."

5 Then Adam said to them, "But how do you multiply?"

6 And they answered him, "We have husbands who have married us, and we bear them children, who grow up, and who in their turn marry and are married, and also bear children; and thus we increase. And if so be, O Adam, you will not believe us, we will show you our husbands and our children."[/quote]

[quote]13 [b]Meanwhile the fire of sin came over Adam[/b], and he thought of committing sin. But he restrained himself, fearing that if he followed this advice of Satan, God would put him to death.

14 Then Adam and Eve got up, and prayed to God, while Satan and his hosts went down into the river, in presence of Adam and Eve; to let them see that they were going back to their own world.

15 Then Adam and Eve went back to the Cave of Treasures, as they usually did; about evening time.

16 And they both got up and prayed to God that night. Adam remained standing in prayer, yet not knowing how to pray, by reason of the thoughts in his heart regarding his marrying Eve; and he continued so until morning.[/quote]

Something interesting about this is that Satan was willing to appear as a woman.

I can't find it just at this moment but in another part of this book The Word states that He would not do something like this...He would not appear as a woman!

Dante was inspired to entitle his visionary experience The Divine Comedy...and I firmly believe that COMEDY is a vastly more important aspect of what is going on this earth than we might imagine.

In the Book of Genesis we read that the fallen angels were called Sons of YHWH...Sons of God.

Yahushua/Jesus stated that we have not seen the Father at any time but it was the Son who we saw...The Apostle John reveals that it was The Word/The Logos who dealt with humanity.

So it seems perhaps as if YHWH the Father has many sons and several of them are willing to appear as women to achieve their objective...but The Logos/The Word...is not willing to do something like this.

I believe that gay people on planet earth are acting out a drama that began in the courts of heaven and ultimately I believe that just as King David wanted Absolom alive and repentant...so also YHWH wants the fallen angels to admit their serious guilt...admit it plainly...deeply...and come to HIM for the power to change. I believe that the fallen angels are learning from the situations that we humans are going through.

Every time that a macho father kicks out a gay or trans sexual son...the Devils notice....and I believe that their hearts are being prepared for repentance.

Why else would Yom Kippur, the Jewish festival somewhat similar to Passover have a "goat for Azazel?"

That is my theory anyway.

Gay people are helping YHWH to set the stage for the repentance of the ultimate Absolom...Satan.

Perhaps the last Elijah in his role of turning the hearts of fathers to their children...unconditionally...regardless of the sins of the children....will play a role that helps to finish off a Yom Kippur event...that unlike the sacrifice of Yahushua/Jesus which was totally and utterly for the children of Abraham...maybe a Yom Kippur aspect to the plan will actually have an effect on the fallen angels that will lead to YHWH the Father having his Absoloms back....which makes Him so happy...that His wrath is pacified...exactly as is predicted in Ecclesiasticus chapter 48?!

1 [quote]And Elias the prophet stood up, as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch[/quote]
[quote][size=5]Who art registered in the judgments of times to appease the wrath of the Lord[/size], to reconcile the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob.[/quote]

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1382170' date='Sep 9 2007, 10:12 PM']God has a plan for everyone... some maybe to show His mercy... some maybe for destruction...
God Bless,

OT-Hijack...but that does not sound right. It sounds alot like calvinism. God having a plan for the destruction of people does not reconcile itself with what I know of catholic soteriology.

[quote name='prose' post='1382559' date='Sep 10 2007, 12:38 PM']Just so that it is clear, the NDE experience that is being advertised (:spam:) here is directly against Church's teachings.[/quote]

the NDE is nothing more than the same thing some of Origin's students got in trouble for. They are right that "love" and "properly loving" is a major part of salvation. Augustine affirmed this. But the idea that we repeat the cycle and get closer is just the same thing that was a patristic issue. At least the guy can be creative.

Tate, whats your background? You talk as if you are jewish. Yet you have christian as your religion. Care to give a 411

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1389133' date='Sep 20 2007, 12:40 PM']The Church has never been a leader in anti-semitism. However some members of the church have committed this sin.What does this have to do with the topic?[/quote]

It has everything to do with this topic.

My last name is English.

I am half Irish, my mother's maiden name was Malloy.

Dad's family is actually from Northern Ireland...but with an English last name...we know which side of the struggle my father's family was on.

I have read that there was one particular time period when my English ancestors killed roughly one third of the people or Ireland.

One third were sent off to work on the colonies...manage the black slaves....basically be like Egyptian overseers.

One third was left in Ireland to work the land...grow grain and beef which was used to pay the rental on the land...and we Irish grew potatoes for our own consumption. It is interesting to note that during the time of the Irish potato blight when one million Irish starved to death my mother's ancestors had paid their grain and beef land rental payments in full at the same time that English politicians debated in their parliament how to help the 'poor Irish.'

Human beings are always coming up with some group of people that does not deserve to live. That group could be Jews, maybe Heretical Judaisers who mix Christianity with Judaism....maybe it is people who have a different skin color such as the native people of Nova Scotia...maybe it is because a buy is effeminate or homosexual....it is all a question of supposed supperiority that means that one group deserves to be exterminated...and another group should live...and prosper in all possible ways!!!

Look at the desire of Satan toward Adam and Eve according to this ancient writing:

(Chapter LXXII)

[quote]10 Satan also thought within himself, "God at first commanded Adam concerning the fruit of the tree, saying to him, 'Eat not of it; else of death you shall die.' But Adam ate of it, and yet God did not kill him; He only decreed on him death, and plagues and trials, until the day he shall come out of his body.

11 [size=5]Now, then, if I deceive him to do this thing, and to marry Eve without God's permission, God will kill him then[/size]."[/quote]

Satan thought that he and his hosts were a superior life form and that Adam and Eve should be exterminated.

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1389171' date='Sep 20 2007, 01:43 PM']OT-Hijack...but that does not sound right. It sounds alot like calvinism. God having a plan for the destruction of people does not reconcile itself with what I know of catholic soteriology.
the NDE is nothing more than the same thing some of Origin's students got in trouble for. They are right that "love" and "properly loving" is a major part of salvation. Augustine affirmed this. But the idea that we repeat the cycle and get closer is just the same thing that was a patristic issue. At least the guy can be creative.
Tate, whats your background? You talk as if you are jewish. Yet you have christian as your religion. Care to give a 411[/quote]

Sure. I am Scotch-Irish-English-Dutch. Born in Antigonish back in May of 1959. I had bleeding ulsers when I was very young. The Sisters at St. Martha's Hospital in Antigonish worried that I might kick the bucket when I was four years old because I could vomit a pan full of blood...and then another...and then another.

I got mad at God when I heard a hell fire and brimstone sermon from Dr. Billy Graham when I was perhaps six. My family is not very religious with the exception of my grandmother Edna Malloy who died back in '93. I became an atheist when I heard the evolutionary theory taught in Grade 2.

When I was about 12 or 13 I heard Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong. He got me into reading the Bible and I would often listen to him three times per night on the radio back in the seventies.

I attended a local Pentecostal church with my grandmother a few times when I was a teenager but I really wanted to go to Garner Ted's church. I finally bought a new car in '79 and started travelling to church in Halifax almost every weekend. I loved being part of the Worldwide Church of God for another dozen or so years and then the cognitive dissonance just got too great when I ran into the near death experience material.

After parting with the WWCG I read a lot of the Messianic Jewish writings and then once I got on the net I actually started reading Orthodox and especially Lubavichter writings. The more Jewish I become the closer ideologically I come to a belief structure that strangely resembles Catholicism.....or at least some versions of it.

Is Matthew Fox a Catholic theologian. He sure sounds like one! I read his book "The Coming of the Cosmic Christ." Awesome!!!!!

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1389192' date='Sep 20 2007, 02:03 PM']Whats your angle with the book?

Are you christian? Protestant? Jewish? You seem very smart.[/quote]


Actually I am borderline manic-depressive but i only manifested the mania when I took a particular nutritional supplement. We manics write about one third of all published novels...A somewhat elevated level of norephenerine helps us to think outside the box.

I absolutely love The Book of Adam and Eve, The Book of Jasher, The Book of Enoch, The Book of Jubilees, and the Catholic Apocrypha. I actually think that some of the statements in there have the power to bring peace to the Middle East...to help Moslems, Jews and Christians to begin to understand and actually like each other.

I hope to use such writings to initiate an actual Middle Eastern Peace Plan. Here is one of my political writings...a letter to my opponent in the upcoming Canadian federal election...Father in Heaven willing:

[b]MP Peter Mackay. Did you become pro-Choice based on misleading statistics?[/b]

On one level...I suppose there is a bit of truth to the accusation that I am somewhat of a spammer! Silly me...I actually think that the internet can be used quite powerfully to make this planet a safer place for unborn children!

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