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The Creators Ultimate Plan/mystery For Gays!


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I have seldom read even one Near Death Experience that did not have me amazed....temporarily perplexed...astounded...or profoundly moved...at least for a little while.

One of the most profoundly troubling nde's is that of Mr. Christian Andreason.

It has taken me months to sort my way intellectually through this one but finally after being reminded of intriguing and relevant statements in "The Book of Adam and Eve"...I think that I can finally offer a possible theory on the ultimate plan/mystery...that YHWH has for homosexual people!

Or at least I will try anyway!

Here is the link into Mr. Andreason's near death experience:


[quote][size=4]If this world was to ever find out just a small amount of what sexually diverse (gay) people are here to do on this planet, there would never be one single wisecrack or hurtful remark made ever again. Instead there would be great respect! People who speak disrespectful things about people of this orientation ... enact judgment, and do so from a place of unenlightenment, insecurity, ego and socially induced prejudice. Some may use mistranslated scriptures taught to them, not by the Holy Spirit ... but by fear-filled human beings. Many will choose to sustain a Divinely unsupported satanic hate-based rage against these children of God, rather than using Love to bring understanding and healing between both peoples. Christ said, THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT IS THAT WE ARE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER! When people sling condemnation, judgment and bitterness at others, they are not practicing the great commandment. They are allowing their Souls to fall into darkness.

What were you told or shown about this issue?

When I got to Heaven, one of the first things I asked was about the very issue of bisexuality, as it had caused me a great deal of concern my whole life. My lady guide walked me to a room that had a large screen in it. On the screen, I saw[/size][/quote]

See if anybody can tell me how this writing may be somewhat explained by certain statements in "The Book of Adam and Eve"


...actually the most applicable statements may have been in the Second Book of Adam and Eve...I forget!?!?

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hint...yes...that would be chapter 72...or thereabouts:
[quote]Chapter LXXII - Adam's heart is set on fire. Satan appears as beautiful maidens.[/quote]LXXII...72??

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The so-called "book of adam and eve " is a series of fables written about 100 years BC. They are in no way scripture.

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Hasnt anyone here warned you yet that NDE's are of the occult?

Even some Catholics are aware of this.

I hate to see you stay in this error.

While pagan UU, I believed they were something good too, they are NOT.

I have a relative who could be in hell right now to my horror because they had an NDE, and they told me they had no worries about whether they would be going to heaven or not and what people believed didnt matter.


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[quote name='Budge' post='1381101' date='Sep 8 2007, 02:16 PM']Hasnt anyone here warned you yet that NDE's are of the occult?

Even some Catholics are aware of this.

I hate to see you stay in this error.

While pagan UU, I believed they were something good too, they are NOT.

I have a relative who could be in hell right now to my horror because they had an NDE, and they told me they had no worries about whether they would be going to heaven or not and what people believed didnt matter.

[url=""]PLEASE READ THIS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE![/url][/quote]

Was there any post (by a Catholic) here that supported near death experiences?

Your irrational hate is showing again.

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[quote name='tate4242' post='1380691' date='Sep 7 2007, 06:42 PM']Shalom:

I have seldom read even one Near Death Experience that did not have me amazed....temporarily perplexed...astounded...or profoundly moved...at least for a little while.

One of the most profoundly troubling nde's is that of Mr. Christian Andreason.

It has taken me months to sort my way intellectually through this one but finally after being reminded of intriguing and relevant statements in "The Book of Adam and Eve"...I think that I can finally offer a possible theory on the ultimate plan/mystery...that YHWH has for homosexual people!

Or at least I will try anyway!

Here is the link into Mr. Andreason's near death experience:

See if anybody can tell me how this writing may be somewhat explained by certain statements in "The Book of Adam and Eve"


...actually the most applicable statements may have been in the Second Book of Adam and Eve...I forget!?!?[/quote]
That was really gay.

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i agree it was a pretty gay post.

but with that said. as a supporter of the NDE experience i have to defend it. i think the bible can be interpreted in many ways. it's not clearly unbiblical, the experiences, overall. and i challenge anyone to show otherwise. so, if there's room for interpretation, it seems you should err towards making the bible reconciled with the NDE experiences. people who say it's unbiblical etc, are just fundamentalists (not to the bible but to status quo christiaity) who would rather not face reality. these are real experiences. these people would rather let fear and their prejudices continue to suppress themselves, other people, and the truth.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1381941' date='Sep 9 2007, 04:59 PM']i agree it was a pretty gay post.

but with that said. as a supporter of the NDE experience i have to defend it. i think the bible can be interpreted in many ways. it's not clearly unbiblical, the experiences, overall. and i challenge anyone to show otherwise. so, if there's room for interpretation, it seems you should err towards making the bible reconciled with the NDE experiences. people who say it's unbiblical etc, are just fundamentalists (not to the bible but to status quo christiaity) who would rather not face reality. these are real experiences. these people would rather let fear and their prejudices continue to suppress themselves, other people, and the truth.[/quote]

Even for one who supports NDE, however, have you considered the cases when one DOESN'T have an experience, but nearly died nonetheless?

There are people out there who will produce false testimony for something they believe very deeply in. These "pious frauds" have abounded throughout history.

Now suppose that a believer in the Cult of Freudianism (One of the three great cults of the modern age) actually believes that the world begins and ends with his genitalia nearly dies. Statistically, this is bound to happen. Now suppose that this person just saw a tunnel, a light and then came to. That's pretty boring, especially when his friends ask what it's like. I'm sure you can figure out what happens next.

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Hmm. People who nearly die are probably not in the best neurological or psychological state imaginable. Sometimes when you are very sick or very frightened you suffer from hallucinations. When I was a little girl I got seriously ill with pneumonia, and it made me think that I could see dragons on the ceiling. They were terrifyingly real. I could speak to them and they could speak to me, although our 'conversations' didn't make much sense.

Looking back, I know that there weren't really any dragons there. My high fever was causing my brain to convert the whirling of the ceiling fan into the thrashing of a dragon's tail. But it felt real at the time, and continued to feel real until I grew old enough to understand that even if dragons existed, they would have a hard time fitting into a hospital ward. I think near-death experiences may be like this. I have sympathy for people who have them, though - it's unnerving when you start seeing things that aren't there.

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[quote name='tate4242' post='1380691' date='Sep 7 2007, 08:42 PM']Shalom:

I have seldom read even one Near Death Experience that did not have me amazed....temporarily perplexed...astounded...or profoundly moved...at least for a little while.

One of the most profoundly troubling nde's is that of Mr. Christian Andreason.

It has taken me months to sort my way intellectually through this one but finally after being reminded of intriguing and relevant statements in "The Book of Adam and Eve"...I think that I can finally offer a possible theory on the ultimate plan/mystery...that YHWH has for homosexual people!

Or at least I will try anyway!

Here is the link into Mr. Andreason's near death experience:

See if anybody can tell me how this writing may be somewhat explained by certain statements in "The Book of Adam and Eve"


...actually the most applicable statements may have been in the Second Book of Adam and Eve...I forget!?!?[/quote]

Near death experiences could be nothing more than a dream... God has a plan for everyone... some maybe to show His mercy... some maybe for destruction... we do not and cannot know what God's plans are... all we can do is do what God wants and worship Him the way He wants and instructs us to through His Church, the Church of the Living God... aka the Catholic Church (1 Tim 3:15). To know better what God wants, study the Holy writings of the Saints of the Catholic Church. The Catechism, and the most well know Catholic book: The Holy Bible.

God Bless,

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[quote name='Budge' post='1381101' date='Sep 8 2007, 04:16 PM']Even some Catholics are aware of this.[/quote]
I've never been polled on this. Is it merely a "scientific" survey? Where do you get the book that gives you all these stats? It sounds so handy!

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[quote name='Dismas' post='1381956' date='Sep 9 2007, 05:44 PM']Even for one who supports NDE, however, have you considered the cases when one DOESN'T have an experience, but nearly died nonetheless?

There are people out there who will produce false testimony for something they believe very deeply in. These "pious frauds" have abounded throughout history.

Now suppose that a believer in the Cult of Freudianism (One of the three great cults of the modern age) actually believes that the world begins and ends with his genitalia nearly dies. Statistically, this is bound to happen. Now suppose that this person just saw a tunnel, a light and then came to. That's pretty boring, especially when his friends ask what it's like. I'm sure you can figure out what happens next.[/quote]

one thing i should have conceded. many of the experiences do appear to be overly elaborate, ie hoaxes. but most do not. nderf.org
the two points usually bickered about. first, whether hell is forever or if it exists. there's two strands in the NDEs about this. if you look at near-death.com you will see that you reap what you sow etc. if you live hellishly you reap hellishly. even if you are faith alone person, you have to concede you reap what you sow even if you are saved. the problem, is that many say there is no hell. these people could be the minority, i'd say, so not as much value is put to them. plus, what is hell anyway when you have degrees of light and dark? it's hard to say that's hell and that is not. people tend to get stuck in either or mentality and it's just not the way it works, even by tehir own standardes (you get rewarded for yoru works etc)
the other problems is the need for jesus. i'd say jesus is needed, as shown by one strand of experiences where jesus saves and they talk about him etc. but the other strand seesm to say he's not needed. now, the distinctino comes here: he's not needed for those who don't know better and for hte righteous per se (jesus said he didn't come to call the righteous but the unrighteous) but he is needed to those who know of him and their need for him, ie those who know better. we all need him and cannot deny him. i wouldn't get hung up when a few NDEers can't make the distinction between not needing him necessarily and not needing him at all, when they are not theologians and are caught up in the experience of God.

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Just so that it is clear, the NDE experience that is being advertised (:spam:) here is directly against Church's teachings.

[quote]In Heaven, I undeniably saw that I had lived an innumerable amount of lives.[/quote]

[quote]In the end ... believe it or not (sigh of relief), everyone gets to come home! Heaven is a place of ultimate LOVE. When we have learned how to become individuals that base our entire existence and consciousness around manifesting LOVE, we then become capable of entering the domain of the higher Realms of Heaven. If we do not practice Love, we can only go so far and we will be made to incarnate somewhere out there in God's super Universe again and again (unlimited times) until we learn.[/quote]

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this particular NDE seems suspicious. i don't dismiss it bc it's agaisnt the CC but it does seem suspicious. too elaborate. too all telling know it all. etc

plus you have to get scholarly to tell whether something is even a contradiction necessarily or not... definition of infallible statement etc. may not be even if ya think at first it is a contradiction.
but with that said, and given what i know about the CC, i'd probably believe experiences that contradicted the CC over the CC.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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