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Tridentine Mass Restrictions Lifted


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[quote name='Justin86' post='1380244' date='Sep 7 2007, 08:07 AM']Yes, I've always wanted to see one as well. Still haven't made up my mind whether or not it needs to be brought back entirely however.[/quote]
I highly doubt that it will ever be brought back entirely. I'm just happy that it is becoming something that the whole Church can acknowledge as a venerable and radically holy possession of the Church. For too long it has been seen as a mark of disobedience by the mainstream. I believe that the motu proprio is a big step in cultivating appropriate and worthy attitudes toward that which was the holiest prayer of the Church for so many centuries (and still is as the extraordinary form of the Roman rite!)

The venerable and holy Mass of the Ages is nothing that Catholics should have to feel ashamed of or disobedient about. It is the right of every Catholic priest to celebrate these venerable rites which were never abrogated and which did not suddenly become unclean or anathema when nobody was paying attention.

The preservation of these profoundly rich and sacred rites is not a rejection of the liturgical reform or "turning back the clock" as many seem to fear at this stage. The Second Vatican Council taught that all of the Churches legitimate and holy rites are equal in dignity and ought to be preserved. The hard fact is, the liturgical life of the Church change a great deal really fast after the Council and it was not all for the better nor what the Council intended. Some countries are worse off than the U.S. and I believe the promotion of the [i]forma extraordinaria[/i] will help foster a sense of mystery and interiority that is needed for the enrichment of the general liturgical climate of the Church after an age of activitism, exteriorized worship and a certain false priority of the subjective in the liturgy. Perhaps something the young Guardini might have described as the priority of ethos over logos.

And I must take issue with the sentiments expressed by another poster on this thread. In my adamant opinion celebration of the Eucharist [i]versus populum[/i] is perhaps the biggest blunder of the liturgical reform (incidentally Vatican II did not call for this novelty -- it was a most unfortunate fad that was raised to the level of an imperative by zealots). Until this practice is eliminated the fullness of the spirit of the Roman liturgy will not be accessible (in my opinion at least, take it for what its worth). The reference one can find to moving the altar away from the wall was about being able to walk behind the altar as it was being incensed and was not in any way a mandate or recommendation to offer the Eucharistic Sacrifice [i]versus populum[/i].

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Hey, thank you all! All your opinions and thoughts are quite helpful! I am not on here a whole lot and totally missed the other thread about the Latin Mass and found all those thoughts helpful, too. God bless you all!


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