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"Kyrie eleison"

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Out of seriousness, when do we do number 9? And HSM, didn't HSD just give us a big post sayin not to be mocking? Though, she does appear to implement that technique liberally.

Edited by Sacred Music Man
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Why did JEsus die on the cross Kyrie, if we have to pay for our own sins to the last penny?

You are just making it known that its true that Catholics only believe Jesus makes it *possible* for them to be saved and nothing more.

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='Budge' post='1378801' date='Sep 5 2007, 06:05 PM']Why did JEsus die on the cross Kyrie, if we have to pay for our own sins to the last penny?

You are just making it known that its true that Catholics only believe Jesus makes it *possible* for them to be saved and nothing more.[/quote]


Jesus died on the cross so that heaven may be open to us. And how we respond to Jesus and his commandments and words, will determine if we are worthy.

Your again evading scripture in which Jesus states, [b]"Amen, I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny."[/b] in Matthew 5:26. In these verses Jesus is speaking about [b]sin.[/b]

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"Kyrie eleison"

And could you respond to 2 Samuel 12:13-15.18

David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.” And Nathan said to David, “The LORD also has put away your sin; you shall not die. [b]Nevertheless,[/b] because by this deed you have utterly scorned the LORD, the child who is born to you shall die.” Then Nathan went to his house. And the LORD afflicted the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and he became sick… On the seventh day the child died.

The Lord has forgiven David and put away his sin[b] but[/b] God still asks for more in that David's child will die.

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if i were dust, id be offended by this thead...

at least it's not...
"shake the dairygirl4u2c from your feet"

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1378773' date='Sep 5 2007, 04:24 PM']#6 seems to be your favorite.[/quote]

[quote name='prose' post='1378777' date='Sep 5 2007, 04:29 PM']Oh, let's not forget her expertise in #2 as well.[/quote]
Oh come now, people!

Everyone knows that True Bible-Believin' Christians [i]never[/i] use any fallacious arguin' tactics - such things are exclusively used by Romish Papist apologists.

I mean, it [i]says so [/i]right there on the Jack Chick-style anti-Catholic websites Budge loves to copy-and-paste from! (See #2)

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1378945' date='Sep 5 2007, 06:23 PM']if i were dust, id be offended by this thead...

at least it's not...
"shake the dairygirl4u2c from your feet"[/quote]


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[b]Official Jenyoo-wine Independant Fundamental Baptist Cath-lick Bashin' Tekneek List[/b]

* 1: Jack Chick technique

Regurgitate anti-Catholic statements without providing any proof,
Otherwise, known as propaganda.
(Popular examples: Catholics worship a "False Christ," The Church says we don't need to Jesus to be saved, etc.)

* 2: Cut-and-paste technique

Find the closest anti-Catholic rant on any anti-Catholic website, *
stick it into your clipboard and post away.
Upon receiving a scriptural rebuttal,
switch the topic to how the Pope is evil
and then utilize the Jack Chick technique.

* (Note, the website need not be Christian. Even anti-Christian atheist and neo-pagan sites will do, just so long as they attack proper targets such as the Pope, Mother Theresa, etc.)

* 3: Persecuted Martyr technique

If them Cathlicks get offended or angry at your attacks and rants, insist vehemently that your opponent hates Jesus and the Gospel.
It is always advisable to paint yourself as an innocent victim of Catholic hate.
This technique should always contain a reference to your extreme love for Jesus and the limitless bounds of your apostolic zeal for spreading Gospel Truth.

* 4: Fundy interpretation technique

Any text can mean anything when interpreted under the
Fundy interpretation technique.
Use this to your advantage then utilize the Jack Chick technique.
Most often used with attacks on the sacraments.
Symbolic? Yes! Literal? No! Wait, yes, I mean, the Pope wears a Satanic hat!
What else can you do?

* 5: Words without meaning technique

If you are receiving any roadblocks by any particular word
you previously gave in your rant,
or if what you've described is the definition of a word
detrimental to your defense,
simply deny the basic word meaning of the troubling term.
Examples - "eat" "drink" "baptize" "chastise" "work," etc.

* 6. Bait and Switch technique

If your accusations and rants are being shot down repeatedly,
it is because you are staying on one topic for too long.
In the Catholic-bashin' arena,
it is always a good idea to present a moving target.
If your Mother Theresa attack is becoming an embarrassment,
switch it to a Jesus Saves defense,
pretend your opponent has denied it
and act outraged at his blasphemy.[/list]

* 7: Sola Scriptura technique

Put forth that no spiritual authority is found outside of scripture.
However, due to the overwhelming lack of evidence for this statement in the Bible,
this will usually have to be accompanied with the Jack Chick technique, and maybe an inset photo of the Pope meeting with some Africans.

* 8: Attack "Early Deceivers" technique

This can be used as a companion apologetic to the
Sola Scriptura technique.
Always refer to your opponent as syncretist pagan to imply
that the Catholic Church began with "Mystery Babylon."
Insist all recorded Christians in the early Church were "Early Deceivers",
or otherwise dirty pagan liars,
Do not accept any denials of this.
Rubber-stamp him as a follower of Univeralist-Unitarianism if they deny this accusation.

* 9: Stalking technique

Harass the Catholic endlessly whether he shows any interest in leaving the Church or not
Can utilize any of the other above methods.
The object is to fill their e-mail and guestbooks daily with anti-Catholic rants.
When your opponent will no longer respond to you,
insist that he is afraid to debate you.
Continue to harass them until they put you on "ignore"
or you are at risk of losing your ISP account for a second time.
If you are about to lose your ISP a second time,
pass the baton over to a fellow anti-Catholic.

* 10: Babbling Mystery Babble-on technique

Remember when you were a kid.
If you closed your eyes, danger would go away.
This technique is a variation on that theme.
When backed into a corner,
begin babbling about "Mystery Babylon" or the color of Mary's eyes on a Catholic holy-card, and the opponent may forget that you were ever engaged in a debate in the first place.
With all the other fine anti-Catholic techniques available,
this one is usually not advised.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote]* 1: Jack Chick technique

Regurgitate anti-Catholic statements without providing any proof,
Otherwise, known as propaganda.
(Popular examples: Catholics worship a "False Christ," The Church says we don't need to Jesus to be saved, etc.)[/quote]

Jack Chick is a good christian man, and since things are coming true in tracts he produced 25 years ago...a good student of Gods Word.

You dont offend me when you pair my name by his. I deeply respect the man and yes I know the world hates him.

I wrote a thank you letter to Jack Chick some years ago. I told him his tracts worked on me. I collected comics as an unbeliever--and included was Jack Chick ones...[the street peracher who witnessed to me also passed on many of his tracts to me.

[quote]* 2: Cut-and-paste technique

Find the closest anti-Catholic rant on any anti-Catholic website, *
stick it into your clipboard and post away.
Upon receiving a scriptural rebuttal,
switch the topic to how the Pope is evil
and then utilize the Jack Chick technique.

* (Note, the website need not be Christian. Even anti-Christian atheist and neo-pagan sites will do, just so long as they attack proper targets such as the Pope, Mother Theresa, etc.)[/quote]

I write a lot of my own stuff, but why not cut and paste, dont you share Catholic articles here.

Atheists while deluded about God, often times are thinkers and do examine things, like religious rip-offs, Mother Teresa wasnt the only one dealt with by them, but Poploff, Benny Hinn ect. I think it is the sign of a cult when they tell you not to trust anything the cult does not write, or official approve "imprintaurs". I believe with Mother Teresa for the folks who wanted to sound the alarm like Sandra Shields, no church wanted to have anything to do with knocking a PR manufactuired ULTRA-ICON off the pedestal so the atheists, UUs, and agnostics were the only people they could turn too. They werent going to go to fundie Christians because their dealings with MT had turned them off what they *thought* was Christianity.

[quote]* 3: Persecuted Martyr technique

If them Cathlicks get offended or angry at your attacks and rants, insist vehemently that your opponent hates Jesus and the Gospel.
It is always advisable to paint yourself as an innocent victim of Catholic hate.
This technique should always contain a reference,
to your extreme love for Jesus and the limitless bounds of your apostolic zeal for spreading Gospel Truth.[/quote]

Hmm I dont recall every using the term Anti-Fundie here, or Anti-Protestant.

I dont think any of you hate Jesus, youre just pursuing a false one. In fact many of you are looking for HIm, and I pray you find Him.
[quote]* 4: Fundy interpretation technique

Any text can mean anything when interpreted under the
Fundy interpretation technique.
Use this to your advantage then utilize the Jack Chick technique.
Most often used with attacks on the sacraments.
Symbolic? Yes! Literal? No! Wait, yes, I mean, the Pope wears a Satanic hat!
What else can you do?[/quote]

There are no sacraments in the Bible--baptism is an ordinance,, no Mass in the book of Acts--imagine that the apostles DID not speak LATIN, how did they ever get those wafers transubstantiated ;)

[quote]* 5: Words without meaning technique

If you are receiving any roadblocks by any particular word
you previously gave in your rant,
or if what you've described is the definition of a word
detrimental to your defense,
simply deny the basic word meaning of the troubling term.
Examples - "eat" "drink" "baptize" "chastise" "work," etc.[/quote]

You mean like replacing the word LATRIA for worship?

[quote]* 6. Bait and Switch technique

If your accusations and rants are being shot down repeatedly,
it is because you are staying on one topic for too long.
In the Catholic-bashin' arena,
it is always a good idea to present a moving target.
If your Mother Theresa attack is becoming an embarrassment,
switch it to a Jesus Saves defense,
pretend your opponent has denied it
and act outraged at his blasphemy.[/list][/quote]

or from the Catholic side, send some middle of the fence poster of some vague religion--who wont even admit to anyone what she is exactly, to post 10 threads on whether cats should drive or why God allows fish to be eaten and not cows during Lent.
[quote]* 7: Sola Scriptura technique

Put forth that no spiritual authority is found outside of scripture.
However, due to the overwhelming lack of evidence for this statement in the Bible,
this will usually have to be accompanied
with the Jack Chick technique, and maybe an inset photo of the Pope meeting with some Africans.[/quote]

What lack of evidence?

Things are convienient when your authorities mandate and define their OWN authority isnt it?

[quote]* 8: Attack "Early Deceivers" technique

This can be used as a companion apologetic to the
Sola Scriptura technique.
Always refer to your opponent as syncretist pagan to imply
that the Catholic Church began with "Mystery Babylon."
Insist all recorded Christians in the early Church were "Early Deceivers",
or otherwise dirty pagan liars,
Do not accept any denials of this.
Rubber-stamp him as a follower of Univeralist-Unitarianism if they deny this accusation.[/quote]

All of them nah....

but the ones the Catholic Church holds up as leaders to emulate, sure {thats if you can even trust the words they attribute to them}

UUs and early deceivers...nah... I dont think even the early deceivers taught that Buddhist and Hindus could be Christians without "knowing it", that was made up later...
[quote]* 9: Stalking technique

Harass the Catholic endlessly whether he shows any interest in leaving the Church or not
Can utilize any of the other above methods.
The object is to fill their e-mail and guestbooks daily with anti-Catholic rants.
When your opponent will no longer respond to you,
insist that he is afraid to debate you.
Continue to harass them until they put you on "ignore"
or you are at risk of losing your ISP account for a second time.
If you are about to lose your ISP a second time,
pass the baton over to a fellow anti-Catholic.[/quote]

I havent emailed anyone here.

I dont think Ive even left very many comment on any profiles...maybe twice?

Im the one thats got people chasing me over debates I left 3 months ago.
[quote]* 10: Babbling Mystery Babble-on technique

Remember when you were a kid.
If you closed your eyes, danger would go away.
This technique is a variation on that theme.
When backed into a corner,
begin babbling about "Mystery Babylon" or the color of Mary's eyes on a Catholic holy-card, and the opponent may forget that you were ever engaged in a debate in the first place.
With all the other fine anti-Catholic techniques available,
this one is usually not advised.[/quote]

Why do Catholics think Mystery Babylon is of no concern or does not exsist?

Thats what Id like to know.

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[quote name='CatholicCid' post='1378768' date='Sep 5 2007, 04:17 PM']Im the one thats got people chasing me over debates I left 3 months ago.[/quote]

Speaking of which...

[quote name='CatholicCid' post='1378768' date='Sep 5 2007, 04:17 PM']Speaking of apologetics... I do believe Budge is still in the middle of an apologetic debate with Raphael when she has time to continue - [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=59911&st=40&start=40"]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?s...40&start=40[/url]
I'm sure Raphael would never dive into any of the 10 ebil "apologetic techniques" (I thought it grew to 20)[/quote]


"Kyrie eleison", your "last penny" post is really telling I think how the wording matches up.

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Honestly what does Raphael want?

I responded.

The Immaculate Conception is NOT based on scripture.

Scripture is my authority, its not yours.

I think it is wrong frankly and think the real Mary would be crying because she was humble lady that wouldnt want that stuff attributed to her if she knew this stuff was going on. Why would she want to be elevated when everyone one that loves God, glorifes HIM?

She needed a savior just as well as anyone. Heres a question if she was supposely was perfect at the time of conception when did she need a savior?

the queen of heaven, daughter of Chaldea WANTS all your attention, how come all the latest Catholic Church dogmas have had her as their CENTER instead of Jesus Christ?

The real Mary would say STOP, LOOK TO JESUS CHRIST, not to me!

2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


Edited by Budge
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:hehe:. Brilliant CatholicCid.

Btw, I'm finding the hilarity is at a high here with Socrates and Budge. Seriously, I can't tell if they're being totally sarcastic or not. Though, lots of truth is revealed for sure.
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One of Jack Chick's latest tracts...

[url="http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1107/1107_01.asp?wpc=1107_01.asp&wpp=a"]FREE AT LAST; MODS NOTHING ANTICATHOLIC HERE![/url]



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