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The Black Pope?

Paladin D

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Where did this orginate? Is this a real title given to the Jesuit head? If not, then ok. If so, I assume it's been taken out of context completely?

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It's the typical garbage.

I first heard of it from a Christian Scientist that works at my office.

God only knows where it came from. Just another attack on the truth.

Your Servant in Christ,


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The first time I heard the term "Black Pope" was in the book "The Jesuits" by Malachi Martin (an ex-Jesuit, now deceased author).

The term refers to the superior general of the Jesuits (who dresses in black), in contrast to the "White Pope" (the Vicar of Christ, who wears white).

I guess the idea of the term has at least two meanings built into it:

1) The informal use of the title "pope" indicates the power of the superior general of the Jesuits in the affairs of the Church.

2) The "black-vs-white" indicates some kind of power struggle (between the Jesuit superior general and the pope) for the soul of the Church...well, that's the idea, anyway.

Although it may be obvious, I should say that the term "Black Pope" is not used by the Church. It's definitely not an official term! :)

I don't know the origin of the term; but I've mostly seen it in anti-Jesuit (a la Jack Chick) literature.

AMDG, :)


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Mateo writes:

The term refers to the superior general of the Jesuits (who dresses in black), in contrast to the "White Pope" (the Vicar of Christ, who wears white).

So basically, they're saying that the superior general of the Jesuits is the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Holy Father is Glenda the Good Witch? :lol:

Where do people come up with this stuff? I'd say Satan, but I think he's more sane than this...

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  Good Friday said:
So basically, they're saying that the superior general of the Jesuits is the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Holy Father is Glenda the Good Witch?  :lol:

Maybe it's a little more like the good witch of the north and the good witch of the south. At some point, even they would disagree on who gets to use the magic slippers.

Anyway, just to add to my own description, here's a little exerpt from Martin's book (The Jesuits, Page 80):

"So great is that power [of the Jesuit Superior General] in Rome and in the world at large, and so widely is it recognized, that whoever holds  the office of Jesuit General also holds the unofficial title of "the Black Pope."  Black in this case is not meant to indicate a menace of any sort.  It is simply a recognition of the fact that, like any other Jesuit, the hugely powerful General of the Society always dresses in black clericals, in contrast to the traditional white robes of the hugely powerful Holy Father."


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In the contexts I've heard this term, it's just an affectionate nickname for the Jesuit Suprior General----and it comes from Catholics in Rome!!!

He's like a 'pope' because he has his office for life, but unlike the popes he wears the black soutane "habit" of the Jesuits. The popes only started wearing white after Pius V, who wore white because he was a Dominican and that's the colour of their habit.

And considering the great rivalry between the Jesuits and Dominicans on issues on grace, it seems mostly likely that the joke 'the black Pope' first came from the Dominicans, mostly to remind the Jesuits that one of their number has never been a Pope, even though the Franciscans and Dominicans have provided many popes over the centuries!

I really think this is from the Roman sense of humour, like calling the guy who argues against canonisations "the Devil's Advocate". If anti-Catholics want to make a big deal about it, they are just displaying mean-spiritedness and historical ignorance.

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My goodness!!!!!! There's a whole load of freaky weirdos out there on the Internet obsessed with their own twisted version of "a Black Pope"! Talk about sick, twisted, evil imaginations!

For slurs against the Jesuits, see this article in the old Catholic Encyclopedia:


I used to despair of the Js because so many of them have gone off their rockers. But there are still plenty of good and faithful Jesuits around. Don't write them all off. Like Cmom says, there's good wheat among the weeds---let God do the harvesting. In the meantime, let's pray for more good and holy vocations to that great order of the Society of Jesus. The world would be a lot poorer without its Fr Fessios........

Having said all that, I couldn't resist teasing a Jesuit wanna-be a few years ago. He was joining the Js that summer, and I was joining the Order I'm now in. And he said, "I guess I'll be giving you retreats in the future." And quick as a flash I said, "Yes, and I guess I'll be trying you for heresy!"

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