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Seriously, Budge -


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[quote]One thing interesting about the Roman Catholic church because your leadership has assumed leadership over scripture, there is no check to the magisterium except for themselves, they are the final word...[nice set-up] This essentially means they can come up with anything new or novel. While Christians are subject to Gods Word, the Catholic Magisterium is subject to no one, in other words they can make it up as they go along, morphing at least even in my lifetime even once, with a new interpretation....and using development of doctrine to hide the fact that their "interpetations" change all the time, while GOds Word is timeless and eternal.[/quote]

actually, I would say it is the opposite. Catholicism is bound to its living tradtion. So the vatican can not make a new random theology because they have a guru that is a good speaker with an agenda.

Where as this happens all the time in protestantism whenever someone has a new angle of theology. Thats why there is so many schools of thought. When you can get 3-4 very respected, very educated theologians together and have them have completely different implications for the same verse (romans 9 comes to mind) you know it is a flawed system.

Where did the rapture theology come from? what about open theism? Or even calvinism if we are going to go to that leg. protestism violates the core christian principle. that is our faith is a living tradition that has and will continue to grow since the time Adam sinned. Our theology flows and grows with that, in respect to that. We cant say "XX in 400 doesnt matter, im going to say xx" and make birth control popular because it is easy on my life. But protestantism does this all the time. The ones who can market their guru better get the most customers and maybe a book deal.

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[quote]Budge: I read the Bible and self-check - with the help of the Holy Spirit, of course - to know that I'm not in error. My neighbor, who does the same thing, came to a completely different conclusion on a given matter. Naturally, he's wrong.

The Catholic Church: relies on 2,000 years of exegesis and has an entire hierarchy devoted to doctrinal matters, but disagrees with Budge, so is wrong.

With respect, get a clue.

This post has been edited by kenrockthefirst: Today, 03:40 PM[/quote]

Self check? Who said I only talk to myself, even though I am now away from my loved church, Ive maintained contact with them and other Christians.

You all act as though Im the only born again Christian in the world who has read the Bible and or shared Gods Word with anyone.

Your leaders because of the interfaith movement and doctrines that are nonscriptural, JUDGE THEMSELVES AND TEST THEMSELVES BY THEMSELVES>

By the way this is mentioned in scripture!

2 Corinthians 10

12For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves:[b] but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.[/b]

They cant even get the first commandment right and because they have put their own authority over God's Word are leading all of you deeper into error.

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I disagree again,

Protestants that only talk and go to "worship" with those that agree with them are "comparing themselves among themselves" and if they dont agree they go to a different church or build their own so people can agree with each other.

catholics, being universal as well as being bound to the testimony of those who came before us are not only giving a vote to those that agree with us.

You are citing the right verses budge. Just looking at them wrong.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1380537' date='Sep 7 2007, 04:32 PM']One thing interesting about the Roman Catholic church because your leadership has assumed leadership over scripture, there is no check to the magisterium except for themselves, they are the final word...[nice set-up] This essentially means they can come up with anything new or novel. While Christians are subject to Gods Word, the Catholic Magisterium is subject to no one, in other words they can make it up as they go along, morphing at least even in my lifetime even once, with a new interpretation....and using development of doctrine to hide the fact that their "interpetations" change all the time, while GOds Word is timeless and eternal.[/quote]As in our change on abortion, homosexuality, chaste behavior...

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Hi, Budge! While I don't wish to start a conflict, there's something I'd just like to remind you, you having been a cradle Catholic and all. You said:

[quote]The problem with Catholics is you poor folks have no standard to judge things by.[/quote]

On the contrary, my friend: you know as well as I do that Catholics are just as bound to the Word of the Lord as every other Christian. We judge our behavior and our worship by that same Word. To listen to man [i]alone[/i] is wrong, and to interpret the Bible without the Spirit is dangerous.

[quote]From [b]Proverbs 3[/b]:

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and [u]lean not on your own understanding;[/u]
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.[/quote]

Yes, we look to the Pope and the magesterium--and the [i]Lord[/i], first and foremost!--for guidance on interpretation of Scripture. But what makes your interpretation any better than ours, in that regard? You rely on the Trinity and your own wisdom/faculties to interpret. We do the same. So what makes any of us more morally correct?

Edited by MissyP89
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[quote]On the contrary, my friend: you know as well as I do that Catholics are just as bound to the Word of the Lord as every other Christian. We judge our behavior and our worship by that same Word. To listen to man alone is wrong, and to interpret the Bible without the Spirit is dangerous.[/quote]

No youre not.

Gods Word says Jesus is the only way and Jesus himself says that anyone who tries to get into heaven via any other way but Him is a thief and a robber.

This condemns the Catholic interfaith movement alone.

I have seen here for YEARS, Catholics here taking the word of hirelings, apostates and breakers of the first commandment just because they have the title Father, Bishop, Cardinal or Pope way above that of Gods Word.

So right there, Catholics have shown themselves NOT to be bound to the Word of God.

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