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Seriously, Budge -


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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1378760' date='Sep 5 2007, 04:00 PM']For your delight and delectation: [url="http://www.maranathanj.org/faqs.htm"]What is the Church of the Nazarene?[/url]

Go ahead, as one "Bible-believing" Christian to another, and tell members of the Church of the Nazarene that they're "yoked to Rome."

I can't wait to see the fur fly.



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[quote]For your delight and delectation: What is the Church of the Nazarene?

Go ahead, as one "Bible-believing" Christian to another, and tell members of the Church of the Nazarene that they're "yoked to Rome."

I can't wait to see the fur fly.[/quote]

Ive already told some Emergents in the Church of the Nazarene they are yoked to Rome.

They react like you folks do, call the Bible Christian a hater and defend the unity and ecumenical movement.

Perhaps those people are fortunate and have a decent pastor who does not believe in ecumenicsim with Rome.. on the local level.

I sure hope so.

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Okay, I'll take your word for it. But who says that a church of nazarine here in my area believes the same thing? Just like the 5 Pentecostal communities in my city are very different, I think some you met are moreso different than up here... in fact, you found a rare bunch. ..

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Hey maybe so.

One thing to remember ouitside of the Catholic Church and mainline apostates and in the Christian world, brand name doesnt matter as much. I was in an Indp Baptist church, I could end up in another type of Christian church. There are saved Christians from all denominations on my board, I believe there are saved people even in bad churches, [hey if the place teaches salvation via faith, they do have the chance of being truly saved] some of whom are going to get out soon, and some who will they love God and are born again, sadly are in some error and only getting milk instead of meat.

Unity in Jesus Christ depends on who is saved. It may surprised you I had an elderly Free Methodist friend I visited her church with, she was just as saved as me a Baptist, and that includes Pentes, non-denominationals and home churches Ive been friends with.

Catholics dont get this, to them its all about unity in Pope. That is the same thing how Satan has twisted what true Christian UNITY is supposed to be about and has made it all about unity in Pope and conforming in error.

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I don't quite understand the reasoning behind the last part. could you please expound on the paradigms for me? Because the way I see it, scripture says that Christ gave us a head with authority (keys) and binding and loosing power. But, aside from that, it would make sense to have a leader or a hub to hold us together because God is a Trinity who is of utmost unity, but specifically 3 different persons. They are a community with no division. Why would God want that of his saved people? Because, these "saved" people from different denominations, some being "corrupt" are divided in different dogmas, and even doctrine at some points. God has no division, so why should we? Why can't he promise a beacon of unity for us people? Especially when we may lose our way? Also, how can an infallible book be interpreted by a fallible being? Moreover, where is the authority for personal interpretation?

Anyways, what does this verse mean?

"...there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been institued by God" Romans 13:1

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The problem here in a nutshell, is that Catholics want mere MEN to define all truths to them. Think about this what role is the Holy Spirit to play in the Christians life? When a Christian wants to know the truth about something, they study scripture and pray to God for answers. While a Christian may look to good Christian examples, pastors, teachers, elders, for help in studying Gods Word, it is much different matter for the Catholic, who must accept everything the Roman Catholic church teaches them, much of which is not scriptural. The Catholic has nothing to check their church against as the Catholic Church Magisterium defines even its own authority as equal to scripture!

God is to lead a Christian into more truth. Men are to be held to the standards of Gods Word not the other way around. When one man--the Pope controls the whole show, that is nothing but a recipie for abuses of power and historically that is what I believe is what has happened. Even Romans 13, one is to hold authorities to Gods commandments...ie you obey laws like pay taxes etc, but you do not blindly follow authority when they want you to break God's commandments {torture someone, work in slave camp, take chip}

The sad thing about Catholicism is they believe these men have the Holy Spirit much more then they do, that the so called experts were meant to lead them into truth, when this Promise of Jesus was MEANT FOR EVERY BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN!

Jhn 14:26 But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

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But, it's specific men inspired by the Holy Spirit. I don't doubt that God would continue to pick out select groups for the job. After all, one one tribe of the 12 could propagate priests. That was the Levites, if I'm not mistaken :)

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[quote]God allowed "mere men" to pen the Scriptures...[/quote]

Sure but we have Gods promises about His Word and Jesus said IT IS WRITTEN.

Do you believe your Magisteruim is as "inspired" as scripture?

Im tired have to go to sleep, so this is last post for tonight...

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[quote name='Budge' post='1379287' date='Sep 5 2007, 11:05 PM']Sure but we have Gods promises about His Word and Jesus said IT IS WRITTEN.

Do you believe your Magisteruim is as "inspired" as scripture?

Im tired have to go to sleep, so this is last post for tonight...[/quote]

Yes, the magisterium is inspired by God, just as much as scripture. By definition, inspired means that the Holy Spirit is the true force at work.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1378799' date='Sep 5 2007, 05:03 PM']Ive already told some Emergents in the Church of the Nazarene they are yoked to Rome.

They react like you folks do, call the Bible Christian a hater and defend the unity and ecumenical movement.

Perhaps those people are fortunate and have a decent pastor who does not believe in ecumenicsim with Rome.. on the local level.

I sure hope so.[/quote]
So, basically, everyone's out of step except you.

That's fine. Going back to my original point, however, you don't have much chance of getting folks in step with your good self thanks to your words and demeanor, both of which are extremely offensive.

If you went into a Catholic church and defecated on the altar, people wouldn't be outraged because you had told them a "hard truth" but because you had dome something extremely offensive. Your words and demeanor here are no different. And please don't play the "a prophet is honored everywhere except in her own country" card. That canard is getting is a bit threadbare (apologies for the mixed metaphors).

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So, how do you know someone is a "bible Christian"?

More specifically, how do you know who the Holy Spirit is moving "correctly" and who is being deceived?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1379287' date='Sep 5 2007, 11:05 PM']Sure but we have Gods promises about His Word and Jesus said IT IS WRITTEN.[/quote]

Where did Jesus say anything about the New Test? Is this like when Paul is talking about the Old test to Timothy and fundies assume he means the whole New Test which wasnt in existence yet?

What promise from God are you citing? For the sake of understanding.

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[quote]So, how do you know someone is a "bible Christian"?

More specifically, how do you know who the Holy Spirit is moving "correctly" and who is being deceived?[/quote]

You test things according to scripture.

Ie: There are scriptural precepts to test spirits, etc and more.

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