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I was talking to a pmer and I was telling her about a couple of the religious names I wanted to take as we were talking about the Nashville Dominicans here in MN and I added I loved a couple of the names I would like to submit, so then she asked what makes me [b]love[/b] the names and here is the explaination God placed in my mind onto IM:

[i]I dont know, its the fact that the name you do take does play its role does have significant meaning and if you find the meaning of your name, your new life name, your new religious name not your worldly name - then perhaps you can really think about imitating who or what your named after. Just as making profession of vows and renewing them is a constant reminder of what and who you are and to whom you COMPLETELY belong to.[/i]

The world is so messed up and goes so fast that we dont stop and think. Maybe if we take a minute to stop and think about things, we can make a difference, and change ourselves.

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Well said, AlterDominicus. That's a great response also to those who speculate as to why anyone would even want to take on a new name. Thanks!

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I thought about what name I would take, it would be Sr. Mary Peter of the Passion.
Peter for my home parish and Passion to suffer for souls

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[quote name='DiscerningSoul' post='1375885' date='Sep 1 2007, 07:12 PM']I thought about what name I would take, it would be Sr. Mary Peter of the Passion.
Peter for my home parish and Passion to suffer for souls[/quote]

Oooh! I like it. That's well thought out!

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I have an attachment to St Peter, as in many ways he was very like me - proud, impetuous, sometimes cowardly, and often a complete idiot into the bargain. But he was sincere and unlike Judas he didn't run away from the terrible thing that he had done. In fact, he was the first to leap out of the boat and swim for shore when he recognised Jesus standing there after the Resurrection. I like Peter. :)

If I could have any religious name of my choosing, I think I would take Mary Peter, Mary Emmanuel, or Mary Elizabeth. Elizabeth the wife of Zechariah is my confirmation saint, and I've always honoured her because she had perfect faith even without the angelic revelation that came to her husband. She also said those shattering words: "Who am I, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"

I would like to dedicate myself to the Divine Word or the Holy Spirit. :)

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Once when I was praying, the name "Sr. Catharine Pio of the Pierced Feet of Jesus" came to me. I don't know if that will be my name, but it was definitely on my heart.

I really want my name to have something "Maria" in it... Sr. Maria Parasceva of the Most Holy Passion" or something like that. ([url="http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintp33.htm"]Check out St. Parasceva of Rome[/url])

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Speaking of religious names, my pre-calculus teacher has a plaque, or whatever you'd call it, with a picture of St. Teresa of Avila and the Child Jesus with these words:

Yo soy Teresa de Jesus
y Yo soy Jesus de Teresa

I am Teresa of Jesus
and I am Jesus of Teresa

Just thought I'd share that.

If I am called to the religious life, I'd probably choose something along the lines of Br. Joseph Mary of Jesus. Can't go wrong with the Holy Family. ;)

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Anthony Marie. I have lost so many things ( both pysically, spiritually, and mentally) that he has helped me find. If anyone deserves to be in my new name, it is him. And, of course, Marie for the blessed virgin

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