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Senator Restroom Incident


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The Republicans want Larry Craig gone because they have an election on 15 months and don't need and cannot afford the PR damage he will cause, guilty or not. He has been campaigning for several GOP candidates, including Mitt Rommney, and those candidates want a Grand Canyon between their names now. To have someone whose moral fiber has been questioned so publicly, regardless of the truth (and I happen to believe he's guilty), will only damage the GOP in an already challenging presidential and congressional elections.

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If the measuring stick is hypocrisy then I'd say its even.

The bottom line is there is no way that the Craig story can be spun into a dem bashing session

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1375534' date='Sep 1 2007, 10:51 AM']The Republicans want Larry Craig gone because they have an election on 15 months and don't need and cannot afford the PR damage he will cause, guilty or not. He has been campaigning for several GOP candidates, including Mitt Rommney, and those candidates want a Grand Canyon between their names now. To have someone whose moral fiber has been questioned so publicly, regardless of the truth (and I happen to believe he's guilty), will only damage the GOP in an already challenging presidential and congressional elections.[/quote]

He is guilty. He pled guilty. He can say anything that he wants now. He can go and try to get the decision reversed. But he publicly declared himself guilty. He paid his fine.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1375538' date='Sep 1 2007, 10:54 AM']He is guilty. He pled guilty. He can say anything that he wants now. He can go and try to get the decision reversed. But he publicly declared himself guilty. He paid his fine.[/quote]

I meant guilty in fact, not guilty in court. He seems to be denying that he actually did something wrong now, but of course pleading guilty isn't a good way to do that...

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i may be mistaken, but i don't think anamoly is trying to turn it into dem bashing. maybe subconsciously he is bringing up the issue of hypocrasy and comparing it to dems, which is deflecting attention from repubs. but his questions are not that for sure without reading into them yourself.

i think it's worse to be against something, and then be a hypocrite about it later. so, for me, i'd be quicker to jump on craig than barney, in this situation. of course it depends on the crime. if it's inherently wrong, like killing or stealing, i'd jump on any. if it's something petty like bathroom anctics, i'd think twice. infidelity is a relevant factor to character and such, but overall it's their own private life and not something inherently serious.
so, yeah, even though on principle his mistake isn't that big in my eyes in itself, but when coupled with his past rallying against gay lifestyles, i find reason for retribution.

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i may be mistaken, but i don't think anamoly is trying to turn it into dem bashing. maybe subconsciously he is bringing up the issue of hypocrasy and comparing it to dems, which is deflecting attention from repubs. but his questions are not that for sure without reading into them yourself.

i think it's worse to be against something, and then be a hypocrite about it later. so, for me, i'd be quicker to jump on craig than barney, in this situation. of course it depends on the crime. if it's inherently wrong, like killing or stealing, i'd jump on any. if it's something petty like bathroom anctics, i'd think twice. infidelity is a relevant factor to character and such, but overall it's their own private life and not something inherently serious.
so, yeah, even though on principle his mistake isn't that big in my eyes in itself, but when coupled with his past rallying against gay lifestyles, i find reason for retribution.

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I'm just asking questions.
Is it better that Dems tolerate what Frank did because as a party, they accept open homosexuality and tolerate sexual promiscuity


Is it better that the Reps kick Craig to the curb because he was hypocritical in voting for marriage between heteros and was caught probably soliciting sex in a men's bathroom.

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that's clearer. good questions. that's complicated. i'd have to think about it from my perspective. it's like you're saying... is it better to punish hypocrisy or be tolerant, from my perspective? and from a repub perspective it's like you're saying.... is it better to punish hypocrisy or embrace sin.. so it's prob clearer to a repub. but, i could see a repub saying... it's tough because, do kick out a man who should be forgiven or embrace sin, which is better?
that's why it's complicated.

i think the way you phrased the first question does incidentally show some bias. you say accepts open... and tolerates sexual... the msot i would say is they tolerate both. yet you said they accept it. might be mistaken but just thought i'd point that out

fyi. i read that some of those people who fish for sexual deviants in congress had already been after him before the incident. not definitive, but i think it's some proof for his deviancy.

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I don't know whether he really did what he did or not, but the lesson here, kids, is that if you're not guilty, fight the false accusations. Don't let some naive silly-sally attempt to manipulate you into thinking that because you stick up for your reputation you aren't "taking the high road" or that you are somehow not being a good Christian.

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hmmm... let me think, if i was innocent, would i ever plead guilty to a preposterous gay sex act? let me think... still thinking...




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I honestly haven't been closely following this whole sordid business, but if guilty, Senator Craig should indeed resign. It's the only honorable thing to do.
This has nothing to do with whether he's Republican or Democrat.
His actions disgrace the office.
Clinton should have also resigned, as should Barney Frank, who is a disgrace.

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When I was 20, I was head of security for a mall in Sarasota... we had a bathroom that many issues happened. One time we caught them having a wine and coagulated milk party... yes, litterally... wine and coagulated milk party in a man's restroom where men have been arrested for being caught in the act.

This kind of a thing is a major problem all over America. They have serious mental issues.

Craig has some serious issues... if he did the signals, that's the same as telling a undercover cop that you will pay for sex. If he did the signals, he's guilty... and sick... needs some serious help and prayer.

Craig should not resign. Craig should resign. I'm mixed on it.

Kennady didn't resign when he assisted in the death of a girl through lack of action - that is if it was truely an "accident" - he was driving drunk... he should have gotten manslaughter.... but he still didn't resign.

Clinton lied under oath and defiled the Oval Office... he didn't resign.

Craig has issues, should not have done what he did... but he should not resign. He should finish his term. I doubt he would get re-elected. Craig has issues and those leading should be stable... the reps have morals where the dems do not... he should resign.

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I've thought more about it. I think Craig should resign. Please note, he did not plead guilty to a sex crime, he pled guilty to 'disordly conduct', a misdemeanor. I think it's awful that people are saying he plead guilty, he's got to go, it's done. It was a misdemeanor, not a felony like perjury or bribe taking.

But the unpleasant facts around the situation (being in a men's room), etc., undermines his credibiltiy and what the Reps want to stand for. They're right in encouraging him to resign. It is noteworthy, as hot stuff mentioned, that Barney Frank, who got caught using male prostitutes and was involved with White House pages years ago, has not been asked to step down by the Dems, and his constituents continue to re-elect him.

Politicians are not known to have stellar character, whether Dem, Rep, Libertarian, or whatever. It's good to see that a line is drawn by any of them, even if it's for selfish political means.

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