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What Are You Looking To Know About Communities?

Sister Rose Therese

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:rolleyes: :welcome: to the phamily Sister. You've certainly been " bombarded" with a lot of sound advice for your project. Good luck and God Bless.
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[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='1372649' date='Aug 28 2007, 06:00 PM']Dominican!!! WOOOOO yeah!!!

Though you and I are Sisters in Christ we are also cousins by Order.[/quote]

:: hands alter a belt ::

:: waits for her to give me a chord ::

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Sister Rose Therese

[quote name='Jennirom' post='1372656' date='Aug 28 2007, 06:10 PM']:rolleyes: :welcome: to the phamily Sister. You've certainly been " bombarded" with a lot of sound advice for your project. Good luck and God Bless.[/quote]
I have indeed! All of it very much appreciated.
But now it is time for prayer so I must go.
Thank you all and God bless.

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1372658' date='Aug 28 2007, 06:11 PM']:: hands alter a belt ::
:: waits for her to give me a chord ::[/quote]

::gives you chord::
::Invites her to praise God together::


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Ooh - another idea! Quotations from individual sisters, dotted about the leaflet, are very eye-catching. They give the material a lot of personality.

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I like to see brochures that are colorful with lots of good quality photos. I like the photos to be large also and not fuzzy. Guess I have gotten too much literature that were copies and very hard to read! I do not llike multiple tiny little photos that you can barely make out. A general idea of the daily schedule is appreciated....to me it matters if you wake up a 0430 versus 0600.
I do not like to read alot of scripture verses and pious saying....sell me your community, tell me what makes it special(nothing against scripture or the bible, but I can read that on my own).Some thoughts of your founders would be great to read, especially if it captures the essence of your lifestyle.
Written literature is nice, but a well maintained, frequently updated website is essential. Some communities post a website and then never update it. Places like phatmass are wonderful, cause we spread the word about good, solid communities.
Thank you for asking

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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1372636' date='Aug 28 2007, 06:52 PM']Franciscan!!! WOOOOO yeah!!![/quote]

Yey franciscans!!!!! <333333

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Wow.... I was going to say [b]PICTURES [/b]but everyone else already suggested this!!!

[quote name='Sister Rose Therese' post='1372584' date='Aug 28 2007, 04:52 PM']Thank you all so much!
So we have Horarium, vocation story/stories, basic apostolate info , history tidbit, joyful pictures of Sisters, statements on prayer and community life, contact info, any retreat info.
Wow, I should get your guys to write this :)[/quote]

[quote name='alicemary' post='1372842' date='Aug 28 2007, 08:26 PM']Written literature is nice, but a well maintained, frequently updated website is essential. Some communities post a website and then never update it. Places like phatmass are wonderful, cause we spread the word about good, solid communities.
Thank you for asking[/quote]
Alicemary could not have hit the nail more on the head for me. Printed media is so much harder to update--purely b/c they can get passed around so easily. And email addresses, phone numbers, and VDs change. But websites--it's so much easier and faster to update.

:welcome: Sister!

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Wow, you guys really thought of just about everything I look for in a community! Good stuff! I'm not sure if someone mentioned it, but a note on whether or not vocation retreats are available would be nice.

Welcome to Phatmass, Sister! :)

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I know that everyone has already said pictures but what makes me want to pick up a brochure is a picture of the sisters on the cover, I will ALWAYS stop to look at pictures of sisters.

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[quote name='fides quarens intellectum' post='1372544' date='Aug 28 2007, 04:17 PM']first thing i notice is whether/not there is a strong statement about fidelity to Rome.[/quote]


Me, too. And, if they are committed to wearing their habit, and if they are member of IRL/CMSWR, and the horarium. Also, how long is the postulancy, novitiate, temporary vows.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1372609' date='Aug 28 2007, 05:27 PM']Please write about your apostolate and lifestyle very clearly and simply. I get a bit frustrated with material that declares, "We aim to unite ourselves closely with the Gospel, in a spirit of humility and simplicity, and serve Christ in a radical way through faithful adherence to our charism and loyalty to Mother Church." It sounds...too grand. And all the orders say the same thing, so you end up not really learning anything. Be distinctive.[/quote]


Wow, that's too bad. When I see something like the quote written above, it tells me they have good theology. Definitely a plus! I love the quote! LOL

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Oh, and WELCOME sister!

(And, make sure the photo is located on the top of the brochure front page and that the brochure cover is oriented vertically. This is how they are displayed in pamphlet racks and other orientations make them invisible at worst and unappealing and impractical at best)

God Bless from a devoted Dominican).

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Sister Rose Therese

You have all been so helpful.
The Lord bestows His gifts on His beloved while they slumber.
I think it is about time for me to take this and get something concrete done. Perhaps when I've done that I can run it by you and you can let me know what you think. I'm thinking that I may have to have two different brochures, one with more specific details about the community and another more geared to inspire people to discern.
But it's time I get to work.
Thanks again to you all.

Edited by Sister Rose Therese
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