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A Guy With His Shirt Off


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This past week the heat index was 100 and my roofer took off his shirt to dig post holes for the porch supports. I got him a large pitcher of ice and stayed in the house.

:blush: ah to be 30 years younger...

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[quote name='chelsea' post='1371151' date='Aug 26 2007, 07:31 PM']I have no problem with guys not wearing shirts.

But that being said, if a guy doesnt have to wear a shirt, girls shouldnt have to wear a one piece. its the same principle.[/quote]
How so? Ahem...I can think of two "reasons" why that is not a fair analogy. :blush:

But perhaps you would like to start a new thread if that is something that bothers you. :)

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Groo the Wanderer

I generally don't walk around shirtless cause of the peoples that have to see me.

When I had a six pack, I could have been the source of distraction. Now that I have a keg, it would be a source of ewwww :blink:

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='Socrates' post='1371148' date='Aug 26 2007, 06:18 PM']One summer some years back, I was getting ready to go swimming in a college pool, and this girl asked me to leave because she said she didn't believe in mixed company swimming. I said I thought that was a bit weird, but obliged out of respect. A week later, I was at the pool again, and the same girl was there in the pool playing water polo in a mixed group - not just swimming in the same pool, but tussling with shirtless guys over the ball, etc. I swear I'll never understand these "good Catholic" women![/quote]

Maybe she thought you were attractive and therefore an occasion to sin, and it was just naturally easier for her to play water polo with ugly dudes.


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I don't want to see anyone without a shirt on unless it's my husband, my dad, or my son and it's in the proper context.

That's just me.

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[quote name='chelsea' post='1371151' date='Aug 26 2007, 06:31 PM']I have no problem with guys not wearing shirts.

But that being said, if a guy doesnt have to wear a shirt, girls shouldnt have to wear a one piece. its the same principle.[/quote]
Noo... it isn't... I think the phrase "theology of the body" would sorta bring up some paradigms to suggest why not.

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' post='1371185' date='Aug 26 2007, 08:38 PM']Maybe she thought you were attractive and therefore an occasion to sin, and it was just naturally easier for her to play water polo with ugly dudes.
True. I get that all the time. :mellow:

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This topic reminded me of a funny story my dad told me. When he was a kid, the YMCA was just for guys, and they swam in the nude. After swim class, he discovered that someone had stolen his clothes. He had to go home by running across the rooftops. In NYC you can do that is some parts of town. It was also snowing at the time, so no one was sunning themselves on the tar beaches. He lived with his grandmother, and she vacillated between being angry at him for losing his clothes, and corrupting the morals of anyone who might have seen him. I forget how many rosaries he said she made him do, but it was a bunch.

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1371297' date='Aug 26 2007, 09:41 PM']Noo... it isn't... I think the phrase "theology of the body" would sorta bring up some paradigms to suggest why not.[/quote]

so true. girls - please cover your stomach! not because it is unattractive, (cuz it's not unattractive) but because it is [i]so sacred![/i]

where precious life spends it's first moments shielded by a mother's womb

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[quote name='XIX' post='1371050' date='Aug 26 2007, 02:22 PM']And if so, what do we wear to the beach or the pool? Or do we just avoid that altogether?

I tend to avoid those places just to avoid the women in bikinis, so it's kind of moot to me from a practical perspective. But I've always wondered if it is considered immodest for a guy to not wear his shirt.

If this thread needs to be moved to the debate table then go for it. :)[/quote]
If you're concerned about being topless at the pool (be you male or female), consider picking up a swim shirt. :) They're modest and not at all unattractive.

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[quote name='Didymus' post='1371415' date='Aug 26 2007, 11:53 PM']so true. girls - please cover your stomach! not because it is unattractive, (cuz it's not unattractive) but because it is [i]so sacred![/i]

where precious life spends it's first moments shielded by a mother's womb[/quote]
That's one thing. Good post.

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