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A Guy With His Shirt Off


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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1451417' date='Jan 27 2008, 10:07 AM']1890’s: Swimwear was modified street clothing
1910: Arms were exposed
1920: [b]You would be arrested if you appeared in a modest 21st century bathing suit[/b]
1920’s: Legs and backs were exposed
[size=3][b]1930’s: Cleavage was exposed and [u]men began to swim bare chested[/u][/b][/size]
1935: Two piece bathing suits appeared with a small break between upper and lower half
1940’s: New fabrics appeared which hugged the body
1960’s: Navels were exposed
Today: Anything goes... One piece suits with fabrics like skin that really leaves nothing to the imagination and bikinis of various categories prevail as normal.

"Why I am Against Bikini Clad Girls
and Bare Chested Boys
Swimming in My Lake"

Plunging necklines were a common sight in the Tudor nobility. Just look at the portraits of Anne Boleyn and her ilk. At the same time, it was also customary to wear some kind of headpiece over the hair - uncovered hair could provoke more of a reaction than a bare neck and square, lowcut necklines. These women weren't considered immodest in their day, but according to your list their dress places them in the 1930s. I'm not saying that cleavage-exposing dresses are acceptable, but pointing out that the timeline doesn't really work.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1451416' date='Jan 27 2008, 10:00 AM']on the other hand, the world has progressively shed its clothing in direct relation to the shedding of its morality and respect for the body. don't let the relative morals of the times take you over. don't be afraid! stand up and sport that burka![/quote]

Does the last line mean that you see 1890s swimwear as the ideal? Even my Saudi Muslim friends (whom nobody could accuse of being immodest) wouldn't dream of getting into the sea or the pool wearing 'modified street clothing'. They have swimming costumes that are a bit like lightweight wetsuits, which are also designed to look pretty and feminine. You seem to be advocating a stricter code of swimwear than we have in Saudi Arabia, which is...unusual, to say the least.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1451443' date='Jan 27 2008, 07:50 AM']i have read it, thanks though. we just have different takes on it. you want the emphasis to be on covering up, i want the emphasis to be on changing people's hearts.[/quote]

often an inner change of the heart is followed by external change.

[quote name='Lil Red' post='1451444' date='Jan 27 2008, 07:54 AM']:thumbsup: yup!

jd, your thinking is very Protestant. i.e., we can't drink because it CAN lead to alcoholism, etc.

would you please address my question of what clothing is appropriate?[/quote]

protestant? thems is fightin words! nowhere did i say "can't". i am not condemning, i am offering a reason to kick it up a notch. in fact i could say the exact same thing about you, but i won't.

as far as your example, i would not be condemning drinking. it is fine and acceptable as long as it is done in moderation. the point of my ultra-conservative perspective is to kick it up a notch.. to strive for a higher state of being.. not all are called to this. i drink occasionally, but i often refrain because i personally like to reserve myself for the Precious Blood. [b]i'm kicking it up a notch for those who think they can do so, i am not condemning everyone else.[/b]

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1451446' date='Jan 27 2008, 08:08 AM']Plunging necklines were a common sight in the Tudor nobility. Just look at the portraits of Anne Boleyn and her ilk. At the same time, it was also customary to wear some kind of headpiece over the hair - uncovered hair could provoke more of a reaction than a bare neck and square, lowcut necklines. These women weren't considered immodest in their day, but according to your list their dress places them in the 1930s. I'm not saying that cleavage-exposing dresses are acceptable, but pointing out that the timeline doesn't really work.[/quote]

yes and in Africa they're butt naked, we know that. i'm talking about US. most of us here are young adult Americans. if you're in Africa or England, then i apologize to you and XIX for not being specific.

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1451447' date='Jan 27 2008, 08:13 AM']Does the last line mean that you see 1890s swimwear as the ideal? Even my Saudi Muslim friends (whom nobody could accuse of being immodest) wouldn't dream of getting into the sea or the pool wearing 'modified street clothing'. They have swimming costumes that are a bit like lightweight wetsuits, which are also designed to look pretty and feminine. You seem to be advocating a stricter code of swimwear than we have in Saudi Arabia, which is...unusual, to say the least.[/quote]

ah Saudi Arabia. nope, not that extreme. but hey if the Church were to advise it, hey i'll go with whatever.

are you a female? the key to my perspective was to introduce a lot of females to how visual we guys are and how sensitive we can be to it.

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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1451465' date='Jan 27 2008, 09:45 AM'][b]i'm kicking it up a notch for those who think they can do so, i am not condemning everyone else.[/b][/quote]
what do you think "i'll allow you to" says to people? all of your posts on this topic sure have seemed condemning to me.

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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1451468' date='Jan 27 2008, 11:56 AM']are you a female? the key to my perspective was to introduce a lot of females to how visual we guys are and how sensitive we can be to it.[/quote]

I am female. I think any woman past the age of fourteen knows how males respond to visual stimuli. At my age, (much older than the norm here) I am tired of anyone passing off men's problem (that is what is seems to be) on women. If you can't handle something, then don't look.

I also will state that if you do not want to be leered at, have uncouth comments addressed to you by morons who don't know better or feel uncomfortable, then don't dress like a street walker. Although, the norms for young women today have far surpassed even the streetwalkers I have known.

Men, go without your shirt if it is a hot day and you are somwhere where it would be appropriate.

Note for my neice: get your boobs back in your shirt. I am really tired of looking at them and dump the pushup bra. It looks stupid. Do I have to dress like that in your face at dinner in order to get the point across? You will be so embarrassed.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1451486' date='Jan 27 2008, 10:54 AM']I am female. I think any woman past the age of fourteen knows how males respond to visual stimuli. At my age, (much older than the norm here) I am tired of anyone passing off men's problem (that is what is seems to be) on women. If you can't handle something, then don't look.

I also will state that if you do not want to be leered at, have uncouth comments addressed to you by morons who don't know better or feel uncomfortable, then don't dress like a street walker. Although, the norms for young women today have far surpassed even the streetwalkers I have known.

Men, go without your shirt if it is a hot day and you are somwhere where it would be appropriate.

Note for my neice: get your boobs back in your shirt. I am really tired of looking at them and dump the pushup bra. It looks stupid. Do I have to dress like that in your face at dinner in order to get the point across? You will be so embarrassed.[/quote]

except i don't know your niece but i agree with you on that score

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i don't think a man having his shirt off is immodest and i don't think a woman wearing a tanktop is immodest. i just don't. that is all :)

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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1451417' date='Jan 27 2008, 04:07 AM']1890's: Swimwear was modified street clothing
1910: Arms were exposed
1920: [b]You would be arrested if you appeared in a modest 21st century bathing suit[/b]
1920's: Legs and backs were exposed
[size=3][b]1930's: Cleavage was exposed and [u]men began to swim bare chested[/u][/b][/size]
1935: Two piece bathing suits appeared with a small break between upper and lower half
1940's: New fabrics appeared which hugged the body
1960's: Navels were exposed
Today: Anything goes... One piece suits with fabrics like skin that really leaves nothing to the imagination and bikinis of various categories prevail as normal.

"Why I am Against Bikini Clad Girls
and Bare Chested Boys
Swimming in My Lake"
Dude, this site is protestant. The author just dissed Michaelangelo and Leonardo DaVinici.

[quote name='corban711' post='1451504' date='Jan 27 2008, 01:39 PM']i don't think a man having his shirt off is immodest and i don't think a woman wearing a tanktop is immodest. i just don't. that is all :)[/quote]

Mother Angelica had a beef with one of her hired gardener's dress back in the 90s... she was wearing a "tank top". Mother Angelica was horrified by it (though she never knew what it was till she was told).

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[quote name='Deb' post='1451121' date='Jan 26 2008, 10:15 AM']There is pale and then there is "Minnesota Winter White," not a good thing.[/quote]
And then there's the "Minnesota Winter White while already being Scandinavian and having Ridiculously Pale Skin Naturally."

[quote name='Deb' post='1451281' date='Jan 26 2008, 08:57 PM'][img]http://a.abcnews.com/images/International/rt_afghan_scarf_071001_ssv.jpg[/img]
I love this! I would wear this. Men can wear the Ninja and women can wear this and all will be happy.[/quote]
I don't know, that has a terribly low neckline! :mellow:

[quote name='XIX' post='1451376' date='Jan 27 2008, 12:34 AM']Form-fitting pants are also borderline, but a lot of that just depends on what size you are getting. If you are a 12 and you get a size 12 or 14, you should be okay. Just don't get something that's smaller than your size. I'd prefer loose-fitting, but again, I try not to pick nits.[/quote]
Most of the sizing on pants has to do with the waist, not the loosness of the actual pants. And wearing a size too big doesn't increase modesty, because then you have to worry about them staying on. Just an FYI.

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1451487' date='Jan 27 2008, 01:02 PM']People

We are not Amish[/quote]
(Although, we were camping once, and someone asked my uncle if he was Amish, because he was wearing overalls...:blink: )

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I think some basic common sense is needed.
Girls - don't dress like skanks.
Guys - forgo the speedos in public.

I'm all for modesty, but this doesn't mean women need to wear burka-like clothes or shapeless sacks. Being modest need NOT entail making oneself unattractive to the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with being attractive, but there is a difference between dressing attractively and blatantly flaunting one's body to the world.

If women were forced to hide everything that might attract male attention, they'd be forced to do the whole burka and veil thing. A beautiful face can be a "turn-on" - a nice set of lips, as can a nice head of hair. The extreme Muslims take care of this by requiring head coverings and facial veils (but alas, even those can't hide a sexy pair of eyes!)
And lets face it - some ladies are blessed with bodies that are a "turn-on" in almost any clothes they wear.

We Catholics are not Muslims, and we are not puritans. The human body is not in itself evil, nor is physical attraction. However, we shouldn't dress in a way as to sexually flaunt our bodies. People need to stop the silly quibbling and use some common sense.

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