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Divorce It Is An Abomination.


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tomorrow i am in arizona right now and i have to study in order to pass my english test before i leave here

it is wrong because you hurt some one elses feelings the children will forever remember and eventually have those problem unless he tells himself to change his moral ideas to the right ones

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eperez, your posts are hard to read because you don't use any punctuation or capitalization.

could you try some periods? please? :mellow:

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when you spouse leaves you and divorces you, it's wrong to divorce yes. prob not to remarry if yo uwere victim of that situation. the bible doesn't say it is necessarily, and i challege you to show otherwise.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1369851' date='Aug 24 2007, 10:29 AM']when you spouse leaves you and divorces you, it's wrong to divorce yes. prob not to remarry if yo uwere victim of that situation. the bible doesn't say it is necessarily, and i challege you to show otherwise.[/quote]
Mark 10: 11-12
[quote name='Douay-Rhems bible']11 And he saith to them: Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth adultery against her. 12 And if the wife shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.[/quote]

Matthew 19: 9
[quote name='Douay-Rhems bible']And I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery.[/quote]
In Matthew 19, it specifies that though a man can divorce his wife in the case she fornicates, but it makes no such exception for remarriage.

The oft quoted 1 Corinthians 7:15 'exception' does not mention remarriage; it is simply not allowed. The two become one flesh (Matthew 19:5-6, Mark 10:8, Ephesians 5:31, Genesis 2:24). What God joins, no man can separate (Mark 10:9, Matthew 10:6). The exceptions to allow divorce are legal exceptions; they do not modify the sacramental reality. If one is divorced from a valid marriage, the sacramental marriage is still intact. The two are made one flesh; it is impossible to separate outside of death.

How much clearer can it be?

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"and marries her that is put away"

ok my face is red. i concede. i usually think i've seen or read it all in the bible, but even though i've read that verse before, i didn't catch that for some reason...

you've got the straigtforward interpretation given our tranlation. but with that said, here is someone arguing against what "put away" means. it gets complicated.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1369912' date='Aug 24 2007, 12:42 PM']"and marries her that is put away"

ok my face is red. i concede. i usually think i've seen or read it all in the bible, but even though i've read that verse before, i didn't catch that for some reason...[/quote]
It happens. That's why we debate, and learn.

It helps to give the Church the benefit of the doubt with stuff like this... the scholars of the Church have studied this stuff for 2000 years :)

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[quote name='adt6247' post='1369914' date='Aug 24 2007, 09:48 AM']It helps to give the Church the benefit of the doubt with stuff like this... the scholars of the Church have studied this stuff for 2000 years :)[/quote]

That is the best piece of common sense I have heard in a long time. How unfortunate it is that submitting to the Church is such a foreign concept to our modern ears. I pray the day may come where pride is cast aside and we can be free once more of the effects of our ignorance and may by humility be joined to the goodness, truth, and beauty that is present in our Mother Church.

Peace be to you,


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my parents divorsed when i was in the sixth grade......its a terrible thing........yes its an abomination....may God have grace though on those who repent.....Godbless

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the world needs prayers iam not planing to become a priest. but i am a defendor of the church and to me i do not care what protestants might belive because they contradict themselves, i founf it in luke this part that divorce ments is an abomination

ok now nullification it is diferent if the man or womman lied that he/she loved the person and marries there was no marriage under the eyes of God only that case the church would accept it. but they will have to open a case and study the person to see if they are telling the truth.

but this is only if he/she lied during his/her weading. now if they loved each other but they got tired and whants to seperate then it is a Sin to divorce and marry another person.

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[quote name='eperez874' post='1370268' date='Aug 24 2007, 11:31 PM']ok now nullification it is diferent if the man or womman lied that he/she loved the person and marries there was no marriage under the eyes of God only that case the church would accept it. but they will have to open a case and study the person to see if they are telling the truth.

but this is only if he/she lied during his/her weading. now if they loved each other but they got tired and whants to seperate then it is a Sin to divorce and marry another person.[/quote]
No -- there are other grounds under which a marriage may be null.

- objection to form -- if it did not take place according to the rites ascribed by the church
- incompletion -- the nuptial act (sexual intercourse) never took place
- compulsion -- one cannot be forced to marry; it must be an act of free will
- lack of freedom to marry -- many reasons for this:
[indent]- within 2 degrees of consanguinity
- married to another living person
- possessing a canonical status that legally prevents marriage
- not yet reached the age of reason
- etc.[/indent]
- no intent to live out their wedding vows (such as, intent to have children, or having a pre-existing affair)

That's just off the top of my head. I'm likely missing something.

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[quote name='adt6247' post='1371582' date='Aug 27 2007, 11:51 AM']No -- there are other grounds under which a marriage may be null.

- objection to form -- if it did not take place according to the rites ascribed by the church
- incompletion -- the nuptial act (sexual intercourse) never took place
- compulsion -- one cannot be forced to marry; it must be an act of free will
- lack of freedom to marry -- many reasons for this:
[indent]- within 2 degrees of consanguinity
- married to another living person
- possessing a canonical status that legally prevents marriage
- not yet reached the age of reason
- etc.[/indent]
- no intent to live out their wedding vows (such as, intent to have children, or having a pre-existing affair)

That's just off the top of my head. I'm likely missing something.[/quote]

yes you are right sorry my mistake for not adding them. thanks;)

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now it is very wrong because you hurt the kids psycologically.

the kids learn that it is correct becuase they saw their perants doing it
divorce shows an example that there is no redemption toward husband/wife. even in the protestants bible says those who leave a married woman and lives with another commits adultery wich the penaly for that is hell this is in the duoy-rheims-bible.

also in protestant it says the same thing but alittle diferent but they also admits that it is an abomination.

we as catholics do not belive in this divorce because the man promised to love eternally his wife and his wife promised to love his man eternally. Love never ends.

now if a man is greedy and whats another woman he comitted adultery just because he wished another woman and because he broke his vow of loyalty same thing with the woman.

broken hearts will never repay to broken bows

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