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Do Suicides Go To Hell?


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[quote name='GodChild' post='1369826' date='Aug 24 2007, 07:02 AM']In regards to Judas, my teacher in Catholicism taught me that he was the first of many souls created for wrath (ie: deadwood for the fire) - that despite doing anything, he was pre-damned to go to hell - for this reason Jesus said it would be better he had not been born - also, people made in the image of Judas are created continuously - these words apply to them also - thats what I was taught ... so based on what I was taught, if the person who suicides is one of God's holy ones, they will be saved regardless - if they were one of the objects of wrath, they are damned - but when I bought my own feelings of suicide I was told that God gives me those feelings cause His wrath is upon me ... so, theres my 2c[/quote]

thats disturbing.........i dont think an all loveing holy God would be capable of that........actually i know......God is a god of love....he desires for all souls to be saved.......Godbless

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1369931' date='Aug 24 2007, 11:26 AM']kind of like that "brand new" song but not. "you can sin or spend the night all alone"

i could maybe call myself catholic, but i don't trust the church's teachings are true to be truly catholic. not that they are false, i just don't know. and to call myself past that is to call the church what it's not. (tho perhaps should be.. i'd be in a stand off with the CC)[/quote]

who do you trust ??? the catholic church is either false or true........theres no in between......either its satan's church or its Gods.....y dont you have some swagger and make up ur mind...uve been on this board forever debateing this stuff......make ur mind up...............catholic church equals Gods church.....or catholic church equals satans church.......chooze one and keep it moven..........on another note.......God bless you and may your days be filled with love........

on another side note.......blasphemy against the holy spirt is the unforgiveable sin.....which is.....attributeing to the devil what is of the holy spirt.............mabey thats y the pope just made it clear again that the catholic church is the only true church of God.......becuz alot of these anti catholic leaders saying that the catholic church is of satan are treading in deep shark infected waters.......blasphemy against the holy spirit is something you dont wanna play with.........

on another side note........check out the apologist, akalyte and sammyblaze....three of the dopest in the game......this is a catholic rap website.....i'll holla

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[quote name='prose' post='1370183' date='Aug 24 2007, 06:56 PM']wow...... it is...... annoying..... to read a post....... with so many...... periods......[/quote]


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Delivery Boy,

To go along with your warnings against calling Catholicism a Satanic thing.....maybe you should not also tell people that it must be of Satan or the one and only Church. Just saying.


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[quote name='Paddington' post='1370199' date='Aug 24 2007, 07:16 PM']Delivery Boy,

To go along with your warnings against calling Catholicism a Satanic thing.....maybe you should not also tell people that it must be of Satan or the one and only Church. Just saying.


well y not ??? its one or the other.....its either of God or its not ??? it cant be both ??? can it ????

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[quote name='Paddington' post='1370199' date='Aug 24 2007, 07:16 PM']Delivery Boy,

To go along with your warnings against calling Catholicism a Satanic thing.....maybe you should not also tell people that it must be of Satan or the one and only Church. Just saying.


but.....my friend.....again...its one or the other........and if you claim to be a christian but sit and say that the catholic church is of the devil.........then it would seem that your commiting blasphemy against the holy spirt........which is attributeing to the devil what is of the holy spirt........i dont see how im being out of line here......

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' post='1370154' date='Aug 24 2007, 07:42 PM']It is silly to think that being under extreme cases alleviates one of the just penalty for suicide, that is, eternal damnation. Else extreme lust can justify premarital sex, extreme hate can justify murder, etc.[/quote]

The question isn't whether the sin is justified (sin can never be justified) but whether God might justify the sinner through their ignorance, innocence, or repentance.

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Noel's angel

Why are people debating about something they simply do not, and will not know about? Only God can answer such a question, and I don't see Him posting here. All anyone can do is speculate, and in the meantime, while people are throwing in their ideas, other people are getting hurt. No one likes other humans judging them, leave it up to God.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' post='1370154' date='Aug 24 2007, 07:42 PM']It is silly to think that being under extreme cases alleviates one of the just penalty for suicide, that is, eternal damnation. Else extreme lust can justify premarital sex extreme hate can justify murder, etc.[/quote]
The problem here is that hate and lust are both sins even before the murder or the premarital sex. So it's not at all analogous to this situation--being under an unhealthy level of stress is not (necessarily) your own fault.

[quote]We do know that anyone who commits a mortal sin and does not ask for repentance is going to hell, and we know that the natural law, not man-made or God-given in the sense of the Mosaic law, tells us that suicide is morally wrong, because we are by nature inclined to attempt to survive. So, I am not sure ignorance can ever be a factor. Only true repentance, such as before the 67 pills of asprin lay you to eternal rest can we be sure will save anyone, the split seconds before you die from hanging yourself (in the case of Judas.)[/quote]
Yeah. The thing is, we don't know whether a person can or will or won't repent in a given circumstance. Furthermore, we don't know if a person who commits suicide is really culpable of a mortal sin or not. They could have other mortals sins on their soul regardless of the suicide. We don't know. What we do know is that suicide puts your soul in a much higher level of danger than it was before. We can scarcely tell either way who goes to heaven and who is in Hell. If I do ever get to heaven, I'm sure I'll be surprised by some of the people who are there, and by some of the people who are missing.

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i don't think you can say you can't speculate as we are not God. especially here, at least for cathlics. it's like saying "even though that's a mortal sin, we shouldn't be speculating that they will go to hell". which is okay to an extent, but call a mortal sin what it is. if you do it, and you're not repented etc, you will go to hell.
true, for individual situations you can't know. but genereally, call it what it is and say... if that person didn't repent etc then they will go to hell.

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