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Debate Mike Gendron Vs. Tim Staples


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Mr. Gendron of pro-gospel.org debated Tim Staples. I am of course biased but I think Mr. Gendron got his gospel handed to him on a platter. You have to sign up but it's free.


I looked on Mr. Gendron's site and he doesn't link to it. I'm not surprized.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1367889' date='Aug 22 2007, 12:04 PM']Mr. Gendron of pro-gospel.org debated Tim Staples. I am of course biased but I think Mr. Gendron got his gospel handed to him on a platter. You have to sign up but it's free.


I looked on Mr. Gendron's site and he doesn't link to it. I'm not surprized.[/quote]

Tim lives for debates. If he could, he would do it full time! I'm interested in hearing how he did!

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It's a bit hard to see. Right below the prayer to our lady of guadalupe.

Patroness of the Americas

Our Lady of Guadalupe, who blessed Mexico and all the Americas by your appearance to Juan Diego, intercede for the holy Church, protect the pope, and help everyone who invokes you in their necessities.

O mystical rose, hear our prayers and our petitions, especially for the particular one we are praying for at this moment (mention your request).

Since you are the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from your most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, burning charity, and the precious gift of final perseverance.



On Thursday June 14 Drew Mariani moderated an on-air debate between Tim Staples, a Catholic Apologist and Mike Gendron, a former Catholic and current Protestant evangelist. Below are the audio links to that debate.

June 14 hour 2 download June 14 hour 2 listen to streaming audio
June 14 hour 3 download June 14 hour 3 listen to streaming audio

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