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[quote name='Raphael' post='1364585' date='Aug 20 2007, 06:46 PM']The end should read: "This story could have been real, if liberals hadn't aborted Joe."[/quote]

Careful, someone above in the thread may call you a "knob" or call your response the stupidest thing he ever read instead of actually taking the time to refute it.

[mod]Subsequent personal attack exchange between hot stuff and Norseman removed -Aloysius[/mod]

Edited by Aloysius
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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1364616' date='Aug 20 2007, 08:20 PM']Careful, someone above in the thread may call you a "knob" or call your response the stupidest thing he ever read instead of actually taking the time to refute it.[/quote]
Hee, hee, hee, haw!

By the way, I thought the problems with a minimum wage has already been pointed out and have not been refuted, other than the empty claim that it's supposed to help people (but it doesn't help the right people, the ones who can't do any better).

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i actually thought that every minimum wage thread has been justified by me, without refutation. incidental side notes was the best that i thought i saw in response. i'll look at the threads again.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Cincy Warrior

[quote name='adt6247' post='1364377' date='Aug 20 2007, 01:03 PM']Maybe some of us don't think that anyone owes us any of the benefits you tout? Maybe we'd rather live in a world without mandatory healthcare by employers, without the FDA, without social security, the existence of the federeal reserve, the existence of public education, the existence of usurious loans, etc.[/quote]

How exactly are all those things bad?

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[quote name='Cincy Warrior' post='1365763' date='Aug 21 2007, 04:24 PM']How exactly are all those things bad?[/quote]
The FDA is responsible for deaths by keeping life-saving drugs from entering the market, even under experimental conditions to those terminally ill, until the standard 7-10 years of testing are done. At the same time, so called "plan B" abortion pill was fast-tracked, and the FDA constantly ignores the ill effects of extremely dangerous chemical contraceptives.

Social security is stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. It isn't charity, it's coercion. It's also expensive and wasteful. I'm happy with my mutual funds for my retirement, thank you very much.

The federal reserve prints money by fiat, and that money isn't actually worth anything. If it were gold backed, it would resist inflation much better. Also, private organizations are not allowed to print their own currencies for free exchange.

Public education is just plain evil. Education should neither be compulsory nor controlled by the government. It should be a private matter, like it was for the entire history of the world. My ridiculous property taxes should not go to pay for schools that my children will never use.

The church has taught since time immemorial that usury is a sin.

Employers paying for health care keeps me from choosing my own healthcare solutions on the private market, as there are few affordable solutions targeting individuals.

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God the Father

[quote]Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards.[/quote]

"Benefits" are the the stupidest employment concept in the whole world and are a tangible incarnation of the nanny state. Instead of paying Joe more so he can decide what to do with the money he's earned, let's create some red tape and take some money from Joe's pocket in case he ever sustains a minor injury or illness, and we'll pay for his doctor and meds, and we can use it as an excuse to lower his salary.

"paid holidays and vacation" is also a brilliant idea. We'll send Joe away for a while on the company ticket. Sure we'll have to increase prices and nail American consumers to the wall, but when Joe gets back he'll be a more productive employee.

"working standards" are a cancer to the American economy, and in the long run will choke off American production and increase unemployment astronomically. It's a global economy, and America cannot compete in the labor industry until we start fighting for Yao Chen's "working standards"

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1) Benefits are non-taxable. Many people would prefer a dollar in a 401k or a dental plan than 70 cents in the bank account.
2) Paid holiday and vacation prevents financial fraud and embezzlement. If the guy is out of the office for two consecutive weeks, it stifles his ability to cover the fraud (it is an on-going process) It also removes the motivation for working ridiculous 180 hour weeks, 55 weeks per year.

I'm not saying I agree with having them, I'm just saying that your reasoning is off-point.

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[quote name='XIX' post='1365794' date='Aug 21 2007, 04:16 PM']1) Benefits are non-taxable. Many people would prefer a dollar in a 401k or a dental plan than 70 cents in the bank account.
2) Paid holiday and vacation prevents financial fraud and embezzlement. If the guy is out of the office for two consecutive weeks, it stifles his ability to cover the fraud (it is an on-going process) It also removes the motivation for working ridiculous 180 hour weeks, 55 weeks per year.

I'm not saying I agree with having them, I'm just saying that your reasoning is off-point.[/quote]

1. Please don't get started on the income tax... My blood pressure is high enough.

2. True about the embezzling. I worked at a bank and it only took about three days for one of my co-workers was caught. Paid holiday is also a discretionary matter between employee and employer. It shouldn't be mandated, but rather negotiated. After all, if I'm worth 120 hours of vacation for what I bring to the company, then I'm going to get it, or get it somewhere else.

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[quote name='God the Father' post='1365785' date='Aug 21 2007, 04:01 PM']"working standards" are a cancer to the American economy, and in the long run will choke off American production and increase unemployment astronomically. It's a global economy, and America cannot compete in the labor industry until we start fighting for Yao Chen's "working standards"[/quote]

Yao Chen is currently lacing pajamas with formaldehyde, poisoning toothpaste, painting toys with lead-based paint, and turning a blind eye to the next SARS outbreak. Of course, Yao Chen will be facing a tremendous national crisis in twenty years, give or take.

Failing American industrial output can blame obnoxious safety legislation in some sectors, however manufacturing and assembly are not as hard hit as one would think. Usually a calcified, plutocratic, myopic, union stranglehold on a business' ability to fire the incompetent, upgrade machinery, increase efficiency, etc. can take the most credit for these failures. That is one reason why I will NEVER work a union shop.

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what do you suggest as an alternative to the FDA? people dying from bad pills and food as a means of competition? states competing with pressure to compete with other states and thereby having pressure to not have decent standards?

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1367754' date='Aug 22 2007, 10:06 AM']what do you suggest as an alternative to the FDA? people dying from bad pills and food as a means of competition? states competing with pressure to compete with other states and thereby having pressure to not have decent standards?[/quote]
Optional private standards bodies. Let's say there's a theoretical Drug Certification Corporation (DCC), and a manufacturer opts to pay them for certification. While awaiting certification, they could still sell their products, but without the "DCC Approved" sticker. People who are safety conscious, could decide only to buy things with the "DCC Approved" label on them, whereas desperate persons who are dying can get experimental cancer drugs right away. If they'd die in a year's time anyway, and an un-approved drug has a potential to cure them, they can decide whether or not to take the risk.

The government shouldn't have anything to do with it. If people want to buy something, they should be able to buy it. If hucksters are selling pills with rat poison in it claiming to cure malignant melanoma, they should be sued for fraud.

In such a world, all drugs would be immediately cheaper, and more available, and pharmaceutical companies would be able to actually make a profit without charging extraneous amounts of money so they can recoop the costs of their research in the remaining 5 years of patent protection they have where they can actually legally sell their drugs.

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[quote]Optional private standards bodies. Let's say there's a theoretical Drug Certification Corporation (DCC), and a manufacturer opts to pay them for certification. While awaiting certification, they could still sell their products, but without the "DCC Approved" sticker. People who are safety conscious, could decide only to buy things with the "DCC Approved" label on them, whereas desperate persons who are dying can get experimental cancer drugs right away. If they'd die in a year's time anyway, and an un-approved drug has a potential to cure them, they can decide whether or not to take the risk.

The government shouldn't have anything to do with it. If people want to buy something, they should be able to buy it. If hucksters are selling pills with rat poison in it claiming to cure malignant melanoma, they should be sued for fraud.

In such a world, all drugs would be immediately cheaper, and more available, and pharmaceutical companies would be able to actually make a profit without charging extraneous amounts of money so they can recoop the costs of their research in the remaining 5 years of patent protection they have where they can actually legally sell their drugs.[/quote]

i see it a matter of semantics to say DCC or FDA. there's simply flaws in the present system. i'm not in disagreement with you largely.
except on the details such as saying someone selling rat poison can be sued for fraud. we cold make laws such that people don't have to die first. suing for fraud doesn't bring that person back. perhaps regulations to ensure they are up to snuff as an organization somehow too. then, i guess you could do your labeling scheme.
plus, i'm not sure the current system is so far off, as there's all kinds of people who take pilot drugs.
i think you're more just in the mentality that you want to be anarchist or monarchist or whatever and picking up all the arguments for that instead of really thinking critcallly. but, you have to start somewhere i guess.
plus i do realize this is blowing one point you made way out of proportion to the main point of this thread.
i was just curious as to your idea alternatives anyway. brainstorming at the least yes.

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[quote name='Cincy Warrior' post='1365763' date='Aug 21 2007, 02:24 PM']How exactly are all those things bad?[/quote]

Most of them are in some way against the Natural Law.

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