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[quote name='knightec' post='1361320' date='Aug 17 2007, 03:44 PM']a nun with a ruler[/quote]


don't SAY that!!

you made me flinch!

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[quote name='Old_Joe' post='1360980' date='Aug 17 2007, 03:45 AM']Your Spiritual directions go something like this:

"...chant the Regina Choeli 3 times and then make a right turn. Then pray a divine mercy chaplet and make a left. Pray one rosary and take right turn after the second mystery and a right turn after the fourth mystery. After finishing the rosary, pray the Angelus. You should be there or very close. If not, ask God for directions."[/quote]

Hey that would be fun if you just wanted to explore a new area (ummm... I've been doing a lot of wandering around my new neighborhood lately)... although, "there" would probably signify "lost".

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[quote name='kafka' post='1361335' date='Aug 17 2007, 05:09 PM']if. . . you spend your friday night on phatmass[/quote]

lol I worked all day and then came home and started phatmassing while speaking to my fiance on the phone lol I'm such a nerd lol I'm hopeless

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You might be a Catholic if ...

Your initial urge after hearing "May the force be with you" is to say "and also with you."

Edited by abercius24
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[quote name='abercius24' post='1361581' date='Aug 17 2007, 10:15 PM']You might be a Catholic if ...

Your initial urge after hearing "May the force be with you" is to say "and also with you."[/quote]

Don't you mean "and with your spirit" :ninja:

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1361601' date='Aug 17 2007, 11:35 PM']Don't you mean "and with your spirit" :ninja:[/quote]

Well, "et cum spiritu tuo" doesn't seem to naturally flow from the Star Wars quote, so I stuck with the Novus Ordo interpretation. ;)

Dominos and Biscuits!

Edited by abercius24
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You've accidentally genuflected and/or made the sign of the cross at a place other than church, eg a movie theatre or auditorium, etc ^_^

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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1361619' date='Aug 17 2007, 10:51 PM']You've accidentally genuflected and/or made the sign of the cross at a place other than church, eg a movie theatre or auditorium, etc ^_^[/quote]


I ummm went to my sis' church once, she's not Catholic well... not practicing one lol I couldn't help but genuflect before going into the pew lol (ps it was a Wed. not a Sunday lol)

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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1361619' date='Aug 17 2007, 10:51 PM']You've accidentally genuflected and/or made the sign of the cross at a place other than church, eg a movie theatre or auditorium, etc ^_^[/quote]

Or in an empty Church.
My friend genuflected once toward an empty tabernacle [b]as[/b] we were processing out the Church on Holy Thursday following the Eucharist as it was led out. He reached his knee, I gave him the oddest look, it hit him, and we both started cracking up.

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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1361619' date='Aug 17 2007, 11:51 PM']You've accidentally genuflected and/or made the sign of the cross at a place other than church, eg a movie theatre or auditorium, etc ^_^[/quote]

Oh my gosh, yes. I admit it. Once I didn't respond to well to an adult beverage, went to a movie and did in fact find myself wanting to genuflect on entering the row of seats. LOL. How funny!

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You give directions by parish location... "The post office is past Saint Joseph's on the right side of Main Street before you hit Our Lady of Guadalupe's." :saint:

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[quote name='abercius24' post='1361581' date='Aug 18 2007, 12:15 AM']You might be a Catholic if ...

Your initial urge after hearing "May the force be with you" is to say "and also with you."[/quote]
Happens to me all the time!

In my case, though, it's "And with thy spirit"...

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