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Ufos, Demonology, And The Occult

Guest matthewd777

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[quote]FattyBones writes: Out of the frying pan, into the fire? I admit that worshipping God has some apparent disadvantages, but they weren't slaves after they were emancipated -- they wandered in the desert and got free food.[/quote]

[color="#000080"][b]Exodus 16:2[/b] And the entire assembly of the sons of Israel began to murmur against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. 3 And the sons of Israel kept saying to them: “If only we had died by Jehovah’s hand in the land of Egypt while we were sitting by the pots of meat, while we were eating bread to satisfaction, because YOU have brought us out into this wilderness to put this whole congregation to death by famine.” [/color]

They were served “pixie-dust” and only after they “murmured” for it. It is clear that the sons of Isreal thought they had it much better where they were. The Isrealites also seemed to have been conditioned by these intelligent entities in sort of the way that we do with our pets when we give them treats.

As a sidenote it is also interesting to note that an all-knowing Jehovah seems to forget that people have to eat or to know that they were hungry before hearing (?!?!?!) their complaints.

[quote]FattyBones writes: Maybe you don't understand how bad it is to be a slave?[/quote]

Possibly but I can easily recognize when people are being exploited and manipulated and how people can be victimized because of their circumstances.

[quote]FattyBones writes: Wouldn't you rather wander in the desert and get free food?[/quote]
Would I be asked to commit murder for this?
[quote]FattyBones writes: Angel hair is hairy, and manna wasn't. Snow bears just as much resemblence as angel hair does.[/quote]

Like many aspects of the UFO Phenomenon, I am suspecting that these entities improved on the recipe.

[quote]FattyBones writes: And, yeah, wierd stuff happens outside religion too. It is only miraculous when it comes from God, with a good purpose.[/quote]

I am still trying to determine what good and miraculous purpose this God had for creating these people just to destroy them.

[quote]FattyBones writes: If it comes from the other guy and serves a bad purpose, like the alien thing, it is demonic.[/quote]
This phrase continues to be repeated yet researchers and scientists have not yet determined what the alien agenda is or whether these BEings or malevolent or benevolent. Over two centuries and with over a million documented encounters only a few occurances were reported where people have died in relation to their UFO encounters and many have never been satisfactorily concluded to have been caused by the phenomenon. This entity (or entities) that led the Isrealites out into the wilderness have enacted behaviors that can only be described as malevolent, evil, wicked and immoral by todays standards. If any other religion today imitated these events of wholesale slaughter, many people would abhor it, yet many readily believe and even glorify in these deeds calling it good and justifiable. It is at this time that I must ask, if you believe that the acts of the God entitled Jehovah are the behavior of a Loving, kind, benevolent BEing, what do you consider to be demonic behavior? What knowledge do you posses that these early Isrealites were indeed following a benevelont, Loving BEing as opposed to demonic entities?

Fatty Bones, please don’t think I am trying to pressure you but I am just trying to understand. I comprehend what you believe (that you believe that Moses and the Isrealites were led into the wilderness by the One True God) and how you believe (faithfully) now, I would just like to understand why.

[quote]FattyBones writes: You say that you exchanged a belief in God for a belief in reason,[/quote]
That is not true. I said that I transferred the practice of faith for the practice of reason.
[quote]FattyBones writes: but you profess a belief in reincarnation, that aliens are God,[/quote]
I profess a belief that we are all gods, that we begin existence as spiritual entities and choose ourselves to incarnate in physical existences. When we pass away in this existence, we may choose another experience, this opportunity would also be open to extraterrestrial entities.
[quote]FattyBones writes: that God isn't interested in morality – to name a few.[/quote]
From my understanding, knowledge and experience, GOD does not interfere with our physical lives and has no vested interest in human morality.
[quote]FattyBones writes: How does reason guide you to a belief in reincarnation, for example? I'm not making fun, I really want to know. Or are you just playing devil's advocate?[/quote]
I am not sure how the subject of reincarnation relates to the UFO phenomenon but from what I am to understand, a spiritual entity reincarnates for the experience and the purpose of a physical existence. The choice of this physical existence could be anything that can contain life and the choices are not exclusive to this planet. The purpose can be as varied as there are stars in the heavens. Not everyone chooses to reincarnate and there are some entities that have never incarnated "into" a physical existence. I believe that one of these entities that has never incarnated in a physical existence is GOD.

[color="#000080"]FattyBones writes: You can PM me if you want, I'll try to figure out how to accept messages in a moment.[/color]
[color="#FF00FF"]The error returned was:
You are not allowed to use the messenger feature on this board[/color]

You will have to go to my member profile, then look over to where it says "personal statement" on the right, click on the "http".

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I'm guessing that the Israelites were praying and complaining to get out of egypt the whole time they were there. God, in my experience, gives you what you ask for. He also is generally slow about things, giving just in time, rather than in advance.

You've probably heard the argument that God is not subject to human morals. A hurricane, a snowbank, or a dog usually isn't called evil. It's just humans and their works where it really applys, like "Microsoft is evil" (although they are really alot nicer than some other companies -- they give away stuff for free every day).

The other classic argument is a variant of the following. You're selling a house. Say you have a tree that's too dense. You cut it back. If trees feel at all, the tree probably feels sick and sore for a long period of time. Fortunately though, the tree now looks good to the next owners of the house, and they decide not to cut it down, like they were planning to. You saved the tree's life. Sometimes hardship has pleasant consequences.

As far as why I believe, the question of whether of not there is a God was one that was at the front of my mind for my whole life. I became an atheist, and engaged in alot of questionable behavior, until I became seriously ill. I always wondered why people believe. While hospitalized I was told that I probably would never fully recover. So I repeated the experiment that I learned in Sunday school and prayed to the God that I didn't believe in, on the off-chance I was wrong. Turned out that my prayers were answered, and I'm fully functional and in school, despite the fact, to quote my doctor "You should be on your knees thanking . . . God you can stand and walk, and do all the things that a normal person does." (the ". . ." is him checking whether I believe in God or not so he doesn't offend me)

I've prayed many prayers since then, and nearly all are answered, although rarely promptly, or in a manner that I would expect them to be answered. I've read the Bible, but as you can tell, I can't quote chapter and verse. Also, I've at many times thought that God was being mean, but things always turn out okay later. However, the question of whether God is good is not one I've had to deal with except in passing; I've learned to trust Him.

So that's the source of my faith, they call that "Anecdotal evidence" I suppose.

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here's something God just shared with me

its way off topic....but i feel impelled to share it....

God knows everything.....the future the past and the present......


how can God be a loveing God then if he creates the devil and allows all these terrible things to happen ?? how can you believe and put your trust in such a God that would allow murder and tragedy ??


the greatest gift he could give us.....


the choice to believe in him or reject him.......the choice to have faith and live forever and be forgiven of your sins...or the choice to reject him and be condemed and never remeber what it feels like to be with a loveing creator who loves you more then anything.......he created you in his image.....exhalted you above the angels.....

so back to the freewill........

if God knows who will love him and who will not love him and who will go to heaven and who will go to hell
this freewill ????


he knows allllllll........so he knows who's gonna do wut when and where......but that doesnt stop our freewill to choose.......it just means that God knows but we can still change our destiny at any time......

God told me that if he didnt know everything and know the future he would have never gave us freewill.......
y ?

becuz he loves USSSSSSSSSSSS TOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH to ever chanch not haveing the chance to be with us forever and love us forever and give us everything that is good............

so if never given freewill.....then ya....all this stuff wouldnt be happening....the occult, demons, the devil...all of it......but man........what a gift from a creator who loved us enough to create us........and also gave us freewill to choose him or not ???? r u serious ??? praise God..........praise God for the chance to choose and feel and live......praise God for shedding his blood on a cross to redeem us so we can have freewill in heaven also where there is no sin................it dont get no better then that brother....dont turn your back on that....


because of freewill there is sin

because of freewill Jesus Christ had to come here and die to pay for our sins and enable us to be with God for forever......

i hope ur still reading.......

im asking you to give God a chance...you said you were catholic....go to God in prayer....he will come to you...I promice you bro..........Dont get led astray by all this crazy stuff......the devil is here bro.....like it or not....and his whole intention is to deceive the world through antichrist.........spirts who deny that Jesus was CHRIST and raised from the dead

this life is so much bigger then ufo's and all the crazy stuff.....please pray bro.....Godbless !!

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