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Global Warming Debunked


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If any of yall bought carbon credits yall better demand a refund.

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There is a great BBC series on that ... it's on youtube ... I think it's called The Great Global Warming Swindle so you can do a search and watch it. Fascinating.

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The BBC production only argues that humans aren't the cause of global warming, but still says global warming is happening.

There were always skeptics of NASA's methods of measuring temperatures that the global warming idea was based on, but this is the first real evidence for it. In other words, for the first time global warming has been debunked.

Of course we could always go back to the 1970s when the scientific community was adamant that global [i]cooling[/i] was going to do us all in.

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Besides, what are we worried about? Once the earth warms sufficiently the ice caps wll melt and cool the earth off again! What are we getting all in a tizzy about?! hahahaha....

just for the record, I always firmly believed ( and still do) that the whole global warming garbage was a bunch of hooey!!!!! That's right -- I said hooey...

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These temperature shifts have always happened witness the ice ages and the undersea fossils in Arizona. I have not ever been convinced that this is something that we have control over. All of this is bigger than us. However, I am all in favor of leave the world better than I found it.

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but then why is it almost 40 C degrees out side??

[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1356662' date='Aug 11 2007, 01:55 PM']Regardless of whether or not Global Warming is happening, The Industrialized Nations of the world, must change.[/quote]

i agree. there are so many smog warning here in Canada and they should think about water pollution too.

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[quote name='frozencell' post='1356460' date='Aug 11 2007, 05:21 PM']Besides, what are we worried about? Once the earth warms sufficiently the ice caps wll melt and cool the earth off again! What are we getting all in a tizzy about?! hahahaha....

just for the record, I always firmly believed ( and still do) that the whole global warming garbage was a bunch of hooey!!!!! That's right -- I said hooey...[/quote]

Do you realise what would happen if the ice caps melted? There would be floods. On a large scale. Catastrophic floods. As in 'lots of people homeless and very poor' floods. I hope that was just a bad joke on your part rather than a serious attempt at reassurance.

As Christians we are meant to be stewards of the earth. No matter what your pet theories are on global warming, it won't hurt us to keep it in better shape than we are at the moment.

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Deus te Amat

when i was in sixth grade, i told my entire science class that i didnt believe in global warming... meaning that it didnt exist as they said it did....

it was basically this chuck norris thing times ten :mellow:

i refused to give in, was made fun of tons and tons ....

i still get grief of it to this day

and who was right? :P lol just kidding

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1356669' date='Aug 11 2007, 01:21 PM']Do you realise what would happen if the ice caps melted? There would be floods. On a large scale. Catastrophic floods. As in 'lots of people homeless and very poor' floods. I hope that was just a bad joke on your part rather than a serious attempt at reassurance.

As Christians we are meant to be stewards of the earth. No matter what your pet theories are on global warming, it won't hurt us to keep it in better shape than we are at the moment.[/quote]

This is one of those global warming "facts" everyone accepts, but are, in fact, gross exaggerations.

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[quote name='saint_wannabe' post='1356668' date='Aug 11 2007, 03:20 PM']but then why is it almost 40 C degrees out side??[/quote]

Could it be because it is August? :rolleyes: It is 104 F in Canada? ....warm day.

I agree that we need to clean up pollution but to say only the "industrialized" nations need to need to change is missing the point. There are parts of China, a country largely left out of the anti-pollution treaties, where the air is so dirty that you can't see beyond 2 city blocks. Malaysia, Indonesia Taiwan the same story.

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T-bone I agree. I think that there is a lot of fearmongering going on and I really don't like it. Humans adapt. It is part of what makes us human. However, what is left out of the equation is that God is in control here. We must trust Him. We need to be good stewards of what he has given us.

Edited by Mercy me
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I've always been a bit skeptical about global warming. Even after a non-sciency guy like me hearing Chicken Little's facts on his political movie. But yeah, even in the Great White North we can reach 40 C (approx 104 F or w/e. I'll go check my conversion charts later). I have heard of the sweltering heat of the middle ages, but apparently people fluffed it off because they lacked technology or something like that. Sounds like modern arrogance to me. (I'm sure there is a better term though, for people who dismiss peoples because they weren't as technological)


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I know just what you mean. I hear that something has never happened on Earth and I think, how audacious to say such a thing when we can all look back through the history of the planet.

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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1356728' date='Aug 11 2007, 11:49 PM']This is one of those global warming "facts" everyone accepts, but are, in fact, gross exaggerations.[/quote]

The weight of scientific opinion seems to lie behind the theory of human-accelerated global warming. This is definitely the case where I study. (Cambridge.) And while an Oxford or Cambridge scientist's evaluation is not infallible, it usually amounts to more than just gross exaggeration. I'm ready to trust their judgment and their knowledge as my own is so weak in this area.

Although the full extent of the problem can't be agreed upon, what has happened to Antarctica and the Amazon alone in the past few years has made me see that human beings in general have a real problem with greed and are unable to properly look after what we've been given. I think there was a reason why St Francis of Assisi, so secure in his understanding of holy poverty, was also famed for his love of nature. Simple living, humility, and care for the environment go hand in hand.

[quote]I agree that we need to clean up pollution but to say only the "industrialized" nations need to need to change is missing the point. There are parts of China, a country largely left out of the anti-pollution treaties, where the air is so dirty that you can't see beyond 2 city blocks. Malaysia, Indonesia Taiwan the same story.[/quote]

I don't think anybody is saying that countries in the developing world don't need to change. The problem is that these countries are not yet stable enough to make long-term commitments to the cause. If China's economy continues to grow at the rate it has been growing, China should be in a position to make a much more active contribution in the comparatively near future.

Some people argue that it's not right for the so-called 'developed world' to start effecting change until the Third World is ready to do its share. But "Everybody else is doing it, so why shouldn't we?" is an argument I don't understand, as it is not applied in any other field of morality and ethics. Other people's questionable behaviour, whether they are morally culpable for it or not, is no excuse for me to abandon what I believe is right. So I will pick up the plastic bottles and tin cans that I find in our nice park and take them to the bottle bank, irrespective of whether or not a horde of people are going to come out of the nearest McDonald's and mess it all up again. Their apathy and/or inability to do something about the problem, no matter whether it is a local problem or near apocalyptic in scale, doesn't alter my responsibility by one iota.

God gave us this earth, and I want to be a blessing on it rather than a curse. In a certain sense, whether or not global warming is happening apace isn't relevant - we should treat the planet well in any case.

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