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For Catholics Who Think Satan Is Now Bound


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How about not taking these things out of context? It will take more studying and a better understanding of the scriptures. Humble yourself woman. chill out.

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[quote]Budge, the book of revelation is not a panoramic view of the future.[/quote]

Honestly why not?

You mean every tear is not going to be dried?

you mean Jesus isnt really going to come back? {except allegorically or maybe you believe the Eucharist is His "second coming--Ive read that one before}

You mean this old world is going to continue the same way it always has?

No antichrist is going to show up? {the Catholic catechism warns about the antichrist}

Please be sure youre not falling into this error...

2Pe 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

2Pe 3:4 [b]And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation.[/b]

I got a question for you, youve read enough of the Bible to see the prophecies concerning Jesus in the OT right?

The parts that even pinpoint where he would be born, on a colt, etc...theres around 300 of them.


why wouldnt Revelation? There may be figurative language but it decribes REAL EVENTS.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1373656' date='Aug 29 2007, 03:13 PM']WHo cares if its a doctrine or not?[/quote]
That pretty much sums it up, folks.

Who cares what the Catholic Church really teaches?

That [b]Budge says [/b]the Catholic Church is evil is all that matters.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Budge' post='1373764' date='Aug 29 2007, 07:37 PM']Honestly why not?

You mean every tear is not going to be dried?

you mean Jesus isnt really going to come back? {except allegorically or maybe you believe the Eucharist is His "second coming--Ive read that one before}

You mean this old world is going to continue the same way it always has?

No antichrist is going to show up? {the Catholic catechism warns about the antichrist}

Please be sure youre not falling into this error...

2Pe 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

2Pe 3:4 [b]And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation.[/b]

I got a question for you, youve read enough of the Bible to see the prophecies concerning Jesus in the OT right?

The parts that even pinpoint where he would be born, on a colt, etc...theres around 300 of them.


why wouldnt Revelation? There may be figurative language but it decribes REAL EVENTS.[/quote]

That's not what we are saying budge, that's what you want us to be saying. It's not. There are prophecies in the book of revelation, we know that. But the book of revelation is not completely prophetic! John was also writing about the things going on at the time, its also Jewish Apocalyptic literature. It is a revealing of something and that something is not completely future events for anyone to interpret, its the revealing of our LORD Jesus Christ. "Behold I'm coming soon" Amen LORD Jesus come, he came as soon as Mass was said.

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Mateo el Feo

Frankly, all the pre-millenial, post-millenial, amillenial, pre-trib, post-trib, baby back tribs...it's all hog-wash. I'd sooner study all there is about cockroach husbandry before I fill my brain with this stuff.

Edited by Mateo el Feo
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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1373877' date='Aug 29 2007, 09:02 PM']Frankly, all the pre-millenial, post-millenial, amillenial, pre-trib, post-trib, baby back tribs...it's all hog-wash. I'd sooner study all there is about cockroach husbandry before I fill my brain with this stuff.[/quote]
But baby back tribs are yummy!

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[quote]Frankly, all the pre-millenial, post-millenial, amillenial, pre-trib, post-trib, baby back tribs...it's all hog-wash. I'd sooner study all there is about cockroach husbandry before I fill my brain with this stuff.[/quote]


You dont like God's Word and hate Bible Prophecy THAT MUCH?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1373892' date='Aug 29 2007, 11:27 PM']:shock:

You dont like God's Word and hate Bible Prophecy THAT MUCH?[/quote]

I think he is trying to say... I may be wrong... is that he will live for the Lord regardless of what may come. That he will persevere to the end to hear God say well done my servant.

Personally I believe in post rather than pre for the church is to undergo trials and tribulations. I just can't grasp Amil, preterits theology.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Budge' post='1373892' date='Aug 29 2007, 11:27 PM']:shock:

You dont like God's Word and hate Bible Prophecy THAT MUCH?[/quote]No, I hate 19th and 20th century man-made doctrines that take people on speculative wild goose chases instead of building their relationship with Our Lord.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1373752' date='Aug 29 2007, 07:12 PM']When God bounds Satan, I do not see Satan being able to still have an "effect" on the world.

Of course Satan's final destination is the lake of fire.[/quote]
So you can draw from what I said to come to what conclusion about what the Church teaches?
If we believe as Catholics that Satan is still active in the world, and we also (supposedly) teach that he is "bound," then our usage of "bound" obviously cannot be the same as yours.

It seems equally obvious to me that Satan's power is somehow different in our times than it was before Jesus's death on the cross. Satan is a broad term. There is certainly a fallen angel (actually a third of all the angels created by God,) but Satan also refers to the war against God, evil in general and Betty Crocker (by my mother, who tries to maintain an acceptable weight.)

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Far all reading this:

The Book of Revelation is in the Catholic Bible.

The Catholic Church holds firm that there are no errors in the Bible.

The Catholic Church teaches the Revelation has happened, is happening and will happen. We believe God is pretty good at inspiration and can insure His words are quite full of meaning. I think if Stephen King can manage to put in symbolism, foreshadowing, irony and self-referencing, then God can probably do at least that.

And I'm still waiting to see where the Catholic Church teaches this thing. Your argument, Budge, is that the Catholic Church teaches "amillenialism." In all my years as a Catholic, I haven't seen this. Perhaps we don't call it that. So are you going to mount an argument or show us you know how to use smilies and ask baiting questions like the "you hate bible, blah blah blah..." bull? To me, that's just a big old white flag waving in the wind while you march out backwards claiming you're advancing.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1373892' date='Aug 29 2007, 08:27 PM']:shock:

You dont like God's Word and hate Bible Prophecy THAT MUCH?[/quote]

Wow! Putting words in people's mouths. (If that's what you can call it, I have no idea how a sane person could have got that out of what was said.)

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