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For Catholics Who Think Satan Is Now Bound


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I am so glad this thread is here right now.

I have a good friend, very faithful to the Church and a fellow son of St. Pio, who is involved with a theological idea that bothers me. I had only picked up on it subtly and then we had a full blown conversation about it.

Through a Marian apparition site in Illinois, he has come to believe that Satan is bound and no longer on Earth. We only feel the effects of his influence. He has gone so far as to change the St. Michael prayer to fit this idea. Something to the effect of: "Be our protection from ourselves...." ????

It has really strained our friendship, because I speak the truth and challenge even if a person is orthodox. satan, unfortunately, is roaming the Earth seeking someone to devour. The Church came out with a new rite of excorcism for a reason.

It breaks my heart to see the ways in which really solid people get pushed off base with subtle, angel of light type deceptions. Stay away from this one my dear children. If satan can convince us that he isn't here, it could be compared to a war enemy that says we're leaving and yet they stay, dig in and make havoc.

St. Michael pray for us!!!!!!!

Fr. P

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Fr. Pontifex good to see you back!

I think you made an excellent point: The biggest goal of Satan is for him to convince us that he doesn't exist, that theres no such thing as evil, that theres no such thing as sin. When that happens, we lose our sense of sin and can easily fall into it. That is the point of relativism, that there is no right and wrong, everything is what you make it to be. There is no objective truth. When Satan convinces us that he is not here, not powerful, or not scheming, that opens the door for him to run our lives.

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Sort of on the subject (mostly)...

I am reading this book that is really good. It's called "An Exorcist Tells His Story" by Gabriele Amorth. It talks about the proceedings and "levels" of exorcisms and stuff. It has a few chapters at the very beginnning that talk about what the Bible says about the power that is given to Satan to lead people away from God and exactly where him and his demons occupy until the retunr of Christ. (Apparently, an understanding of this is essential to exorcisms...) I encourage you guys to check it out, especially Budge, as it may shed some light on what the Catholic viewpoint is on this matter.

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And COMPLETELY off-topic, Fr Pontifex...

Just wanted to say that I've been trying to get more into the Catholic studies and all, but have been having a hard time with it, motivation-wise. I threw on the Massmatics CD and was listening to "The Son Still Shines" and it really did just give me that boost I needed to crack a book and log onto PhatMass....God bless you...

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  • 3 weeks later...


Wasn't aware amillenialism was a doctrine.

Irrelevant, much? We don't really know, because there's no reply

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[quote]Through a Marian apparition site in Illinois, he has come to believe that Satan is bound and no longer on Earth. We only feel the effects of his influence. He has gone so far as to change the St. Michael prayer to fit this idea. Something to the effect of: "Be our protection from ourselves...." ????

It has really strained our friendship, because I speak the truth and challenge even if a person is orthodox. satan, unfortunately, is roaming the Earth seeking someone to devour. The Church came out with a new rite of excorcism for a reason.

It breaks my heart to see the ways in which really solid people get pushed off base with subtle, angel of light type deceptions. Stay away from this one my dear children. If satan can convince us that he isn't here, it could be compared to a war enemy that says we're leaving and yet they stay, dig in and make havoc.[/quote]

Im glad you realize the error of your friend.

However given the amillenial and PRETERIST positions of many Catholics...{Preterism does teach that Satan is NOW BOUND, though they allegorize it to an extent meaning Jesus has power over Satan--of course that is true, but they also allegorize the rest of Revelation somehow claiming that the millenial kingdom is now}

What is your take on that?

Do you believe we are in the millenial kingdom now?

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Im not here to play paperwork games with you Winchester.

WHo cares if its a doctrine or not? The Catholic Church claims to believe in the first comamndment "officially" too even though Nostra Atate is a total contradiction.

This is just your way to throw a good question off track.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1373656' date='Aug 29 2007, 02:13 PM']Im not here to play paperwork games with you Winchester.

WHo cares if its a doctrine or not? The Catholic Church claims to believe in the first comamndment "officially" too even though Nostra Atate is a total contradiction.

This is just your way to throw a good question off track.[/quote]

So you don't care what people believe, just so long as you can hate and post slander about them?...check.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1373656' date='Aug 29 2007, 04:13 PM']Im not here to play paperwork games with you Winchester.

WHo cares if its a doctrine or not? The Catholic Church claims to believe in the first comamndment "officially" too even though Nostra Atate is a total contradiction.

This is just your way to throw a good question off track.[/quote]
You can either prove your assertion or you can't. If you can't, you lose.

The reason one cares if it's a doctrine or not is the same reason one cares about any doctrine. You yourself have doctrines, which you claim are all to be found in the Bible. When you prove to an unbeliever that the Bible teaches this or that, you are proving it's doctrinal.

This is not a paperwork game, it's a request for the proof of your claim. Further, you'll have to explain what is meant by Satan being bound. Since temptation still exists within the world, since we Catholics believe possessions still occur, it cannot mean that Satan is kept from having any effect on this world.

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I asked that poster a sincere question.

Does he believe we are in the millenial kingdom now?

Do you two believe we are in the mellenial kingdom now?

By the way Ive met pre-trib Catholics, some Bible Prophecy does fiddler out to Catholics, I was reading [i]Left Behind [/i]{no I do not defend everything in those books} while I was still in the Catholic church.

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[quote]Since temptation still exists within the world, since we Catholics believe possessions still occur, it cannot mean that Satan is kept from having any effect on this world.[/quote]

When God bounds Satan, I do not see Satan being able to still have an "effect" on the world.

Of course Satan's final destination is the lake of fire.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1373744' date='Aug 29 2007, 07:02 PM']This is not a paperwork game, it's a request for the proof of your claim. Further, you'll have to explain what is meant by Satan being bound. Since temptation still exists within the world, since we Catholics believe possessions still occur, it cannot mean that Satan is kept from having any effect on this world.[/quote]

She's not good at proving assertions, from what I've noticed. I've asked her to prove a few assertions myself and that tends to end her threads. For example her one a few weeks ago about how marian apparitions contradict the Bible. I don't think that's the only time she's been asked to "put up or shut up" :monk:

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Budge, the book of revelation is not a panoramic view of the future. No one knows the time or what is to come. That's in "the word of God". The book of revelation is the story of the early church, its birth, tribulations and Christ's perennial triumph over Satan and death. You and your people are doing a great amount of damage to Christianity with your personal interpretations of the scriptures which you ignorantly and unstably twist and misinterpret to your own destruction. You may be confident that your right but you better take a closer look.

Edited by Akalyte
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ACtually Ive dealt with that subject multiple times. {just not here}

So here you go..

[url="http://p094.ezboard.com/fcatholicreformationfrm12.showMessage?topicID=102.topic"]MARY OF FATIMA CONTRADICTED WORDS OF JESUS: look at last post[/url]

[url="http://p094.ezboard.com/fcatholicreformationfrm22.showMessage?topicID=9791.topic"]FATIMA LIE AND BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOD[/url]

[url="http://p094.ezboard.com/Sun-Worship-At-Fatima-God-Hates-Worship-of-the-SUn/fcatholicreformationfrm6.showMessage?topicID=67.topic"]SUN WORSHIP AT FATIMA[/url]

{mods please leave up because reposting all these here would be too difficult}

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