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Are There Still Any Guys Discerning?


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Well, it's been many a day since I've written on this site, so I thought I might pick it up again.

I'm definitely discerning now a call to the priesthood. Admittedly, i haven't quite figured out whether it would be something like the Oratorians or the diocese, but one of those, as I think the vow of poverty would be the ruination of me.

"Dilexi decorem domus tuae" seems to be the recurring theme in my head. Did anyone else, when discerning a call, just fall so completely in love with the idea of "The Church:" being there, serving there, it all just fits together. Or as the Psalmist also writes, "Etenim passer invenit sibi domum: et turtur nidum sibi, ubi ponat pullos suos." and he responds, "Altaria tua Domine virtutum!"

Fiat pax in virtute tua!

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been about 2 years since i went to my first discernment group meeting at a local parish. just went on a 3 week pilgrimage to italy/poland, and when i got back, i had a burning desire to make a more serious "come and see" visit somewhere, anywhere.. my friend was entering as a postulant to the CFR's and they seemed to be the only ones responding and available, so i booked my flight to new york asap and just got back from a 9 day visit with them. it was amazing and they have moved to the top of my list so far! PAX

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[quote name='TheOliverOrder88' post='1386341' date='Sep 16 2007, 06:41 AM']My experiences with my SD have thus far been very good. I know they have "questionable" recruitment policies...and I will take whatever he has to say with a discerning heart. Nothing that he has said thus far has had any to the effect of pushing me into the Opus Dei or anything of the sort. For instance, his advice on keeping chaste seemed to me very different from what I had heard before. To say the least, this priest is very refreshing... for my vocation.[/quote]
Only to remember that the only one that must see if you have a religious vocation are your.
By the others, if goes to you well with that priest, you follows with her.
My situation was very different, from the 5 years I was in a school of the Opus Dei and to only i know the OD when I was adolescent . Today i'm a member of Neocathecumenal way, a very different charisma.
Good luck in your discerniment. :)

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