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Wrongful Birth Case? Disgusting


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Archaeology cat

[quote name='thessalonian' post='1344392' date='Jul 30 2007, 05:08 PM']Not just in Florida as I think the ramifications of this are nationwide. The next step on the depravity scale is to allow the life to be terminated after birth because it should not have been here in the first place, according to the logic they will use. As I understand it this is already happening in the Netherlands where the handicapped are allowed to be killed by doctors two years after birth.[/quote]

True, thank you for adding that. I do think I'd heard about the Netherlands before. :pray:

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Looks like there have been wrongful life suits as well around the world where the person with the handicap sues the doctor because they don't think they should have been born.

Once again doctors will protect their paycheck to avoid high malpractice fees.
The world has truly gone mad.

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[quote name='Paladin D' post='1343574' date='Jul 29 2007, 01:58 PM']I bet they'll spend most of that cash on luxury items.[/quote]
or maybe medical care for their son :mellow:

[quote name='Ash Wednesday' post='1343799' date='Jul 29 2007, 05:41 PM']That is very sad. I wonder how the kid is going to feel?

By the way I saw this on postsecret today:
"I've hidden my aborted fetus under a bag of peas in the freezer. My roommates might freak. (I'm waiting to bury it.)"[/quote]
i saw that too :ohno: very very sad

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[quote name='Paladin D' post='1343789' date='Jul 30 2007, 01:33 AM']Wait till this kid grows up and realises what his parents did, especially when they contemplated on the idea of aborting their child. The parents are stupid, they don't realize how this will affect their relationship longterm.[/quote]

[quote name='xTrishaxLynnx' post='1344242' date='Jul 30 2007, 06:39 AM']This is exactly what I was thinking as I read about this... I can't imagine how hurt the child is going to be in learning how and why the parents ended up with $21 million dollars. This is sick... really sick. :ohno:[/quote]

My mum was offered an abortion for me because the doctors thought I was going to be born with some form of neurological disability. They were right. According to a US government website, autism is a 'devastating scourge'. A Cure Autism Now 'expert' writes that autism is worse 'than Sept. 11 and AIDS combined'. An Autism Society Canada board member states that autism is worse than cancer - because people with autism have normal lifespans.

When they shut up and allow me to speak for myself, I might say that I love my life and I pray to God that I am blessed with a long one. I may have difficulties, but from my perspective the crippling, narrow-minded view that a disease or disorder makes a person's life not worth living is much more disabling than any disease/disorder could ever be. The parents are the sick ones. Not their child.

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Thank you for that Catholic Anonymous.

My wife has 3 boys from her previous marriage. The doctor did not ask her if she was pregnant when he perscribed some medicine that was not for pregnant women. when she was pregnant with the second boy. When he found out that she was pregnant he tried to get her to abort the child. (it's called CYA). The boy is quite healthy and normal. (well as normal as can be expected from a 14 year old). Our medical profession is morally bankrupt.

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Another sad story. A woman with a dead baby also has 3 fetuses in her home. :unsure:


Life is not precious it seems. :blink:

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Cow of Shame

I know in some states, dr's do not allow ultrasounds of babies to be taped just in case a defect was overlooked...parents can't come back & wsue them later

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Cow of Shame

[quote name='thessalonian' post='1344531' date='Jul 30 2007, 04:38 PM']Another sad story. A woman with a dead baby also has 3 fetuses in her home.


Life is not precious it seems.[/quote]

This woman has 4 other (live) kids.
I always find it most disconcerting when people who [i]already have children[/i] seem to so casually discount the value of life.

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