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Wow: Humanae Vitae Released On The Feast Of St. James!


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from that day's Gospel:
[quote]"whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant;
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.
Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served
but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."[/quote]
contraception contradicts this.

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Having gone through Christopher West's series on Jp II's theology of the body, I see the conection you are making seven and think it is a valid one. I think non-catholcis who have not heard this teaching will not see it easily however.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Seven77' post='1343475' date='Jul 29 2007, 11:41 AM']from that day's Gospel:

contraception contradicts this.[/quote]
Way more than that. The first reading is about death to one's self and sacrifice so that life will prevail. The responsorial is about sowing seed (ahem) in tears (or reluctance, perhaps) and reaping in joy.

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