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Though I Admire The Evangelicals' Style..still...


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its not about the Catholic church and who follows the Pope, its about who is truly born again and is a child of God.

The problem here is the Catholic Church makes it all about their institution and ignores Jesus teaching that his kingdom was NOT of THIS WORLD.

Could there be a few saved Catholic out there? Sure, I was saved and in the Catholic Church for a few weeks;)...before I left. the Holy Spirit calls you out.

But once someone has put their total faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation instead of Eucharist, sacraments, Pope, purgatory and their own works, they cease to be a Catholic.

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How do you KNOW? You have no idea what goes on in the Church. Don't even pretend to know. I know and understand and try and emphasise Jesus every day. So do the priests of my diocese, my bishop (who loves young people and knows we are the ones who must carry on the message of Christ to the world). We are not of this world. We are not bound by a book, but we are bound by Christ because we are his bride. Praise Jesus for giving us the gift of his sacrifice. I'm totally Catholic and I totally love Christ. There is no way you can tell me otherwise. There is no way you can tell my priests otherwise and there is no way you can tell my bishop or Bene otherwise. Read his book. You'll see that they didn't chose him as pope because they got bored and decided over a nice cup of coffee. Wake up! Wake up! Repent! I am sick of your pecimism and slander! The devil thrives on hatred. He thrives on your words, and he thrives on the fact that you stir people up by unjustly condemning this institution that is bigger than you know, older than you've experience and wiser than all. In fact, it's so wise, the world finds it foolish... clinging to it's old things and believing in a God.

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I don't know about Peter Kreeft. I think he is for a gathering of all Christians in a common prayer service. Catholic Doctors, whose writings get a tradition with a small "t" when it goes against modern leanings, say "No" to that--and for a good reason. Many Catholics don't know their Faith or are uncertain of its supernatural protection against formal changes to the Faith that would be heretical. Thus, they can be easier swayed by persistant and persuasive Protestants who do the number on us we should be doing on them (except those tactics of bashing or any other underhanded methods that some do). But, we all got to get together in each others' services, hold hands and feel alright as Christians. Unfortunately, the Evangelical Protestants and those evangelicals of the religion of atheistic scientists are prevailing as we lose Catholics to them, Buddhism, atheistic science or Islam (all of whom did not update themselves as to banalize their art and other symbols, which can affect minds even though they are not the basis of religion).

[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1360428' date='Aug 16 2007, 07:33 PM']How do you KNOW? You have no idea what goes on in the Church. Don't even pretend to know. I know and understand and try and emphasise Jesus every day. So do the priests of my diocese, my bishop (who loves young people and knows we are the ones who must carry on the message of Christ to the world). We are not of this world. We are not bound by a book, but we are bound by Christ because we are his bride. Praise Jesus for giving us the gift of his sacrifice. I'm totally Catholic and I totally love Christ. There is no way you can tell me otherwise. There is no way you can tell my priests otherwise and there is no way you can tell my bishop or Bene otherwise. Read his book. You'll see that they didn't chose him as pope because they got bored and decided over a nice cup of coffee. Wake up! Wake up! Repent! I am sick of your pecimism and slander! The devil thrives on hatred. He thrives on your words, and he thrives on the fact that you stir people up by unjustly condemning this institution that is bigger than you know, older than you've experience and wiser than all. In fact, it's so wise, the world finds it foolish... clinging to it's old things and believing in a God.[/quote]

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[quote name='genxcathedra' post='1404708' date='Oct 17 2007, 11:48 PM']I don't know about Peter Kreeft. I think he is for a gathering of all Christians in a common prayer service.[/quote]

I'm not sure what you are referring to, but Peter Kreeft is one of the most devout and orthodox Catholics I've ever met. He was my seminary professor for 3 years, teaching in classes of 2-4 guys. I've talked many things over with him (heck, he's beat the carp out of me at ping pong no less than 50 times, to boot :wacko: ) and the man is no syncretist. As a wild guess, I would imagine that Dr. Kreeft may have been supporting some sort of prayer service for ecumenism, which JPII was highly supportive of as well. Praying with those of others faiths is very important, and shows the kind of respect that Catholics are called upon to show.

And for whomever was wondering, Dr. Kreeft was a Calvinist of the Dutch Reform Church until college.



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