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Dissing The French

Groo the Wanderer

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being of French ancestry,(and a Canadian)...um, well i guess debating there military and political no problem..just not with a big brush...since i dont like it either when Europeans generalize about Americans with a big sweeping brush, allying U.S. Gov. Foreign policy, with all Americans...
the French do have a pretty cool airforce...
"France, eldest daughter of the Church..what have you done with your Baptism?"-Pope John Paul II
Pax, Emile-James

Edited by EJames
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dissing the French is no better or worse than dissing any other ethnic group - I saw a newspaper article that said out loud that our fear of orientals is one reason the food scandals are getting major play in the press . . . despite other countries with higher levels of "rejected" shipments . . . the point of the article (I think) was to point out our prejudices, and was not about food safety

that's what I get for not reading the paper very carefully

Edited by journeyman
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Give the French guys a break... I mean, you can post the article, but remember, they've always fallen short. It's too bad, really.

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[quote name='MichaelF' post='1337339' date='Jul 22 2007, 08:11 AM'][img]http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/9453/francezw1.jpg[/img][/quote]

Cool picture! Thanks for posting it.

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I think it is wrong to 'diss' a whole lot of people.

However, if you discuss facts and you state reasons for you hate...And you say that out of ignorance, then I think that's fine.

PS- I'm French. : )

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The French are weak! I guess that's where my weak genes come from! My french genes! I guess I'll put on a pair of my french Jeans today and go be weak and snivelly. Does snivelly have one " l " or two???? I think that could just be my German genes coming out............boy I'm all messed up! Post the thing on the war anyway Groo....I've heard it ....its good. Scathingly good..... with a bucket full of truth and nasty on the side..... One might ask is being weak and scared a sin???? That may be a better thing to post after the fact!
I think if we all truly look at the record of the french,the only thing we learn is that they are not the one to count on in times of trouble! That's all! Nothing more! It does not anger me,I did not stop eating yoplait yogurt after 911! This is not about the French anyway! 911 is purely about the hate of americans and our ways! It is about us and them and the "them" are not the french,we need to keep that in mind!

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Okay, I must speak up.

You say 'the French.' I'm sorry, but what happens in WAR is controlled by the French GOVERNMENT. Meet the French PEOPLE, and you may see different.

Hating all French for the government's decisions is like hating ALL Americans and people from the UK for participating in the war on terror.

Be careful with who you are bashing.

Frenchmen have feelings, too. Frenchmen do not decide every governmental act.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='MichaelF' post='1337339' date='Jul 22 2007, 09:11 AM'][img]http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/9453/francezw1.jpg[/img][/quote]

Wow! Wish I got this kind of reception when I went over there. Went over to Paris for a business trip and got treated like dog poo by everyone except the hotel desk staff (American chain) and the lady running the chateau we visited in the countryside.

If anyone wants to see the Complete French Military History I gatehered together from various sources, you'll have to see it on my Myspace blog...some if it *may* be pushing the line for Phatmass...not sure yet if I should post it here. I guess I'll wait for some feedback on that first.

www.myspace.com/phatgroo It's the most current blog.

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Groo the Wanderer

carp! My first double post... :maddest:

Edited by Groo the Wanderer
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