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Habit Options..


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Two Sisters I know who used to have the bandeau (?? the part that went across your forehead) said that it caused them perpetual headaches... and one of them even showed me pics of her when she had it and then after they changed to a headband veil... the Sisters had ridges in their foreheads that she said took a long time to disappear because their faces kind of grew around it... gross....

She is 71 now and still has a slight indent in her face... very, very slight... and that was 40 years ago!

Some of those realities about the "traditional" habit scares me away when people start talking about having it look exactly like it used to. I think Vatican II was very wise to ask religious women to look at their habits and then modifiy it to be healthier, safter, and more practical, based upon the needs and discernment of the community....

so... I like modified veils, myself! (Or at least ones without plastic!) I have no problem with a full habit as long as it does not make the sisters unduly suffer. There is enough penance and suffering in daily life without having to add to it with one's clothing. ;)

Edited by philosobrat
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[quote name='philosobrat' post='1339213' date='Jul 23 2007, 10:26 PM']Two Sisters I know who used to have the bandeau (?? the part that went across your forehead) said that it caused them perpetual headaches... and one of them even showed me pics of her when she had it and then after they changed to a headband veil... the Sisters had ridges in their foreheads that she said took a long time to disappear because their faces kind of grew around it... gross....[/quote]

Sounds like they were made waaay too tight. The PCPAs in Hanveville, Pheonix, and Ohio use the habit style with the band. It will leave an imprint, like anything that is pressing against one's skin, but it fades away shortly after taking it off. The only permanent, noticeable thing on sisters who are prone to tan and spend a lot of time in the sun is that they have two different skin tones on their face :P: But that is not a painful thing... and you can tie your night veil around your forehead if it embarrasses you. ^_^

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Some of them where huge too. The ones they were at OLAM are fairly narrow, some of the old ones where really tall. I cant imagine it was easy to wear.

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1340705' date='Jul 25 2007, 06:05 PM']Some of them where huge too. The ones they were at OLAM are fairly narrow, some of the old ones where really tall. I cant imagine it was easy to wear.[/quote]

Yeah. I don't know about this. I do know that the ones at OLAM are the original PCPA habits, though.

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[quote name='Carmelitess' post='1336637' date='Jul 21 2007, 02:51 PM']That is so interesting, JKaands! I'm so glad that the cleanliness practices of nuns have changed![/quote]

If there are any pre-vat II women's religious life historians out there who might be interested, I can pm you the links to two of the books I am referring to. Both are affordable and are anthologies, which include multiple stories which are across the board in their views of pre-Vat II convent life. I feel that the anthology approach is more worthwhile and credible than the 'Oh-how-I-suffered' type of biography. These are interesting historical accounts and in no way would compromise a modern vocation...l

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