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Does God Work?


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Many people feel that because of religion that their lives are more enriched from knowing and worshiping God. These same people will try to convince others that it is necessary to have God in their lives because of this deep enhanced sense of well Being. But time and time again there is usually some incident that contradicts that God doesn’t exactly work on or with everybody. In my lifetime I have seen the most devout individuals eventually “fall” behind or at least not keep up with the same fervor and devotion as their fellow brethren. Why would this faith be evident at one time and waver or be amiss at other times? What could possibly possess a person who held God’s favor and revered this Being to act or behave differently when once they were staunch members of their designated organization? Does God work or is it really reasonable to blame the stray sheep?

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The same reason why marriages fall apart, why friends grow apart, and why certain things that once appealed to us loose that same appeal. We're human.

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[quote name='carrdero' post='1332061' date='Jul 17 2007, 08:53 AM']Does God work?[/quote]
If he feels like it.

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Of course God works, but the question is also do we always see God's work around us? The loss in fervor is usually more apparent when there is more sin in our lives and we don't unnecessarily get it taken care of. Also there is free will and in my case and I'm sure others, distractions of daily life.

God's works can be seen in the world that is around us and within ourselves if we but look.

In my sig I have written

[quote]Every flower is a signature of God. He loves you so much that he gives you a sunrise every morning, a sunset every night, the moon and stars over you every night; a blanket in the winter and new life within the spring. He loves you so much he gave is only Son to die, that we all might live and to live with him for all eternity.[/quote]

God makes all that and He hasn't called the apocalypse yet, that is enough for me to say He works.

God bless-

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[quote name='peach_cube' post='1332219' date='Jul 17 2007, 09:19 AM']The same reason why marriages fall apart, why friends grow apart, and why certain things that once appealed to us loose that same appeal. We're human.[/quote]
this pretty much sums it up..

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[quote name='carrdero' post='1332061' date='Jul 17 2007, 09:53 AM']Does God work?[/quote]
Well, seeing that Work = F * d * cosΘ, where F is the force exerted, d is the distance at which the object of work is displaced, and Θ is the angle between the force and distance vectors, I'd say God does zero work, because d (distance from God) is always zero.

Sorry, I'm a dork.

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Groo the Wanderer

yes God works. His will is what keeps every single teency tiny smidgen of creation in existence. If He were to stop thinking of us for even an instant, we would cease to be.

Holding all of creation in existence by force of will? Yeah - sounds like work to me. :kicking:

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