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[quote name='jkaands' post='1328458' date='Jul 14 2007, 01:51 PM']Adrian Dominicans

[mod]Link removed because the order is questionable. --Era Might[/mod][/quote]


Maybe they'll renew the Sisters. Our good Lord knows they need it! It is good to see them in the habit (sort-of habit).

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1328463' date='Jul 14 2007, 01:58 PM']+

Maybe they'll renew the Sisters. Our good Lord knows they need it![/quote]

Yes, lets pray they do. I went to a school associated with them and it was horrific.

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[mod]Please take up moderating issues privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod]

The Adrian Dominicans are a Dominican congregation with Constitutions approved according to canons of the Roman Catholic Church with a long history of service in the Midwest.

[mod]Please take up moderating issues privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod] We have a whole thread going back and forth about the Carmlites in Colorado when there status as part of the Roman Catholic Church is under questionafter all.

[mod]Please take up moderating issues privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod]

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I think he's just trying to be careful about what phatmass reps and supports. Phatmass is owned and run by dUSt and he has appointed moderators. Instead of being appalled or disgusted, I think we should be thankful for their diligence and care.

They do the best that they can in accordance with their duty and responsibility and their consciences, which as far as I can tell, are well and properly formed.

It may not always make sense to us, but they have the right of censorship.

Plus, the mission of phatmass is fidelity to the Holy Father and the teachings of the Church. There are numerous public examples of the Adrian Dominicans dissent from and rebellion against Church teachings. It makes sense that they wouldn't be supported here by links and posts because in many ways their work doesn't fit with the mission of Phatmass.

I'm just sorry we had to have this thread in the first place... it makes me sad that discerners, espcially young ones, have to see the disunity in the religious life because of the actions of certain communities. It certainly doesn't represent the best of what we have and the best options. I hope they will keep that mind and that we as a pm community will do our best to support the best.

Edited by Veritas
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For the record,

when I posted the link to the Adrian Dominicans' First Professions, I had [i]no idea [/i]that it would elicit such a response from the [mod]Personal insult. --Era Might[/mod]. As you might have noted, I made no comment, just posted the link.

As far as I was concerned they are a non-habited order that had a couple of vocs, despite the allegations of the 'massers that these don't exist.

That's ALL.

I will post other links as I come across them. The Man can decide what to do about them. [mod]If you have a problem with the phorum, please take it up privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod] I am just trying to insert a little reality into the discussion, viz., that there a lot of [i]other[/i] orders out there and yes, people are joining them, too.

Deal with it.

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1328523' date='Jul 14 2007, 03:43 PM']For the record,

when I posted the link to the Adrian Dominicans' First Professions, I had [i]no idea [/i]that it would elicit such a response from the [mod]Personal insult. --Era Might[/mod]. As you might have noted, I made no comment, just posted the link.

As far as I was concerned they are a non-habited order that had a couple of vocs, despite the allegations of the 'massers that these don't exist.

That's ALL.

I will post other links as I come across them. The Man can decide what to do about them. [mod]If you have a problem with the phorum, please take it up privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod] I am just trying to insert a little reality into the discussion, viz., that there a lot of [i]other[/i] orders out there and yes, people are joining them, too.

Deal with it.[/quote]


That's funny, because as soon as I saw it I kind of laughed and thought, "What is he thinking?". I think its reasonable to request that you contribute to the community in a phatmass mission oriented way and that if you don't know about a community you 1. don't post about it or 2. make it clear that you don't know. I think that's only fair to the other pm'ers. Different isn't always better. In a lot of ways, we are looking at quality, not quantity and the discerners themselves seem to appreciate that.

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1328458' date='Jul 14 2007, 01:51 PM']Adrian Dominicans

[mod]Link removed because the order is questionable. --Era Might[/mod][/quote]
Jkaands... would you please PM me the link. I know a number of women (in formation and vowed) in this community, as well as many Dominican men who support them.

[quote name='Graciela' post='1328494' date='Jul 14 2007, 02:47 PM'][mod]Please take up moderating issues privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod]

The Adrian Dominicans are a Dominican congregation with Constitutions approved according to canons of the Roman Catholic Church with a long history of service in the Midwest.

[mod]Please take up moderating issues privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod] We have a whole thread going back and forth about the Carmlites in Colorado when there status as part of the Roman Catholic Church is under questionafter all.

[mod]Please take up moderating issues privately with the moderators. --Era Might[/mod][/quote]
Graciela, I, like you, find it very puzzling (I hope I'm not putting words in your mouth) that we discuss religious communities from all across the spectrum (from sede to TLM to non-habited and everything in between). And, for the most part, these discussions try to bring about awareness and a sense of the diversity that exists within our church. And yet, seemingly out of nowhere, a community (mentioned previously on these boards) is quickly removed. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we have mods on the boards and that Phatmass has a mission, etc.... I'm just struggling with this a bit.

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Didn't see the link, so I can't comment on that particular order, but if a group has publicly dissed church teaching or bishops, we don't want them linked to Phatmass.

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1328501' date='Jul 14 2007, 02:55 PM']I'm just sorry we had to have this thread in the first place... it makes me sad that discerners, espcially young ones, have to see the disunity in the religious life because of the actions of certain communities. It certainly doesn't represent the best of what we have and the best options. I hope they will keep that mind and that we as a pm community will do our best to support the best.[/quote]
I may be puzzled by the mod's actions to edit this thread, but I certainly can respect their actions even if I disagree with them. But I don't, for a minute, regret or feel sorry that we had this thread in the first place. Without seeing the disunity (be it among Rome and sedevacantist groups or the Eastern and Western rites) that exists in the Church (and in the world)--as can be seen through the witness of religious life--how can we ever come to share in the transformative love that Christ showed us on the cross? I don't want people to discern their vocation (be it to religious, single or married life) with rose-colored glasses on--only making their decision from among the "best" options. Let's be realistic here. I'm [i]not [/i]supporting dissenting groups--but there's a lot more out there in terms of religious life than just the few happy, habit-wearing communities that we seem to talk about all the time aroud here.. And I think, so far as it can be done w/in Phatmass' mission, we ought to discuss the entirety of what's going on in the world- especially in how that relates to the discernment of God's plan for our lives.

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I am the first to admit I think female religious should wear habits, but if they are faithful to the Church, I don't care if they are in blue jeans.

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Nothing has been edited in this thread except a link (and subsequent comments related to that edit). Nobody has been prevented from discussing the order. There is no reason why the link is necessary. I edited it because we received a report, and when I visited the website, it was questionable (which means nothing more than I had some questions). If those questions are cleared up, then I will amend my edit. The name of the order has not been edited. If you want to know more about it, all you have to do is google.

If you want to discuss the order in this thread, do so. Just don't link to it until its faithfulness to the Church is cleared up.

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