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Dominican Sisters

Guest Kayla

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Guest Kayla

Does anybody know if there are any other, traditional Dominican communities that are similar to Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia and Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist? I really like these two communities and was wondering if there are any others like them in the US.

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What kind of traditional are you talking about? If talking the TLM, there are none as of yet.

The Polish Dominicans around Chicago wear a habit identical to that of the Nashville Dominicans. They used to wear the full habit with the "whitework" around the face and are very conservative.

If you're interested in the TLM communities, our Ecclesia Dei Vocations yahoo group might be of help:




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Someone said something about Dominicans? :love:

[quote name='Gemma' post='1324124' date='Jul 11 2007, 07:57 AM']The Polish Dominicans around Chicago wear a habit identical to that of the Nashville Dominicans. They used to wear the full habit with the "whitework" around the face and are very conservative.[/quote]
They're in Justice, IL (which is an outer suburb). They just recently became open to American-born vocations. My friend is in the process of applying as we speak! :clap: They're in Arkansas, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Canada. I've had a chance to meet two of their sisters. Very joyous women! [b][url="http://www.sistersop.com/"]Here is their website.[/url][/b]

[quote name='Kayla' post='1323421' date='Jul 10 2007, 07:16 PM']Does anybody know if there are any other, traditional Dominican communities that are similar to Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia and Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist? I really like these two communities and was wondering if there are any others like them in the US.[/quote]
I would also add that the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose (California) have a new novice on their [b][url="http://www.msjdominicans.org/"]recently update website[/url][/b].

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There are also the Hawthorne Dominicans. They care for incurable cancer patients-- [url="http://www.hawthorne-dominicans.org/"]here[/url] is the website.

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The Community of Saint John (not technically Dominican, right? But with Dominican roots.)


The (Little) Sisters of the Lamb (not in US, yet...)



Does anyone else know if there are other communities that, like the Community of the Lamb, are "branches" of the Dominican Order? (I know the Community of St. John had a Dominican founder, but I don't think they consider themselves to be a branch of the family tree. I mean in terms of spirituality... b/c one could argue that apostolic sisters are a "branch" as are lay (single or married) Dominicans.)

EJ Said:

while they are truly a Dominican Branch, since <in French, they have 'O.P.' after the Community name., but meeting them in Paris..St Francis is also their Patron as well, they feel they are both of Franciscan and Dominican unity

"Following Jesus poor and crucified and in the footsteps of Saint Dominic and Saint Francis, incessantly praying the Name of Jesus, and seeking out after the lost sheep who have wandered furthest away, they go from door to door begging their daily bread.
Witnesses of God’s mendicant love.
Witnesses of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ"
...if you are called to an order, to be a begger for The Lord ,and a hitchhiker for Jesus.preaching in the streets and universities,.with no place to lay your head, as The Master...this is for you

This post has been edited by EJames: Yesterday, 09:33 PM

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Well, here are few more, some with habits and teaching and others with very strong teaching and no habits:

Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, mainly in the east coast --typical Dominican modified habit. www.dominicansistersofthepresentation.or
List primary education in their Providence RI branch.

St. Mary of the Springs in Ohio. www.columbusdominicans.org . No habit. Teach at a first-rate girls' academy and two Dominican colleges: Albertus Magnus and Ohio Dominican University.

Sinsinewa Dominicans in Wisconsin. www.sinsinawa.org. No habit. Teach at all levels, including university, plus adults, ESL, RCIA, etc. They teach at Dominican HS in upscale Whitefish Bay, WI, which is such a magnet that this formerly Jewish suburb is turning Catholic!

Caldwell Dominicans www.caldwellop.org. No habit. Teach in, among other things, two girls' academies and Caldwell College.

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I actually am entering Domician Sister Mary Mother of the Eucharist in less then 48 days. Truthfully we are active with more contemplatvier then I ever thought I would have enjoyed. We are a branch off of Nashville, our four foundress came from Nashville.

If there is anything else that I can help with please let me know.

Mary Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us.

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I'd stay away from Dominican (or any other) religious orders that don't wear habits. If they're abandoning such a beautiful sign of fidelity to their vocation, imagine what other things they may abandon. A nun who doesn't wear her habit is like a woman who receives a beautiful engagement ring with from the love of her life but then refuses to wear it in public. The Caldwell Dominicans are particularly bad.

If you're seriously looking into the Dominican order, stick with communities that wear habits and are faithful to what the Church teaches. The Nashville Dominicans and SMME's are excellent, and I would seriously recommend the cloistered Dominican Nuns in Summit, NJ. I visit their public chapel at least once a week and listen to them pray Vespers, and it sounds so beautiful I almost wish I could be in the cloister chanting with them.

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[quote name='Kayla' post='1323421' date='Jul 10 2007, 05:16 PM']Does anybody know if there are any other, traditional Dominican communities that are similar to Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia and Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist? I really like these two communities and was wondering if there are any others like them in the US.[/quote]
not in the USA that i know of..but In France there are a few Traditional Contemplative and Active Dominicans...just thought id say..let me know if you ant more info (alot posted in the Nuns Pic Thread)

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<<The Caldwell Dominicans are particularly bad.>>

Could you explain this statement?

I included them because they teach, if you consider high school and college teaching as "teaching".

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='photosynthesis' post='1326392' date='Jul 13 2007, 12:32 AM']and I would seriously recommend the cloistered Dominican Nuns in Summit, NJ. I visit their public chapel at least once a week and listen to them pray Vespers, and it sounds so beautiful I almost wish I could be in the cloister chanting with them.[/quote]

Yes, but you haven't rung in and introduced yourself! You really should!

The one you hearing coughing all the time....that's me! I'm not over my cold yet!

Can you see our new postulants a little?

Looking forward to meeting you!

Sr. Mary Catharine

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1326402' date='Jul 12 2007, 11:38 PM']<<The Caldwell Dominicans are particularly bad.>>

Could you explain this statement?

I included them because they teach, if you consider high school and college teaching as "teaching".[/quote]


She was looking for "traditional" communities. Generally, this means sisters that live in community and wear the habit -not just the apostolate of teaching. I must concurr, unfortunately, I would stay away from some of the sisters jk listed. Exercise caution.

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