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[quote name='Cardinals Flower' post='1325979' date='Jul 12 2007, 02:51 PM']:lol: spanking an act of violence!

I agree with OEL and Jesus_lol. Kids have had toy guns, BB guns, paint ball guns, air soft guns, etc. They didn't turn into trigger happy people. I'm sure Jospeh would have spanked Jesus if he stepped out of line to a degree (of course he even did). I have five brothers, and if my parents never spanked them, their would be over the place. These are stubborn little boys who racing dirt bikes for hobbies (i'm talking about my little little brothers, 8 and 5 year olds and the 4 year old here soon).

Making spanking illegal is like having the govorment raise your children. Most of the parents now a days hardly see there kids. Without strong discipline in the household there will be NO respect. When I was little and i got spanked for something i did that was bad, I rarely, if ever, did that again. As MissScripture said ealier on, sometimes spanking makes them rebuke more, which may anger you more. Best another action should probably be take in. One of my brothers use to get spanked all the time for stuff he did over and over again. He never learned, but then my parents realized he'd much rather be spanked then sent to bed. Same for my eldest brother, he was a stubborn little butt and was always introuble. Now he is one of the most complimented guys out there for how well behaved he is, gentmenly, respectful to women...etc. Theres not a spec of violence in him. Except when you eat his hot pocket...he get a little touchy :hehe: but nothing a normal person usually does.[/quote]

[b]Edit[/b] I'm sure Joseph would have spanked Jesus if he stepped out of line to a degree (of course he [b]never[/b] did).
Please excuse my many typos. I was at work and had to do somethings before i got off, so I sort rushed through that. :blush:

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1326005' date='Jul 12 2007, 04:15 PM']OK, I'm sorry. No, really, I'm really, really sorry. ;)[/quote]


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[quote name='Church Punk' post='1325606' date='Jul 12 2007, 09:15 AM']Meat[/quote]
Spoiled meat would not sell!

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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1325822' date='Jul 12 2007, 12:58 PM']Hey, it's not every day that you get to use the word "uproarious." ;)

Each parent must decide what's right for him / her and his / her child, short of what's been defined by the state as child abuse. The state shouldn't get involved until the line into child abuse has been crossed.[/quote]
Agreed! .................And only when its been uproariously crossed!...............or crossed uproariously????? .....or the crossing has been uproarious............? Help I'm in an uproar and I can't get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll stop now. Yes, I do need more sleep! JC

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Anyone who has taken any leadership or motivational theory courses knows that you need to know what stage the person you are leading is at so that you may apply your startegy accordingly.

Obviously, some children only respond to spanking.

But (no pun intended) make sure that the kid knows what he is being punished for, and don't keep changing the rules depending on whether the Midol is wearing off or not.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Norseman82' post='1328499' date='Jul 14 2007, 07:51 PM']But (no pun intended) make sure that the kid knows what he is being punished for, and don't keep changing the rules.[/quote]

You learn that part with teaching, too. ;) You can't keep changing the rules, as that sets up the child to fail, which leads to punishment that is unwarranted.

Edited by Archaeology cat
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...............actually,I thought it was a bit funny! .........if the child does not know what he/she is being punished for he or she Is to young to be spanked! What would be the point? I thought the topic was should the goverment make it illegal? JC

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[quote name='jckinsman' post='1328511' date='Jul 14 2007, 03:18 PM']...............actually,I thought it was a bit funny! .........if the child does not know what he/she is being punished for he or she Is to young to be spanked! What would be the point? I thought the topic was should the goverment make it illegal? JC[/quote]

If the rules keep changing and the child has no way of knowing what is expected of him, or if the child is told to act a certain way, complies, and then is spanked for it, then that means that the parent is simply using the kid as an object to take his/her frustrations out on (often when it is "that time of the month") and that crosses the line. That, along with causing physical injury, is where the government has probable cause to say it is abuse.

As Socrates says in reply# 31, there are already laws in place against abuse. Let's try enforcing what we have already.

Edited by Norseman82
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shoot my parents spanked me and used the belt when i was bad. i'd do the same thing when i have childern being bad and disrespectful. it teaches them that if your doing wrong their gonna get reactions to every action. its going overboard if you beat them to a plup.

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[quote name='R4id3n' post='1329872' date='Jul 15 2007, 06:08 PM']shoot my parents spanked me and used the belt when i was bad. i'd do the same thing when i have childern being bad and disrespectful. it teaches them that if your doing wrong their gonna get reactions to every action. its going overboard if you beat them to a plup.[/quote]
Yes, It would be going way overboard if you beat them to a pulp! ....... :welcome:

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