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I don't think that what OEL said was far off the truth. Ken I have six children. I have teens on down to a one year old. I came from a family of ten.Our school of thought was if you needed a swat on the tooshie,you'd get it,for grave offenses only. They are rarely administerd but to some children,and I said SOME, soarly needed. I do not agree with abuse, there are proper times and ages for a swat,..but the government telling us how to disipline?????? NO WAY what's next????? That is "creeeeeeepy" (Quoting from up above) JC

Edited by jckinsman
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Ora et Labora

[quote name='jckinsman' post='1324915' date='Jul 11 2007, 11:08 PM']I don't think that what OEL said was far off the truth. Ken I have six children. I have teens on down to a one year old. I came from a family of ten.Our school of thought was if you needed a swat on the tooshie,you'd get it,for grave offenses only. They are rarely administerd but to some children,and I said SOME, soarly needed. I do not agree with abuse, there are proper times and ages for a swat,..but the government telling us how to disipline?????? NO WAY what's next????? That is "creeeeeeepy" (Quoting from up above) JC[/quote]

thank you. :) that is pretty much was i was trying to say. i tend to run on a little. :sweat:

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1324766' date='Jul 11 2007, 08:14 PM']Ok, I have been with kids whose parents didn't allow spanking in their family compared with the parents who did.

HUGE difference!!

the kids who were not spanked were wild, disrespectful, and altogether crazy. The ones who were spanked knew their place. In todays society, the majority of America's kids are not respectful. I have discovered that most are spoiled brats. It has been rare when I find kids who aren't yelling at their parents, or walking around with expensive electronics, thinking that they own the world! I do not think kids react in violence if they are spanked. First of all, spanking and physical abuse are two completely different things. Yes, the majority of children who were physically abused tend to physically abuse their children in return. Children who are spanked when they deserved it, have discipline and respect for their elders and play mates.

If the parents love and award their children when virtues are seen through them, how can they react violently at an older age even if they were spanked as a younger child from bad behavior? They just learn right from wrong!

I think it is completely illogical to think that children will react violently if spanked when children.

Nowadays, kids own their parents. Parent do not own their kids! And I think a big part in that is that parents to NOT discipline their children. If some kids don't need spanking, just a talking to and then they'll behave, that's great! But, if you try grounding, taking away toys, giving talks, and it still doesn't work, obviously another route needs to be taken. My dad belted all 6 of the kids in my family and we learned that respect towards our parents and elders in general is a big issue. Spanking taught us that bad attitudes, bad words, or any other serious form of bad behavior, was not to be tempered with in our family!

Anyway, I probably went off a little, but those are my thoughts on the issue.[/quote]

I would like to correct this part of my post: "the kids who were not spanked were wild, disrespectful, and altogether crazy. The ones who were spanked knew their place." Not every kid I've met who hasn't been spanked is disrespectful. I was a little out of line. But I have seen kids who need it. I meant the majority.

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Church Punk

[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1324702' date='Jul 11 2007, 07:39 PM']As slaves, or as meat?



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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1324828' date='Jul 11 2007, 08:31 PM']i said i was only posting MY thoughts. isn't that the point of the debate table? i guess because i'm still young and without kids i don't know anything. so sorry.[/quote]
I didn't mean to come off like a grouch, my apologies. Here's the point: Planet Parenthood is a far, far different reality than you can imagine until you've actually lived it.

[quote name='jckinsman' post='1324915' date='Jul 11 2007, 10:08 PM']I don't think that what OEL said was far off the truth. Ken I have six children. I have teens on down to a one year old. I came from a family of ten.Our school of thought was if you needed a swat on the tooshie,you'd get it,for grave offenses only. They are rarely administerd but to some children,and I said SOME, soarly needed. I do not agree with abuse, there are proper times and ages for a swat,..but the government telling us how to disipline?????? NO WAY what's next????? That is "creeeeeeepy" (Quoting from up above) JC[/quote]
I'm on board with the swats, as I've said. In my case, I'm a father of three boys, so things can get pretty uproarious at times. As a father, I'm called to raise good, moral, responsible, loving human beings and followers of Christ. That is a grave responsibility, and one that I take very seriously. Having said that, my parenting toolbox [i]does not[/i] include belts, rods, or any other implements of force.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1325607' date='Jul 12 2007, 09:16 AM']I didn't mean to come off like a grouch, my apologies. Here's the point: Planet Parenthood is a far, far different reality than you can imagine until you've actually lived it.[/quote]

Bad point. I know what PP does. But, I get your point. I still think I should be able to talk about spanking even though I don't have kids. :rolleyes: I have 4 younger siblings and I have helped raise them. 3 of them in diapers at the same time and all! ;) But I understand. :)

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1325639' date='Jul 12 2007, 09:57 AM']Bad point. I know what PP does. But, I get your point. I still think I should be able to talk about spanking even though I don't have kids. :rolleyes: I have 4 younger siblings and I have helped raise them. 3 of them in diapers at the same time and all! ;) But I understand. :)[/quote]
I stand corrected :saint:

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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1325607' date='Jul 12 2007, 09:16 AM']I didn't mean to come off like a grouch, my apologies. Here's the point: Planet Parenthood is a far, far different reality than you can imagine until you've actually lived it.
I'm on board with the swats, as I've said. In my case, I'm a father of three boys, so things can get pretty uproarious at times. As a father, I'm called to raise good, moral, responsible, loving human beings and followers of Christ. That is a grave responsibility, and one that I take very seriously. Having said that, my parenting toolbox [i]does not[/i] include belts, rods, or any other implements of force.[/quote]
"Uproarious" I would say can sometimes be an understatement! (I had four boys first,then two girls...so far!) That is why in the bible it says "spare the rod spoil the child" It does not mean "beat into submission" Its means discipline to the offense and to the personality(and age) of the child. If you truly Love your child you will give them bounderies and consequences,much like our Lord gives to us.
There is so much information out there these days on discipline,unlike my parents had. God made all children so different, its fun to see each personality develope.Hopefully into productive moral, Godly,responsible members of society through loving discipline.You choose the way that you think will properly handle the improper situation. To let the government dictate to us our rights as parents,is so wrong. JC

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[quote name='jckinsman' post='1325812' date='Jul 12 2007, 11:47 AM']"Uproarious" I would say can sometimes be an understatement! (I had four boys first,then two girls...so far!) That is why in the bible it says "spare the rod spoil the child" It does not mean "beat into submission" Its means discipline to the offense and to the personality(and age) of the child. If you truly Love your child you will give them bounderies and consequences,much like our Lord gives to us.
There is so much information out there these days on discipline,unlike my parents had. God made all children so different, its fun to see each personality develope.Hopefully into productive moral, Godly,responsible members of society through loving discipline.You choose the way that you think will properly handle the improper situation. To let the government dictate to us our rights as parents,is so wrong. JC[/quote]
Hey, it's not every day that you get to use the word "uproarious." ;)

Each parent must decide what's right for him / her and his / her child, short of what's been defined by the state as child abuse. The state shouldn't get involved until the line into child abuse has been crossed.

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yah im not sure why all of a sudden society is preaching all this violence early beget violence later on stuff. really, kids have been spanked for grave offenses for a long time and it did not turn our ancestors into violent sociopaths.off topic but it is the same with toy guns, they dont actually turn kids into machine gun wielding nut jobs, heck most kids 50 years ago had BB guns at that age and they turned out fine

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Ora et Labora

my siblings have not only BB guns, but real guns. my dad loves to go to gun shows with them! i myself have a Ruger .22 automatic rifle with a wicked scope i bought for it! :D:

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:lol: spanking an act of violence!

I agree with OEL and Jesus_lol. Kids have had toy guns, BB guns, paint ball guns, air soft guns, etc. They didn't turn into trigger happy people. I'm sure Jospeh would have spanked Jesus if he stepped out of line to a degree (of course he even did). I have five brothers, and if my parents never spanked them, their would be over the place. These are stubborn little boys who racing dirt bikes for hobbies (i'm talking about my little little brothers, 8 and 5 year olds and the 4 year old here soon).

Making spanking illegal is like having the govorment raise your children. Most of the parents now a days hardly see there kids. Without strong disopline in the household there will be NO respect. When I was little and i got spanked for something i did that was bad, I rarely, if ever, did that again. As MissScripture said ealier on, sometimes spanking makes them rebuke more, which may anger you more. Best another action should probably be take in. One of my brothers use to get spanked all the time for stuff he did over and over again. He never learned, but then my parents realized he'd much rather be spanked then sent to bed. Same for my eldest brother, he was a stubborn little butt and was always introuble. Now he is one of the most complimented guys out there for how well behaved he is, gentmenly, respectful to women...etc. Theres not a spec of violence in him. Except when you eat his hot pocket...he get a little touchy :hehe: but nothing a normal person usually does.
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Ora et Labora

Don't touch his hot pocket people! :lol: Ok, inside joke. lol.

Sorry, off topic.

Thanks for your thoughts CF. ^_^ Like her brother, being sent to bed may be a good punishment! But for others, spanking may be needed. :)
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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1325948' date='Jul 12 2007, 02:20 PM']i myself have a Ruger .22 automatic rifle with a wicked scope i bought for it! :D:[/quote]

OK, I'm sorry. No, really, I'm really, really sorry. ;)

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