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Testing Eucharistic Miracles


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i almost feel like God is going to strike me with lightning for making this post...

but, if we really want to be scientific about eucharistic miracles and such. shouldn't we take DNA analysis of all this blood and such? see if they are the same as each other, see what time period the DNA is from etc.
it seems like all the testst hat have been done have only been done prior to the 70s, when DNA was not known.
plus, the coagulation and such i wonder if they just put new blood where the host was to be tested, for when the scientists came. as they have control over it.

thoughts? mainly about the DNA

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the switch is possible, but would implicate a lot of people in utter hypocrisy and sinfulness. It'd be really odd and inconsistent of someone to attempt to convince someone of the real presence by that type of fraud. The motivation isn't there especially since no one's faith really hinges upon whether that particular miracle is accurate.

could they get accurate DNA tests out of blood that old? If they could, I wouldn't have a problem with it. How many of these really exist, though? There's Lanciano, which was shown to be the same blood type as the blood found on the Shround of turin... are there any other miracles to test it against? If they could test the DNA of Lanciano, I'm not sure they'd be able to test the DNA of turin since its been exposed to so much stuff over the centuries anyway.

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i forgot to post that link. it shows the various sites that have blood etc. i meant compare the different sites.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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I wouldn't see any problem with testing them. Again, I'm not sure how accurately they could be tested, but if they could be tested accurately without destroying the whole thing, then by all means have them tested.

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I think they should destroy ANY of it. But, yeah if it was possible, then do it, but keep in mind that these are CONSECRATED Eucharists!! You wouldn't take a host and tear it apart. It would be wrong to destroy any of this sacred material.

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they've tested the Lanciano blood before, I know. I don't know if any of it was destroyed. but as it is, they could test a drop of it, then dillute that drop with water and pour it down one of those sinks that goes into the ground under a church.

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